Personal Info[edit | edit source]
Name: Chloe Reynolds
Age: 16
Height/Size: Tall, extremely muscular for her age
Race: African-American
Group Affiliation: All-Stars
Powers[edit | edit source]
Super-Athleticism. Chloe is tough, strong, and dextrous to a superhuman degree. She can lift at least small- to medium-sized vehicles, she can leap as high as onto a multi-story building, and her reflexes and hand-eye coordination allow her to catch fast-moving objects. As she is still growing and maturing, the upper limits of her abilities are not known.
She recently has changed her costume, attitude, and goals for which she also changed her nom de guerre. She now calls herself "Hardcore" and wears a costume that looks like a cross between an MMA-style female fighter's uniform and Elektra from the Daredevil TV show on Netflix.
She also is trying to emulate Shadow Knight whom she has a crush on.
See also: Miss Fit