Sanctioned Adventures
Chapter 1: A New Hope[edit | edit source]
A new metahuman comes into the light and an older hero comes out of the shadows to train him.
Out of Trig, Into the Frying Pan! (Session: April 24, 2015)[edit | edit source]
- Thursday, April 7
Ever have one of those days? You know the ones – where everything feels like it is building to something? Well, today was one of those days. It was spring; hot enough we needed the air conditioners on, but cool enough that they were stubbornly not kicking in. All of the teachers had windows open, but it wasn’t enough. No one wanted to go to gym class. No one wanted to be in the science classrooms (that don’t have opening windows).
Bullies[edit | edit source]
It was the end of the day and I was heading toward Trig class with Mrs. Norris. Ugh! My worst subject. I hate math. I saw Donna Macintosh and Keith White, with a group of people, watching something on a tablet as I walked toward my class. As I was making the decision to head over and see what the crowd was watching on her iPad, Julian Jonas came running out of Mr. Richard’s AP math class. The little guy wasn’t watching where he was going and slammed into Danny Firelli, of all people. Knocked his books out of his hands and sent them flying, while poor Julian nearly hit the deck. Of course, Brian O’Conner and Diego Brown were right there, and they immediately grabbed poor Julian. The King of the Jocks and his two disciples started making Julian pick up the books and kiss the floor. And my blood rose. I hate those guys.
Diego had his back to me, so I pushed him into the lockers. I noticed Keith had extricated himself from the group around Donna and was moving to help Julian. Apparently Keith is going Goth now. I’d swear he was a neo-Con not six months ago. I think Donna, Keith, and Julian have been friends since at least Junior High, if not Elementary school. I’m friends with them, too. Not friend-friends, but friends. We have some classes together and like some of the same things. And Donna is so pretty.
Anyway, Danny, Brian, and Diego did not like my intrusion into their “fun.” Dicks. Danny even pretended not to know my name – as if! We’ve only been in the same classes since fourth grade! – as he made some suggestions as to what they were about to do to me. Keith grabbed Julian and dragged him out of the way.
When it looked like the three Stooges were going to charge me, I put down a force wall about ankle high. Danny and Brian tripped over it and went sprawling in a heap. Diego went spinning back into the locker.
Which is when things got really weird.
Snakes[edit | edit source]
I told Julian and Keith to scram, and I was turning to head quickly back to Mrs. Norris’ classroom for some safety, when Diego’s locker started banging violently. It sounded like John Henry was in there with a sledgehammer! Suddenly, the locker popped open and a giant green and brown snake came rocketing out of it. It hit Diego on the way by, causing him to yelp with pain and it nearly landed on Danny and Brian. Girls started screaming, everyone starting leaping out of the way, and the snake turned and slithered its way down the hall before heading down the steps.
I used a little force to get my backpack into Mrs. Norris’ classroom and then ran after the snake, using a bit of force to get myself off the ground so I could travel faster. Not enough that anyone would notice, but enough to get rid of the friction. I mean, I’m not that fast of a runner! Plus, telekinesis is just easier.
I sailed after it, but it seemed to always be a bit ahead of me. We finally ended up in that dead-end hallway that has the janitor’s office and the fire door to the boiler and basement in it when the damn thing just vanished. I mean poof! Gone.
Super Villains?[edit | edit source]
I headed back upstairs, passing Mr. George, the janitor, on the way up. He was white as a sheet but bravely looking for the snake anyway. I told him I didn’t know where it went. He radioed something in to the Principal, and it must have been decision-making time, because an announcement sounded just a moment later over the loudspeakers telling us all to go home due to the snake.
I went back upstairs, hoping to catch a glimpse of Donna, Keith, or Julian, and to grab my bag. They weren’t around, but I found them as I left the main doors to the school. The good thing about North Side High School is that it was built as two square buildings, and both have main doors on the north and south sides. The quad in the middle of one is primarily used for outdoor lunch time and some meet n’ greets. The other one is covered and has some gym equipment in it for sports. Then, of course, outside of both buildings on the east side is the football field, track, and tennis and basketball courts.
Anyway, as I said, the crew I was looking for was outside off near some tables and the bike racks. I remembered that Julian and Keith live fairly close to each other and both have bikes. Donna usually got a ride with her older sister or her mom, although she was a little older than us and already had her license, and the pick-up was nearby, too.
I stopped and asked Donna what she was watching earlier. She beckoned me to sit right next to her on the table (!; is it bad that I’m happy she’s no longer a cheerleader and hangs out with people like us now?) and she clicked a link to a YouTube video of three robbers in costume robbing a jeweler and diamond exchange. I had heard this on the news yesterday; three old-school Masks had robbed the place, getting away with some cash deposits and some diamonds, while leaving the majority of the jewelry untouched. Two were identified as Crimson Cowl and Basher. The third, a woman, was as yet unidentified. It seemed so Keystone Coppers.
The Day Gets Weirder[edit | edit source]
I take the city bus home. The nearest stop by the school is a couple of blocks away, but there is a stop on the same block as my family’s apartment. And the city bus goes through its route every 30-45 minutes or so, so it is easy to catch it both to and from school. Much easier than the school bus.
So, I was nearly to the bus stop when I heard the sounds of a scuffle. Well, a full-on fight, really. Curiosity got the better of me – maybe I could help, if it was a mugging or something small.
Looking down the alleyway, I saw three dudes in some sort of tech gear fighting a swift dude in dark clothes. Between me and them, there was this weird wall. It was showing a picture of the alley with nothing in it (no fighting people, I mean). But it was busted and sparking. It looked like something straight out of Mission Impossible movies!
I got closer. I suddenly realized, the dude in the dark clothes was Shadow Knight! I had some of his comic books! Well, he didn’t quite look right; the comic book version had a full cowl, while this guy had his hair showing. And he seemed to be into darker tones with his clothing. And (did he just stick to the wall??!!) he’s definitely doing things that the Shadow Knight in the comics never did. The tech guys looked pretty bad-ass. They had some sort of exoskeleton over a black uniform. They didn’t look like EAGLE enforcers or the police special forces unit. SK seems to be doing okay against them, when one of them gets behind him and is about to nail him in the head. I can’t help myself, I just react and throw up a force wall between SK and the guy. Since my wall is nearly invisible, the guy doesn’t see it coming and hits it full-force. It wrecks his gear! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sparks on my constructs every flash that hard before. SK is doing something with his gear – throwing some things at the other two. I see their masks fill up with green gas. However, they keep going; one even starts firing some sort of pulse gun blindly. SK throws a baton my way, which knocks the trash bin I’m hiding behind and pushes me out of the way of an errant blast from the tech-dude’s blaster.
Now I’m angry. I touched a normal size, but full, trash can and launched it at the blaster dude and hit him full-on. His tech was damaged and spit sparks all over. SK yelled something that sounded like, “You idiot; get out of here! They’re after you!” He had to be kidding and he’s still outnumbered. Plus, those idiots kept firing blind—they might hit a bystander or go through a wall with that tech. I launched another trashcan at one of the others, while SK took down the third guy.
Suddenly, one of the least hurt tech dudes launched something into the air and a pulse flared out. I used my TK to ride the blast. I saw SK jump out of the way but get pushed toward the other end of the alley. While we’re distracted, the tech dude grabbed his guys and jump-jetted his way out of the alley.
Out to Get Me?[edit | edit source]
The guy claimed to be Shadow Knight. I started asking a bunch of questions, but he said, “Not here.” I suggested we head to my apartment, as my parents weren’t home yet. He seemed less than thrilled with the idea of a city bus ride. He clicked something on his helmet and suddenly he looked like some generic guy in a business suit, pretty old, like 30 or so. I warned him about Mrs. Pepperidge and her little Pekinese terror that bites.
Wanting to ask so many questions, it felt like the bus ride took forever. SK felt it too, as he made some rude comments about the smell and the people on the bus. You get used to it. And most of them are pretty nice people, really.
Back at my place, he told me that there is a surge in “powers” suddenly happening. And a huge portion of that surge seems to be here, in this city, and in the surrounding areas. He knew I’d been going out at night and testing my powers; he said that’s why the guys were in the alley. He said I haven’t been cautious enough and they found me through my patterns.
SK said he was following Crimson Cowl and was surprised when he just vanished. I mention the snake at school and how it just vanished, too. He seemed intrigued (score one for the newbie!). He told me about rules. That I need to volunteer my time or some such, so I can have an excuse for being out. As if! He also said I needed to be more cautious with when I use my powers.
I mentioned to him that the place I’d been going to practice was mostly around 51st Street. The crime there had spiked. Even the news has caught up finally; while the rest of the city’s violent crime is down, that area is up double-digits! He agrees to check it out.
I mentioned Julian and the bullies. With everything else I’ve said, he pulls out a screen on his gauntlet and types in the name. It came back with info on Julian’s mom: she’s an importer of diamonds who has an exclusive deal with the store that was robbed by the super-villains yesterday. I mentioned that she’s always gone; actually, I haven’t seen her since about Thanksgiving. Which was odd, because she usually showed up at the school for the Christmas festivities, at least. SK said he’ll check into it.
He then gave me a thumb drive. On it, he claimed, was a program that would allow me to search everything on the ‘net—black sites, the deep web. “Google on steroids,” he called it. Neat! Suddenly, he’s gone. I mean, I turned around to get some more juice and, when I turned back, he’s not there and the door was opening and my mother was coming in with some groceries. We chatted for a bit, and then I told her I needed to do my homework and I went into my bedroom and plugged in the thumb drive.
I learned the following:
- The Original Shadow Knight was a member of the Legionnaires. He had a sidekick named Bandit. As I remembered from my comics, he was a bit lighter, more visible, and friendlier than this new SK.
- The New Shadow Knight was not from around here. He seemed to be very mobile, but spent some time in Chicago, New York, and other big cities. He seemed to be more violent and less social than the original (duh!).
- The Crimson Cowl is known to be dead. He was killed during The Cull some fifteen years ago when someone starting killing powered people. He was known to have a female partner. That partner had light abilities. She was known as Becky Summers (aka “Prism”, aka “Karen”) and she used to live right around 51st Street. She has some sort of herbal healing store right there!
Light Bright, Making Things with Light (Session: June 5, 2015)[edit | edit source]
- Thursday, April 7, Night
After doing the research and finding that Becky Summers is near 51st Street, I can’t help but want to go out. I know SK said to stay put, but she may be up to her old tricks as Prism, or she may know something!
Terrible Twins[edit | edit source]
I acceded to SK’s comment that I should hide my face, though. I put on my old North Side HS jacket and grabbed that blue cotton scarf my grandmother gave me that was too long. I wrapped it around my neck loosely. I was easily able to pull it up over my nose, hiding over half my face. That should do the trick!
I had a pretty good routine for avoiding Matt, the night doorman, and the cameras in the lobby of our building, and was soon outside. It was getting late and the sun was down already. As I got close to the area, I felt an unusually strong gust of wind pick up… from an alley? I stopped and looked around. I could hear loud banging sounds. I wondered if it could be construction sounds, but any crews likely would have stopped with sundown or I’d see industrial lights up. My curiosity piqued, I head down the alley slowly, using my telekinesis to float inches above the ground, so I make no noise. At the end of the alley someone had created a parking lot. My alley was smaller, and likely only used for maintenance. Across from me was a wider alley, probably where cars and trucks came into the wider parking area. There were a few cars and trucks parked in spaces and a designated no parking area for trucks to get to a loading dock on the back of a business.
At the loading dock, I saw two girls floating in the air about five feet off the ground, holding hands. They were both wearing mostly black – leggings, short skirts, jackets with hoods (down), and gloves. They looked about 20 or so years old. I noticed the two security cameras were at odd angles; the girls had probably blasted them so they could do their work unseen. As to that work, they were each holding their outside arms out, pointing at the heavy steel doors locking the loading bay, and sending wave after wave of wind at it. It was shaking and starting to crumple a bit, and that was the metallic banging sounds I had heard!
Crime in Action[edit | edit source]
My first meta-human crime!
I grabbed a full trashcan, stepped out of the alley, and sent it flying at the girl on the left. I knocked her down with my first attack! Mimicking what I hoped was a heroic poise, I pointed at them and told them to stop what they were doing.
Oh man, was that a mistake!
They had some sort of wind-based powers. Called themselves the “Terror Twins” for some reason. I suggested the “Cy-Clones,” as they looked so similar (that seemed to offend them). SK suggested “Tornado Twins” (which they seemed to agree sounded much better). Anyway, their wind powers had a very similar effect to my mind powers. And, frankly, they were better at it than me. I managed to hit the one on my left and knock her down. I then charged the other one and hit her with my psi-baton, giving her a good-sized goose-egg on her forehead. Then thy hit me back. Ouch. At one point, they sent dual bursts of wind at me and knocked me across the parking lot and into an SUV. That pissed me off and I was able to gather the strength to lift the entire SUV and throw it at them. The look on their faces was pretty classic… until I realized I had sent an entire SUV at them! I could have killed them! What the hell was I thinking?!
Luckily, they were able to deflect it enough that it didn’t hit them full-on or seriously hurt them. I paid for that one with another blast. I was so angry I was about to rip the concrete and asphalt out of the ground—hell, I might have done more damage to the business than they were trying to break in—but, luckily, SK was watching over me (us) and saw that my throwing the SUV had caused the gas line to break. With all of us pushing it around on the asphalt with our powers, it has sparked. SK came leaping in at the last moment and knocked us all to the ground just before the tank exploded in flames! The two took advantage of the distraction to fly their way up over the business and away.
Sirens were nearing, and SK and I hightailed it up the building and out of sight. He thought some of what I thought were pretty fancy moves looked like a… and I quote him here… “Spastic hippo.” Well, what does he expect? I’m a high school kid with no formal training? I’ve only had these powers for a few months!
Fractal Healing[edit | edit source]
Prism’s (aka “Becky Summers” aka “Karen”) business was close by. SK said I should still go question her, and thought his being there may cause… difficulties. He didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask. I headed down the fire escape (still not too confident about great heights with my telekinesis when I’m lifting myself) and reached her place, ‘Fractal Healing,’ before she closed.
She was a pretty good looking woman. I surreptitiously cased the joint before approaching her. Well, or so I thought. Suddenly she was behind me and accusing me of stealing. As if!
I tried to be subtle, but she’s been there and done that with the pros and I have no idea what I’m doing. She seems taken aback by my “ma’ams,” but I think she kind of likes it. She told me that she has a rock-solid alibi for the times those crimes were committed. She has actually already talked to the police about it and been shown photos of the crimes, in case her expertise could help them solve it. I told her about what SK saw that night and then about the snake at the school.
As we talked, she had an epiphany – the snake was the same one from the Harry Potter movies. She then looks at the crime photos again and realized that the constructs were wearing costumes similar to the horrible ones used in a TV movie about Prism and her super-villain gang from a few years ago. She realized that whoever is creating the constructs is using pop culture as their reference for the constructs. She also said that they must be relatively close by.
While we talked, I absentmindedly picked up a crystal and began floating it with my mind. Prism said something about my eyes glowing. I didn’t believe her until she shoved a mirror in my face… my eyes were glowing the same golden color that I see on my powers when something hits my shield!
Basher 2.0[edit | edit source]
Shadow Knight suddenly interrupted me by speaking directly into my ear. I hadn’t even known he had placed some sort of wireless mic on me! Ask next time, dude! Anyway, he said there was what appeared to be Basher breaking out of the jewelry store down the street.
I rushed out and Prism followed me. She verified immediately that it was a light construct, so I could go nuts without worrying about hurting someone. However, I remembered what she said and thought I should follow it back to its maker. That plan was quickly squashed when it turned to me and used a catchphrase from the TV movie and attacked.
I was in over my head again. I tried using my psi-daggers on it and seemed to crack its hard-light casing, but it hit me and sent me flying. Then I tried hitting it with a manhole cover, which slowed it down. It wasn’t until Prism used my microphone that she had modified on the fly and told me to hit a specific place that I was able to dispel the construct, however. Lucky, lucky.
It was then that I noticed a person in dark clothes, a long, dark jacket, and face makeup trying to leave. I shouted at him and put a shield up. I didn’t think I was ready for this—I was still hurting from the Terrible Twins and the Basher construct. I hoped SK was close by still!
The Construct Constructor (Session: December 11, 2015)[edit | edit source]
- Thursday, April 7, Night
I wondered if Prism would help, as I did not see SK coming to my rescue. She said, “I cannot violate my parole.” She looked a little nervous to me but was also encouraging me to take the guy on.
The sack the guy was holding was obviously heavy. It was a weird image to see—a guy dressed and painted up like a cross between The Crow and a member of KISS holding a – wait a minute, is that an official North Side High School book bag? I had to get that bag away from him.
I picked up the manhole cover I had thrown at the Basher construct earlier. I threatened him with it. An obviously amplified and modified voice threatened me in return, so I threw the manhole at him. He tried to block it with a construct, but he was too late. The heavy piece of steel went through the hastily-constructed image of Slimer from Ghostbusters and almost hit him. I charged in, keeping my shield up between us.
He tries to block me with more light constructs. This time, he creates the two villains from Team Rocket. However, I hard charged him quickly enough that my shield pushes the constructs aside and I am able to pin him against the building. He was able to create another movie construct and dodge enough to the side that my pin didn’t hold him.
Suddenly, the pink Power Ranger tackled and started wrestling with one of the Team Rocket constructs. This distracted him enough that I could focus more fully on him. I charge in again and yell out “spastic Hippo!” as I tried to hit him on the head with a force baton. It felt like I was hitting marshmallow, however, as I didn’t do much damage. I did, however, feel like the guy wasn’t as tall as he was presenting.
The Crow then tried to hit me back with a super-sized fist. Luckily, there is a USPS metal letterbox, which he hits, and that knocks his aim off. I still go flying.
Then, finally, Shadow Knight appeared. He leaped between the two of us and nails The Crow in the solar plexus with a mad ninja attack with his own batons. The image around the guy wavered and broke down. He was only a bit taller than me, maybe 5’10”, and looked much younger and less impressive than the light construct image he had surrounded himself with indicated. He was still wearing face makeup, which made it hard to make out his face and was very distracting.
I managed to get one last attack in and knocked the backpack off his shoulder and grabbed it.
And He Got Away?[edit | edit source]
I guess he realized the jig was up, as he flashed a “light bomb” at SK and me. Neither of us was affected by it overly much—I had a feeling that my eyes glowing protected me and SK’s mask does some pretty cool things, so it probably protected him. The street then changed into a madcap version of itself for a few seconds, where neither of us could make out anything beyond the illusion the light guy created. It was gone in a moment, but so was the thief.
SK admonished me a bit for my – unique – attack action. Hey, what does he expect? I’m still learning. Prism, surprisingly, came to my defense, telling SK to treat me better and to teach me more. She looked a bit gassed and had sweat pouring down her face. I thanked her for the Power Ranger construct, which she completely deflects as not her doing. Yeah, right. I thanked her again anyway. I think that made her happy.
Inside the bag were a bunch of jewels, jewelry, and a small velvet pouch. Inside the pouch were a bunch of really nice diamonds. SK said these were the real prize and was able to prove they were conflict diamonds. SK took the bag and said he will do what’s necessary with it. We could hear sirens coming, so Prism headed back to her shop and I high-tailed it out of there.
At home, before heading to bed, I checked the Google Platinum thumb drive SK gave me. It appears that Sandra, Julian’s mom, had regular flights to Monte Carlo. However, looking a little more deeply, I was able to find receipts on a credit card for ferries to various African cities from Spain. I could only conclude that she must be the source for those conflict diamonds. I also found a lease for a new condo in town, so I jotted down the address.
Now, to bed.
Interesting News[edit | edit source]
- Friday, April 8
Friday dawned early, or so it seemed. I ached all over and had some bruises I didn’t want to explain to mom or dad. I had to sit in front of the mirror and concentrate on healing them for a good 15 minutes before they faded enough I thought I could get away with things. A hot shower and a good breakfast later and I was feeling much better about things.
Julian was getting out of his dad’s car as I arrived at school. I yelled a hello over to him, and we walked toward the entrance together. Julian was surprisingly forthcoming about his mom this morning; I learned that she had an affair and had moved out. His dad wasn’t talking about it. Julian said he didn’t know who the affair was with. He hadn’t told Donna yet.
Danny and Diego were near the entrance, talking. Diego’s arm was in a sling and he was saying how he could get someone to take notes for him in classes. Danny mentioned that Diego wasn’t left-handed, and they both have a laugh. As we neared, Danny mentions that he has to go buy a new bookbag. His bag went missing in that little altercation yesterday in the hallways. I teased them both a bit, but not enough to cause them to attack either of us.
Keith turned up just as the bell rang. He was walking stiffly and acting like he was sore. He wore a bandanna over his forehead. The shoulder I hit the bad guy on was sore. Matter of fact, all of the injuries the bad guy may have suffered last night were apparent in the way Keith is moving and acting today. When asked about it, he claims he was at a rave last night that “went wrong” over in Westborough. Yeah, right.
The way Keith and Julian kept taking a look at each other when the other wasn’t paying attention made me think there was something more going on between the two of them. Unfortunately, I don’t have either in my classes after homeroom.
And The Villain Is…[edit | edit source]
At lunch, I saw Keith and Julian having an argument in the cafeteria. What is strange is that little Julian looked to be the aggressor and Keith was the one backing up and waving his hands. I was too far away to catch anything and didn’t arrive on the scene until Keith waved his hands and walked away.
I caught Julian and steered him to a quieter side of the cafeteria. He told me that he and Keith haven’t been getting along for the last few weeks. They both like Donna, so have been putting on a show for her, but about two weeks ago Julian found one of Keith’s earrings under his parents’ bed. So, he was pretty sure that the person his mom had the affair with was Keith. And, ew!
What he had gathered since was that his mother realized the huge mistake she had made, broke it off with Keith, moved out, and was trying to patch things up with Julian’s dad. However, Keith was stalking her. He had been hanging around the house, following her to her places of business, and had even found her condo in town. She recently changed condos to get away from him, but Keith may have found the new one, too. Keith was even leaving school early to head down to the diamond district today to see Julian’s mom.
I commiserated as much as I could, but my parents are straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, so I couldn’t really relate. However, I pressed him to tell Donna what was going on. She should know, and she isn’t stupid, so she may have suspected. I told him I was happy to lend an ear when he needed it, but that I was late for something and had to leave. He thanked me, and I took off for the back entrance out of the school.
And, of course, as I rounded a corner in my attempt to leave, there was Shadow Knight, casual as you please. He had heard everything (apparently he had re-bugged me!) and had phoned in a need for me to be excused from class for my “charity” function and some training. I’m starting to see the value of his advice the other night.
We had out toward 51st Street to stop Keith from doing something even more stupid.
Science Fiction (Session: January 20, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Friday, April 8
As we round the corner, Shadow Knight asks if I have a plan on how to get to Julian’s mom’s apartment.
“Well, I’ve got my bus pass…” I said.
Next thing I know, a large, slick, black motorcycle with sidecar appears, driving itself. Shadow Knight then takes a few minutes having me discard all identifiers, like my North Side High jacket and backpack. He then gives me a blue and yellow shirt, saying it isn’t much but it may help protect me from some damage, and maybe even a knife. He then gives me a blue and yellow mask that covers the lower half of my face. It’s a little like the one he wears, only without the tech gear. Neat!
We then hop on the motorcycle and cruise (!) toward the mom’s address.
As we come to a stop and survey the scene, I notice someone who is about Keith’s size who is limping in the same way Keith was after I hurt his leg. I yell “Stop!” and the illusion of the man disappears and there is Keith, only he’s holding a gun. Something doesn’t look right… he seems upgraded or more powerful somehow.
Things Get Real[edit | edit source]
I feel a buzzing sensation in my head and he shouts at me, “You! Why do you keep interfering?” Keith then says something low that we cannot hear. Shadow Knight, who suddenly isn’t standing next to me anymore (I hate it when he does that!) somewhat laconically says over the com unit that is in the mask he provided me, “Apparently he can now read surface thoughts. Great.”
I point out to SK that Keith appears to be talking to someone—he may be on some sort of coms too.
“Even better,” says SK. Sarcastic much? Geez, I’m the teenager!
I begin to talk to Keith. As I do, his gun disappears… another illusion. SK is getting worried and a little confused; Keith has shown powers that he simply shouldn’t have. It breaks ‘the rules’ of power use and ownership in some way.
Keith says something else over his com unit and a large guy suddenly lands next to him, and a little in front. He’s huge, had red eyes, and is wearing a helmet, black tech armor, and has, well, a lot of guns strapped all over his body using an intricate set of modern-day firearms bandoleers. Shit.
SK softly lands next to me (and in front of the new guy, thank God). He is obviously not happy. I hear him sort of push the name “Reaper” out between clenched teeth and I can feel SK tense up. I’ve never seen him like this before. It’s like he’s scared.
Even Realer[edit | edit source]
SK and this Reaper guy square off. I manage to keep Keith talking. His surface read of my mind has given him my real identity, so I start talking to him personally. Meanwhile, some civilians are backing away and leaving the area, but just as many more have pulled out their cell phones and are crowding in, Tweeting, taking pics, and filming what’s going down.
I try to appeal to his sense of honor, his sense of family (not a good area, but worth a try), and then to his pride. He seems calmer. I then try to get him to stand down by bringing up Donna and what she would think of all this. Oops, wrong button. He gets angry again. Luckily, he’s angry and not using his powers, though!
SK and Reaper are going at it. I catch glimpses and hear the guns and flashes of tech gear gizmos doing stuff. Most of it is happening behind me, and I have to maintain eye contact with Keith.
Turning my full attention back to Keith, he’s saying he’s “Psy-Fi” now. He has been hearing whispers and suggestions from someone, been given gifts that have made him more powers, given direction. He has a fairy godfather!
“Yeah, a fairy godfather… of evil!” I retort. Spider-Man would be so proud of my banter.
Step on Over to the Lighter Side[edit | edit source]
I continue my chat with Keith. So far, so good… he hasn’t used his powers, he hasn’t joined Reaper in kicking our butts, and he hasn’t threatened any bystanders. Luckily, now that there is active gunfire and fighting behind me, many have fled or at least gotten a distance away. Unfortunately, there are still many who could be hurt if either Reaper or, sigh, Psy-Fi go ape.
SK comes over my com and says he has found an RFID-type signal going to Keith’s head. I ask him to block it, if he can. His sensors aren’t designed for that kind of thing, but he works on it while keeping Reaper busy. Suddenly, Keith reacts – the signal is blocked!
Now, without the “fairy godfather” in his ear, Keith listens. He seems more himself than ever before. He sees how what he has been doing is wrong. And just in time!
Fear the Reaper[edit | edit source]
Reaper, who must be on coms with the fairy godfather as well, realizes that Keith isn’t on his team anymore and decides to spray bullets into the crowd. I put up the largest shield I’ve ever done while Keith creates a bunch of hard light people. Reaper doesn’t know who is real and who isn’t. Between the hard light images taking a few rounds and my shields, we manage to keep all of the bystanders safe. Go, Team! Man, I bet Donna could come up with a better cheer for this situation.
SK moves in and grapples with Reaper, keeping him from reloading or grabbing another weapon. Psy-Fi and I move in. We’re mostly ineffective, as I attack with one of my Force weapons and Keith uses a hard light fighter plane. However, Reaper has to pay attention to us, so our attacks work. SK is able to get some good blows in.
In a moment of what I hope is inspiration, I levitate him with my telekinesis off the ground. I hope this disorients him. Keith attacks with more hard light and SK moves in for a whirling, kicking, and punching thing.
Reaper seems to sense that he’s losing or, at least, that he’s lost the advantage. He suddenly swings a giant arcing blow at Psy-Fi, hitting him in the side of the head. I just hear him saying, “I hit the kids; it’s done” before he blasts off and flees the scene.
The blow didn’t knock Keith out, but something is happening. He seems to erupt in hard light images and they are going in all directions. It appears that he has no control and those things hurt. SK leaps out and starts helping the crowd (those who are left, anyway) from getting hit by science fiction monsters, laser beams, rockets… you name it.
Meanwhile, although he’s my friend and I don’t want to do it, I hit him once, twice, a third time before I knock him unconscious. The images fade instantly, but then Keith starts seizing; thinking fast, I touch Keith’s arm and chest and will my self-healing power into Keith. I keep pouring more and more into him until the seizure stops. As he does, a strange, metallic dust flows from his ear, which SK collects for further analysis.
I nearly collapse from the strain of using my powers in this unique way. SK catches me, drags or carries me to the motorcycle, and straps me in. We wait long enough to make sure the police and ambulance are close by, and then he drives me home.
Epilogue[edit | edit source]
I sleep most of the way home. SK uses his voodoo and gets me to my apartment and puts me to bed. He then gives me a rousing hero’s speech about doing the right thing, how selfless I was trying to help the crowd, and how he’s really proud that I was able to confront Keith without resorting to violence. He says something about “heroes have to know when to sanction violence.” Something about that word, sanction, sticks with me.
He then says he’s going to go away for a bit. He’s worried about what happened today and what they learned. He’s worried he’s not prepared for whatever is coming. He has to figure some things out. But he’ll be in touch. In the meantime, I should keep the shirt and mask, keep an ear out for trouble, practice when it is practical to do so, actually, go to the charity he selected for me, and please work on being more serious when out in the field!
I look toward the bedroom door as I hear the key in the door and my mother’s voice shout hello, and when I turn back, Shadow Knight is gone.
MERLIN (Session: February 17, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- A Few Days Later, April 12 (Tuesday)
After a few days of rest and recuperation, I start using Google Platinum to find low-level stuff that I might be able to handle. I have had no word from Shadow Knight, so I’ve been practicing on my own. It is strange, but he may be right – I seem to be able to create harder shields and lift more the closer to my body I keep my TK. Weird.
During one of my sessions querying for street thugs, small-time robberies, and such, my speakers on my PC suddenly come alive and a voice asks how it can be of assistance. It doesn’t sound like SK. What the …?
After some back and forth, I find that “Google Platinum” is really a semi-sentient AI named “MERLIN”. It was originally conceptualized by Alan Turing and the original, 1940s Shadow Knight. The second SK in the 1960s actually created it. The third one, the one I know, has refined it over his time. MERLIN states that many consider the third SK to be the fourth, as there was one who used the name in between his mentor and his taking on of the mantle.
Anyway, MERLIN alerts me to the fact that a police car was just thrown two city blocks. It appears that a Meta has just robbed a local liquor store and the police are responding in force!
My First Solo[edit | edit source]
MERLIN starts my neighbor’s car and brings it around front. I head downstairs and MERLIN drives me to an alley close to the action, then shows me a route to reach the back of the store without being seen by the police.
The Meta is a large, bald, hulking guy wearing welder’s goggles as a mask. He’s probably about 6’4” and as wide as a house. He has a bag of money and some 24-packs of beer under each arm. He is standing just outside the front entrance to the building but is saying he just wants to be left alone. The police shoot him, and the bullets bounce off. Oh, man. This may be out of my league.
I head to the back of the building. I find the back entrance. Inside, I find two people: an unconscious man and a tied-up woman whose apparel is a bit undone. I TK them both outside. The woman tells me that she isn’t sure what the guy wants, but he hit the male coworker hard enough to knock him out and then wanted to see her … er, lady parts, as well as take the cash and some beer. I tell her help is on the way and head back inside.
Everyone, Mr. Jackhammer[edit | edit source]
I ease in behind the Meta and use my TK to lift him into the air. As I’m practically touching him, it seems very easy. However, even though he talks like he’s not the smartest guy in the world, he has obviously fought other Metas before. He claps his hands and knocks me back against the building, and disrupts my concentration on the TK lift. He says his name is “Jackhammer.” Seriously?
I push him into a cop car, slamming him around. He says, “Now you’ve done it. Now you’re going to meet the twins, the hammer (he raises a fist)… and the other hammer (he raises his other fist).”
A New Twist on an Old Power[edit | edit source]
MERLIN tells me that EAGLE (Enhanced Ability Genetics Law Enforcement), a group that SK told me to watch out for, is on its way.
This guy’s strength is way out of my league, for sure, but it appears that is his only real ability. If I can keep him in the air so he can’t use any of that strength, I should be okay. Theoretically. So I scoop him back up into the air, this time nearly touching him. And I add a wrinkle – I spin him. I spin him fast and constantly. So much so that he super-vomits (gross, but effective).
I keep it up until EAGLE arrives. I’m nervous, but I have to risk getting caught by them in order to safely contain Mr. Jackhammer.
MERLIN says it is prepped for extraction but doesn’t think it will be needed from the chatter he is overhearing on EAGLE’s comms. It tells me to stay calm.
EAGLE Brand Justice… Now with Lemon[edit | edit source]
EAGLE arrives in a weird, square “Heli-carrier”-style vehicle. A few people wearing armor reminiscent of what SK wears get out. A woman, obviously in charge, starts talking to Jackhammer. It turns out, his real name is “Jack Hammer”! Now, come on, seriously?
She and I chat a bit. She says there is legislation concerning masks working in the open, as I did. She could take me in. But she’s happy Jack was caught without loss of life or significant property damage, so she uses her discretion to let me go. She even thanks me for the assistance! My first super-villain bagged! Woot!
As she turns to leave, she offers a bit of cryptic advice. She says to be careful of my friends; Shadow Knights tend not to end well. She recommends I not get caught up in whatever eventually takes the one I know down.
Jewelry Heist![edit | edit source]
I ask MERLIN to find some information on the legislation the woman referenced. He says a file will be waiting on my PC at home for my review. In turn, the AI says it is interesting in why Jackhammer was here at all. From what it is seeing about his history, this just doesn’t seem to fit.
MERLIN drives me home. We fill the gas tank and MERLIN electronically rolls back the odometer so the car looks like it never went for a trip. As we head back into the parking garage, MERLIN notes that a silent alarm was just triggered… in this building, in the lower-level business area!
I head to the second floor, to the jewelry store in question. I note that all the cameras are violently turned up and away from the store. That seems familiar, but I let it go when I see the legs of the security guard on the ground by a corner. As I near, it turns out to be Bob McNair, the nice guard who I frequently see and talk with. He’s unconscious and bleeding but otherwise appears unhurt. The hole in the drywall indicates he was thrown or pushed into it with a great deal of force.
The Terrible Twins Redux[edit | edit source]
I proceed around the back and find the door jimmied open and the security panel destroyed. Inside, I hear two female voices talking. The cadence, the report… damn it, it’s the Terrible Twins again. Great. Just great. I barely held my own last time.
And they hurt Bob.
I take a peek inside and see they are standing just inside the door. They arguing over which shinies they want to loot first. They don’t even seem upset that they hurt Bob. Without even realizing I’ve done it, I grab the door and using my TK through my hands directly, I wrench the door off what remains of its hinges and throw it at them. I hit them so hard that I knock one aside and stun her and knock the other clear to the far wall, pinning her beneath the heavy door.
Remembering that they are more powerful when they are touching, I separate them further and tie their hands in zip ties. We chat a bit. They actually are thinking of changing their name to the Tornado Twins, and don’t even remember that SK and I came up with that during our last encounter! One of the girls even tries to say that maybe we can “work things out.” As if! They hurt Bob; they’re lucky I don’t throw them through a wall! I put felt jewelry bags over their heads and tell MERLIN to alert the cops.
As we chat, I learn that they hired Jackhammer to rob the liquor store so that the cops would be busy there and they would have no problems robbing this place. However, it appears that Jack robbed it a half-hour early, allowing me to get here and foil their plan.
Officer Donovan[edit | edit source]
One of the officers from the liquor store heist arrives with a few others. His name is Jimmy Donovan. He and I chat for a few minutes. He suggests he may move back to New York City; he doesn’t want to be at ground zero for the resurgence of “masks,” as he puts it. No offense. I smile beneath my own mask.
I take an opening and slip out the back when the cops aren’t looking. I slide off my mask and put on my jacket to cover my slick hero shirt, and slowly blend in with the late-night crowd of onlookers that gathers. Then I make my way to the elevators and head upstairs to my apartment.
I sit down to read over the information on the anti-masks legislation that MERLIN has prepared for me.
Lights… Camera… (Session: March 1, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Two Weeks Later -- Wednesday, April 27
It has been two weeks. I’ve spent some time training in my room, using MERLIN to research more about the laws against vigilantism, and taking on the occasional mugger and purse snatcher. Nothing big. My first solo adventure out of the way, I just wanted to keep things normal for a bit. Plus, with no word from Shadow Knight, I wasn’t sure what was going on.
Then I get a call. Shadow Knight is on his way to pick me up and he needs me for backup. He needs me for backup! Cool.
He’s been away tracking a crime spree that started in California and has worked its way across the country to here, Chicago. The people are tracking and stealing electronic funds from specific branches that serve as electronic warehouses and weigh-stations for the fund's system. They go these very special branches so that they can more easily break through the firewalls and other security to steal the funds. He believes they will be striking the Midway Financial Depository at noon today.
Easy Rider[edit | edit source]
I grab my gear and head to street level. He fills me in on the way. We decide that I will go in as a customer, performing a simple transaction for “my parents” (not really mine, but as my cover) and moving some money around. SK will give me some accounts to use to make it all look believable. Meanwhile, SK will sneak in through… well, however, he does these things.
SK provides me with a security clearance and fake ID application on my smartphone that this bank will accept. It allows me to get through security with a minimum of fuss, but I do have to be a bit quick-witted and deft with my hands to keep them from spotting my mask in my backpack.
I hang out in the lobby watching, filling out forms, and preparing to get in line when things go… funny. Not funny “ha, ha” but funny strange. I hear a nagging pinging noise coming from the area of my mask and I notice the people around me are acting like mannequins. I head toward the restrooms, check it to make sure it is clear, pull off my over-shirt, and put on my mask. Even as I do, however, I am feeling a bit slow and foggy, too. It is hard to think.
Luckily, through my vague comments to SK, he figures out a countermeasure and hits me with it through the mask. My thoughts clear up and I’m able to think again. He tells me not to take off my mask again until we figure this out.
We’re in the Movies[edit | edit source]
I head back out to the main hall, ready for action. Everyone is still acting like statues. The guard actually has his gun held out in a strange fashion, so I put it back in his holster and snap it down. Suddenly, four figures in tech armor come floating down through the open skylight. The armor looks as advanced as SK’s, is form-fitting, and has glowy bits here and there.
I grab the nearest heavy object in reach, a signing counter, and, using my Telekinesis to add heft and distance to the attempt, I throw it at the nearest commando. At just that same moment, the skylight structure falls from the roof above and happens to fall right in the path of my throw, so I miss.
The leader of the group was not expecting any wonders to be here, so he is a bit taken aback. He tells his people to attack me.
Action![edit | edit source]
Shadow Knight sends some of his shuriken flying from his gauntlets. He hits the female in the group, Lightshow, and she goes down in a blaze of electricity.
Seeing one of the henchmen attempting to plug into the bank’s USB ports with his gadgets, I charge forward and hit Soundcheck. I’ll try to keep him from stealing the funds.
The Director turns to me and says, “Step away and go get a coffee.” The way he says it, my brain almost tells me to do so. But I shake off the suggestion, make a heroic stance, and say, “I don’t like coffee!” He seems surprised that I didn’t do what he said. It was a stupid suggestion anyway. Now, if he had said something about hot cocoa….
All the civilians in the bank are still not moving or reacting to everything that is going on. They must still be under his control.
Grip, with the help of a still-paralyzed Lightshow, is able to spot where SK is hiding, and he charges. SK is able to dodge out of the way.
Soundcheck attempts to hit me with some sort of blast, but I chuck a large, metal electronic scanner at him. It doesn’t unplug him, but it knocks him around a bit. The Director makes a short in the live wires the scanner I threw left behind and it causes a feedback explosion that knocks me down.
I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This[edit | edit source]
Using our mask comms, SK and I discuss our imminent butt-kicking and the fact that the Production Crew seems to be enhanced beyond just what their armor is providing. He’s busy with both Lightshow and Grip, but mostly holding his own. I’m trying to keep Soundcheck busy, but he’s able to dodge my blows.
The Director tries to get SK to attack me, but he’s able to shake off the effect and launches an attack at the Director, instead. He hits the leader so hard he disables the Director’s armor and he falls to the ground, not moving. It appears he may be some form of paraplegic and the armor was what gave him the ability to move and walk. Interesting.
Meanwhile, I turn SK’s feint toward me and subsequent attack on the Director to my advantage, as well. Instead of going for Soundcheck himself, I instead attack the wires with which he is connected to the bank. Forming my TK force effects into a simple blade shape about the width of an atom, I slice through his cables fairly easily. He turns on my in fury and hits me with a sonic attack that knocks me away and fuzzies my head for a moment.
With the Director down and out, the people in the bank suddenly “wake up” to find they are in the middle of a meta-human combat. They panic and run for the doors.
We’re Here to Chew Gum and Kick Ass, and We’re All Out of Gum[edit | edit source]
That blast angers me. I charge for Soundcheck and hit him hard. I hit him so hard I knock him clear across the room and into a wall. His armor breaks and the lights and glowy bits turn off, his head lulls to one side. I’ve knocked him clean out. SK notices that my usual golden glow of my eyes and powers has turned a momentary red color.
Shadow Knight hits Grip with a mild poison that causes him to choke and gasp for breath. Meanwhile, Lightshow has made her way to the Director and they have both disappeared. Using his mask’s superior visual range, he finds them and attacks Lightshow, knocking her out.
SK kneels over the ones we have knocked out. I can see him collect more of that strange, gray dust from their ears. Looks a lot like the stuff we got from Keith’s ear when he was knocked out. Curious.
And, That’s A Wrap, Folks![edit | edit source]
As we start tying up the villains for the police, the scene fades. SK turns from the monitors and says, “Good job. You’re getting the hang of this. Whenever possible, we’ll get surveillance footage and review what we did. I’ll offer pointers so you can get better in the future and continue to hone your abilities.”
“I think you may be right, whenever you keep your TK abilities close to your body, you seem to have a greater effect. Look at the difference in throwing those items versus when you got right up on Soundcheck and hit him directly with your power from your hands. Huge difference. We’ll have to practice and train for this, see if we can’t figure out what’s going on.”
I look around this new lair. SK calls it his Mobile Outpost. It’s basically the trailer of a large semi-truck that he can move wherever he needs it and set up base. He’s set this one up at the old warehouse on the corner of Chaykin St. and Sienkiewicz Blvd. It’s close to home, but not too close. There’s not a lot here yet, but we do have a training area, some monitors and computers, and a few odds and ends.
Oh, and SK has kept a memento from each of my adventures so far. They are in the corner. He even found a pair of goggles from Jackhammer to add to the group, even though he wasn’t here for that. Or was he?
Credit Cookie[edit | edit source]
One of the monitors is set to the local news. Rita Reynolds is on and she’s mentioning that NASA is close to test-launching a new space program. A “gateway” device that can, hopefully, send people to other parts of the solar system. It is the brain-child of Amanda Mason, a renowned scientist. Rita mentions something about the previous deep space program from about a decade ago, and how we lost the entire crew. Cut to Amanda Mason saying something about how her new technology may allow us to find out what happened to them….
This is Your Brain on Drugs (Session: April 6, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- One Week Later -- Tuesday, May 3
Another week passes. I spend most of my time studying, catching up on schoolwork, and only occasionally going out at night. Also, Shadow Knight’s charity, Avalon Charities Ltd. actually requires charity work! So I spend some time volunteering around the city, which actually opens my eyes to some new areas and some of the plights affecting various areas. I think I just learned something. *sigh
Psy-Fi Redux[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 3
It’s Tuesday, and Keith is supposed to come back today. He was in a coma for a short period of time, and then in the hospital for a few days observation and testing. When I’ve had some time, I talked with Donna about it; she says that Keith and Julian have patched up their friendship. I know that Keith was never arrested or charged with anything, so I guess SK was able to keep things out of the limelight?
It remains to be seen if Keith remembers anything from our fight or that I’m meta, like him.
I arrive from the short walk from the bus stop and see Donna pacing at the front of the school. It’s obvious she’s waiting for Keith and Julian, but there seems to be something else troubling her, as well. I also notice that Diego seems to be taking a pretty serious ration of guff from Brian and Danny. Wonder what that’s all about?
Finally, Julian’s limo arrives and out steps Keith and Julain. Keith was always fairly popular with a lot of different groups, so many people come up and say Hi and wish him well. Donna gives him a big, firm hug when he finally reaches her, and I say hi and clap him on the back. We razz and tease each other a bit, then head inside. From the looks he’s giving me, I think he remembers everything.
Friends in Need[edit | edit source]
Donna and I have PE the same period. She’s not a fan, at least not since the cheerleaders abandoned her and the slut-shaming started. Damn, Danny Firelli. Now that I have the means, I may have to look into him and find out if any of those orgies rumored with Donna are true. And, if they aren’t….
All that sparring and “extracurricular” activity I’ve been doing seems to be paying off. I’m able to do many of the PE activities more competently than usual. My endurance seems much improved, and my strength a bit.
Anyway, after PE, I notice Donna sitting on the bleachers by herself. She looks pretty upset still, so I sidle up and ask her what’s going on. She doesn’t want to tell me at first, but I pry a little and she opens up.
Her best friend, Sam (Samantha Tulley), is dating a guy named Chad (Chad Lewis). They both are on the wrong side of Zircher Avenue, so they go to high school at Lincoln Park High, North Side’s bitter rival. Anyway, Sam is really upset, which is upsetting Donna, because Chad was kicked off the football team and failed a drug test recently. But Chad’s a really upstanding guy, would never take drugs, and is pretty anti-drugs in general; he’s gone to rallies and been very vocal about having strict rules against them. Diego, also friends with Chad, has been taking a lot of heat for Chad’s drug bust as well. Must be what I witnessed this morning.
Anyway, Chad swears he’s innocent and both Donna and Sam believe him. However, he failed a drug test. I tell Donna I’ll look into it, and pump her for a bit more info on the circumstances, dates, and who is involved. She then leaves for class.
A Friend Indeed[edit | edit source]
As I leave the gym, I run into Keith. He heard everything and wants to help. He also remembers everything. Well, everything up until the super-villain hit him upside the head with a chunk of concrete and asphalt, anyway. I get nervous at first, but he’s cool with me being meta too. He wants to help. No, he needs to help; he obviously wants to prove to himself he’s not “that guy” and he’s not inherently bad.
He’s also convinced that I should be watchful of Shadow Knight. He thinks this new SK might be the previous one’s sidekick, Bandit. Rumor has it that Bandit went a bit insane and he may have killed some people before disappearing. I tell him that SK has been weird, provocative, secretive, and a bit hard on me, but also kind, concerned for the average Joe, careful, and considerate. In short, he’s been nothing less than a good, if secretive, hero. But I take his cautions to heart. I’ll have to look into it and ask SK. We head to the PC lab. I’m able to patch MERLIN in, while Keith uses some skillz he picked up somewhere and parses a bunch of social media info into a database parser.
Drugs are Bad, Mmkay[edit | edit source]
What we learn is this: Lincoln Park High School and the areas immediately surrounding it have had a mini-bonanza in meth issues over the last couple of months, completely out of the blue. Parsing through the data Keith found, it seems like there have been a rash of prominent and vocal anti-drugs people arrested, accused, or otherwise caught high. Many of them were caught as part of “random” drug tests. The fact that all of them have anti-drug messages seems too coincidental – someone is sending a message.
Keith has a great idea that we all get together and go over to Donna’s tonight, where we can talk some more and maybe learn something more. We turn it into a party of the Four Musketeers by invited Julian. Plus, his limo can get us all there.
Keith also lets me know that Julian has grabbed ahold of some anomalous readings that were found in Keith’s cat scans that indicate that he may have some impulse control issues (or may just be the anomalies that give him his powers) as the reason why Keith went after Julian’s mom. I tell him to let Julian have this one until we can think of something better.
Party![edit | edit source]
MERLIN is able to figure out three likely locations for a meth lab based on collating the data we provided. One happens to be relatively close to Donna’s house. Keith and I decided to check it out after spending some time with Julian and Donna at her house.
Julian pours us each a small swallow of champagne and we toast to Keith’s health. We get to Donna’s (she asks the driver to drop us a block away; she’s modest) and talk for a while, play some games, and feast on some leftover homemade cookies Donna’s mom made. De-lish!
Donna has some pics of both Chad and Sam around, so Keith and I take a good look so we know who we’re helping and looking for.
Julian is the first to leave, as his parents have him on a short leash after all the … trouble, recently. Keith and I hang until the sun goes down, then we say our goodbyes. I once again promise to see what I can find out about the Chad issue, and she once again teases me a bit about trying. But I can see in her eyes she’s thankful we’re listening and I’m trying to help, even if she doesn’t think I can actually do anything.
Look Inside Yourself, Clarise[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 3, Night
The potential meth lab is located in an abandoned self-storage complex a few miles away. Keith isn’t in too bad of shape after his coma, so we make decent time getting there. We pick a corner on the short side of the rectangle, then move systematically up looking for anything the interwebs tell us a meth lab should have: people, lots of venting, excess power use, etc. A few rows in, we spot a unit about half-way down that has a lot of extra vents on the roof and we can see some sort of effluvium rising into the air when nearby lights hit it. Bingo!
I levitate us up onto the nearest roof rather than the same roof as the unit is in. We move down to where we saw the smoke rising when Keith suddenly says, “Get down!” in a loud whisper. We duck just as the door opens and a black guy, shirtless and cut, with a tattoo on his abdomen, comes out of the door and begins looking around. A female voice from inside asks if he sees anything. He responds in the negative and goes back inside.
What we can see inside the open door is a room filled with some tables, a lot of Tupperware, and a lot of lights.
I try to levitate across to the other building’s roof and see if I can see inside a vent. However, I am unable to stay aloft and come to rest pretty much right in front of the door. Luckily, my levitation is super quiet or I’d be meeting Mr. Thug Life personally.
I do find a window I can peek into, and I see:
- Chad tied up in a char. He looks totally out of it.
- A woman, maybe high school age or a little older, wearing a long coat, sleeveless top, and hip huggers. She acts like she’s running the joint.
- The man, also high school or so, without a shirt. He is ripped.
- An older man, maybe college or just out of college, who is in the back and is making something using a chemistry set… at super speed. I mean, maybe not The Flash speeds, but still faster than a normal person can move regularly.
Here We Come To Save The Day![edit | edit source]
I head back to Keith and we make a plan. If there’s one thing I’ve learned both through Shadow Knight’s teachings and the situations we’ve found ourselves in is that having a plan is better than not having one. It’ll go all to hell instantly, but at least you have an idea of what your partner will be doing and what they will be focusing on, and they have the same of you.
I am firm with Keith, however, that if he gets in over his head, or things go south in any way, he is to run and get the cops here ASAP. We then call the cops and place an anonymous tip about a meth lab in this storage unit. With any luck, we’ll have everything wrapped up before they get here. If we don’t, they can be our backup and save us. I strongly consider putting a call into SK, but then decide to trust our plan and our abilities.
So, the plan is: I’ll rush in and hit the speed freak as hard as I can, hoping to knock him out of the fight immediately. Keith, excuse me, “Psy-Fi”, will create images of the Production Crew SK and I fought and use those to confuse Mr. Thug Life, whom we assume has some form of super-strength (even if he doesn’t, he looks a lot stronger than us). I’ll then focus on the woman, as we have no clue what she can do.
And the plan goes surprisingly well. The Speedball doesn’t see me coming and I think I broke a rib or two with my first hit. He’s not out, but his fighting is limited. Psy-Fi keeps the big guy pretty well locked down, confused, and disoriented, and is able to help with the girl, who turns out to be the biggest threat. She can make you seem like you are drugs, either euphoric or addled. I get a bit of a whiff of Euphoria’s powers before shaking off the effects, and I am certain that those who were caught on drugs were actually being manipulated by her.
We manage to get control of the situation just as we hear the sirens of the cops we called arriving. We get Chad out of there, so he isn’t implicated in anything, and then I help the cops a little with what we found and who was doing what.
Flying Motorcycles… Seriously?[edit | edit source]
We get Chad home and into bed. Away from Euphoria’s control, he is quickly getting his bearings and coming back to himself. We coach him a bit on how to speak out against her, and to avoid making any reference to us helping or being involved, and leave him to sleep it off. Hopefully, he and Donna can move forward now. Not that I want that, but I want her to be happy.
I take Keith home. He, once again, warns me about trusting Shadow Knight too much. He’s convinced that SK is really Bandit, the former SK’s sidekick who supposedly went on a rampage of some sort. I warn him about staying on the straight and narrow, not using is powers in anger, and, well, not really using his powers at all. I promise to keep him somewhat in the loop, especially if I think his skills will come in handy. He seems so relieved over doing the right thing with his powers, for once, that I think he may be beyond the worse of it.
As I’m heading home, I try calling SK. I get a different voice and a guy on a freakin’ flying motorcycle arrives, instead. He seems to have our comm frequency and acts like he knows us. I need to talk to SK about his random friends showing up and just knowing who I am.
Flashback/Flash Forward (Session: April 13, 2016)[edit | edit source]
Twelve years ago…
- Skywarp and an eager guy on a motorcycle (Wild Ride) are cruising toward a villain’s hideout. He wants to wait for his mentor, Edgerunner, before they engage The Mentalist in combat. Skywarp is determined and convinces him to continue with her; if Edgerunner catches up, great, but otherwise they need to get in there and take him down now.
- Skywarp stops and tells Wild Ride that there are sensors ahead. The maneuver around it and continue to the headquarters. Wild Ride spots cameras and they avoid them. As soon as they have a clear look at the villain’s HQ, Skywarp grabs Wild Ride and warps them both inside the perimeter fence.
- Wild Ride heads around the corner to destroy the power to the building while Skywarp looks in a window. Inside, she sees a jet being loaded with crates by mechanical minions and The Mentalist directing them. She formulates a plan and goes and gets Wild Ride.
- Just as she’s about to warp them inside, they hear a yell and a crash of glass… Edgerunner has arrived and simply busted in and started fighting. She warps them in any way and they join the fight.
- Skywarp attacks The Mentalist, as he’s primarily her villain. Wild Ride hits a few of the automatons with his motorcycle while Edgerunner attacks a few other minions. The fight is quick and brutal, since the minions are all robots. However, just as the three heroes are converging on The Mentalist, he uses a new power and paralyzes all three of them. Just before she cannot move, Skywarp activates a switch on her belt. In a moment, Flare, the android hero, comes flying through the skylight and rescues them, freeing them from The Mentalist’s clutches.
Wild Magic[edit | edit source]
- Later Tuesday, May 3, Night
The guy on the motorcycle is Wild Ride, a magic-using motorcyclist. He convinces me that he’s genuine and asks for my help. I hop on his motorcycle, and we’re suddenly flying through the air, much higher than I’ve ever gone with my own levitation.
We chat for a bit, and it turns out he was a sidekick “back in the day.” He hung out with Edgerunner, a hero, and through him with some of the bigger heroes of the time. While I’m chatting, Shadow Knight comes over my comms and wants to meet. I tell him where I am, and with whom, and he is not happy. Wild Ride doesn’t want to meet with him, either. He has some suspicions of who SK is, and has some warnings for me, as well. It seems like everyone is worried about who SK is and what he is capable of. I need to ask him about this.
Anyway, WR is heading to meet an “old friend.” He figures SK probably already has figured it out. Not soon enough for me, Wild Ride is talking to someone on his own comms. He then swoops down toward a building as a … drawbridge of sorts opens on the side of it. He lands on the landing strip created by the drawbridge and then the door closes behind us.
Beam me up, Charlene![edit | edit source]
I’m blown away by the room. It looks like a room straight out of the movies about space travel and NASA. Banks of computers, monitors, and people are looking over what looks like telemetries and statistics.
And, of course, Shadow Knight is there, talking to a woman who seems to be in charge.
The woman is getting ready for the launch. As she speaks, others are constantly interrupting with things that need signing and a look-over. As I get the gist of what is going on, I realize she is the woman in charge of the space warp project I heard on the news the other day, Amanda Mason, head of Pathways, Inc.). My science teacher, Mr. Donahue, would be so envious of me right now!
A monitor suddenly shows the Biotech Global Industries logo, and Amanda says she has to take this call. Cynthia Boothe comes on the screen and she and Amanda start discussing the launch, the mission, and the issues.
I find an intern named Charlene who goes to my school. She’s wicked smart and is willing to answer all of my geeked-out questions about the room, the mission, and what’s going on. This is sweet! I have to keep it nonchalant, so I don’t give away that I know her. I try to keep one ear on the conversation between Amanda and Cynthia.
It appears that, while Amanda is forced to accept Cynthia’s oversight and technology to “help” with her mission, she is feeling like Cynthia is not providing full disclosure. Meanwhile, Cynthia wants to “enhance” the gateway technology. Amanda agrees that shielding ideas are good, but wants assurances that it is not the same technology that failed last time. Cynthia claims she is providing as full disclosure as she can. Charlene lets me know that Cynthia’s ass is on the line, since it was her mission last time that failed. A second failure could be… bad for her.
Android Troubles[edit | edit source]
The meeting over, SK motions me back to the main conversation. He has determined that the silver dust is actually nanites. He thinks they are programmed to do something to dormant metagenes, and that’s partly causing the proliferation he’s seeing in meta abilities.
We take the conversation into Amanda’s office, so I wave bye to Charlene.
Wild Ride has news: An old-school hero named Flare is missing. Or, rather, his body is. He was an android and a very powerful one. He wanted to be more than human, but suffered catastrophic damage to his synthetic brain and died.
I can’t help it. I say, “Nanites plus a “dead” android looks like a bad situation to me.” SK smiles. I think I may actually be starting to think like him! Ugh!
It seems Amanda was once the hero Sky Warp and was close with the android. She’s a bit touchy about her powers. She’s also touchy about the villain The Mentalist, now called "Psiborg" after a series of cybernetic upgrades, who she feels is her responsibility in a territorial sense. But she’s out of the hero business.
Answers and Questions[edit | edit source]
I speak with Amanda about my powers for a bit. She suggests that all of my powers may be telepathically-based, including telekinesis. She also thinks that I may have some latent or undeveloped abilities that will bring everything into focus as I grow and learn more. She is very intrigued by the combination of the powers and how I tell her they seem to work best.
She is also a little put off that Shadow Knight seems able to control the metal of his costume. It turns out, she may have created the stuff but could never control it. She also, seeing the shirt I’m wearing, declares it “Reflexweave” and touches a spot on it and it goes into “stealth” mode. Neat! Why doesn’t SK ever tell me these things? Grr.
She gives Wild Ride her old costume’s belt buckle, which has a connection to Flare. If we get close to him, use the buckle and, if he’s able, Flare will respond. If he doesn’t, well….
Controlling a Flare (Session: June 9, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Even Later Tuesday, May 3 Night
Amanda give me a card with her phone number on it and a piece of advice; she isn’t sure who Shadow Knight is, but she thinks it will take him some time to get over his internal conflicts. Be patient. Since SK has given me leave to go with Wild Ride, I jump on the back of his motorcycle and we fly back out. He takes me to the top of the Sears Tower… well, the Willis Tower, but no one calls it that. It’ll always be the Sears Tower.
It is scary as hell being this far up in the air not knowing if I can save myself if I fall off. I have to concentrate on my powers and WR actually complains that I may be crushing him a bit. He wants the height of the building to help track Flare’s signal and locate where his body may be. He transmutes part of the building into a landing strip for the bike. Suddenly, a window that shouldn’t be there at all opens and Becky Sommers pokes her head out. She obviously knows who he is, using his powers recklessly, and endangering a minor (me!). He grumbles and apologizes his way through the conversation, but I see she’s hit home. He cleans up his act a bit.
Finding Flare[edit | edit source]
WR can’t get the device on the buckle to work, so I ask to see it. I toggle something and instantly a dot appears to be showing us where Flare is. We follow it.
We head north. We cruise passed my home turf and continue farther until we reach the docks and warehouse district. One particular warehouse has a sign for “Cybernetric” on it. Wild Ride says he knows that name; they are headed by Damian Woodright, the leader of the Cabal. The Cabal hates Metas. They promote and advance cybernetic enhancements, pharmaceutical advantages, and similar, non-meta, technologies that will help equal the playground between non-Metas and Meta abilities.
I put on my mask and suggest that his pair of glasses is not much of a mask. I worry that he’ll be spotted and tracked if we are spotted inside. He removes his glasses and reveals that he is actually… Jesse Ryder of the band Jesse Ryder and the Storm! He puts his glasses back on, and I don’t see Jesse Ryder any more… or remember his name, or who he is. I concentrate really hard and am able to remember again for a time. WR is impressed. He suggests I mention Telepathy to SK, and start working on that area.
Anyway, the buckle is pointing straight at the warehouse, so we come up with a basic plan and proceed to the building.
Rescue?[edit | edit source]
We head toward the roof of the building. I actually am successful this time with trying to legitimately fly. Neat! It takes a lot more concentration than just levitating, though.
We look through the skylight at the top of the warehouse and can see armored goons, who are packing up crates and putting them in a funky old plane. We decide to simply drop through the skylight and hope to overwhelm the goons quickly, and then search for Flare.
The fight is quick and fierce. There are a half-dozen goons wearing armor and carrying some sort of “blaster” technology. We take two out almost immediately. I notice a console with a progress bar on it that is nearly finished. I tell WR, and we fight our way toward the office door where we think Flare is, taking out three more goons on the way.
A Flare for the Dramatic[edit | edit source]
Inside the office we see Flare’s android body attached to a bank of computers and machines. As we stop to assess the situation (and Wild Ride takes out the last goon), the android stands up and a human voice comes from it. It is Damian Woodright.
As he starts monologuing, I leap forward and try to use my ‘healing’ ability on the body. Nothing happens. The android body starts attacking.
WR hits it with his mystic bolts to little effect. Being right on the android’s body, I spot three new pieces grafted onto it. I decide to try to rip those off. The android body releases the signature Flare power, which blinds me but not WR. I don’t need to see to keep hacking at the body I’m on top of.
I finally rip a piece of the head nearly off, then have the brilliant idea to plug MERLIN into it. The AI learns that the android is being remote controlled by Damian from New York City. It also sees a subroutine running that is observing, logging, and reporting on Damian’s activity. Then MERLIN panics, as it finds more nanites and information that suggests they are very similar to its own programming, just slightly altered for a specific task. It sends an alert to Shadow Knight immediately.
We tie everyone up and WR calls the police. Turns out, he knows Jim Donovan too! Sometimes the world is a very small place.
3, 2, 1, Liftoff! (Session: June 23, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Technicaly, Wednesday Morning, May 4
Wild Ride has some advice for me about powers: “You don’t need to control the power, you need to learn to control the body and the mind.” Good advice. He also expresses that the thinks Shadow Knight is using Omnium Steel, which explains why Amanda was both upset and interested in him. She could never make it work. He warns that the magical “healing” he provided will cause a huge crash soon. I head to the Outpost, as it is closer than home. It’s around 2 am when I arrive. I tell MERLIN to write up an action report for SK about the Flare situation. I arrive to an Outpost that now has biometric locks. I swear the inside looks bigger, too. And is that SK at the computer?
Ah, forget it. Sleep!
After Noon[edit | edit source]
- Wednesday, May 4, Afternoon/Early Evening
I wake up about 4 pm. My stomach is rumbling and I feel like I could sleep for another 14 hours. I am NEVER letting Wild Rider do that again! Ugh.
Shadow Knight is there. He’s looking over lab reports, the news is blaring on the TV. He has, apparently, taken care of my absence with my parents. I’ve been doing research for the Avalon Group. They needed an intern to file action reports on various foundations in Africa, and audit in Sudan, reports on weapons and money going to warlords in Africa.
I give SK the rundown on the night's activities, even though he was already filled in by MERLIN's report. I tell him about seeing through Wild Ride's disguise, and he's a bit impressed. He also recognized the effects of Wild Ride's magic on me, so let me sleep.
On the screens in the Outpost are some news stations. Most seem to be focused on one story: the gateway project. I find the one showing Rita Reynolds and turn up the volume. It seems the apparatus is in the final stages and the shuttle is being test launched tomorrow with the pilot only. There are scenes in the background of the ISS astronauts putting together the gateway device, shots of the shuttle, the pilot, and the extra propulsion unit designed and built by Cynthia Boothe's company.
Bringing out the Truth Bat[edit | edit source]
SK brings me back to the moment as he starts going over my notes from yesterday. He comments about Damian Woodright. He's the leader of CABAL, a group determined to kill all metahumans and purify the human race. He's dangerous. Duh!
As it has been eating me up for a while, what with WR, Keith's, and others' suspicions about SK, so I tell him what people have been saying to me about him. I tell him in particular that some have suggested his the former sidekick Bandit taking on his old hero's nom de guerre, and that rumors have it that Bandit went a bit nuts and killed some people. SK is so irritated, he breaks the skillet handle of the pan he's making me some eggs in.
He removes his mask and tells me the story of Gary Cross (the second SK) and his wife, who had a son named Brandon in secret. Brandon never trusted his father, and believes Gary did experiments on him in utero (note, look that up later -- haven't had sex ed yet) to make him more than human. He has traits of many of Gary's former allies in the Legionnaires. Anyway, Brandon has a benefactor at CrossTech, kind of his Lucius Fox from Nolan Batman movies. Brandon spent years infiltrating villain groups and learning their ways and fighting techniques. Brandon is now trusting me with this knowledge because I've proven my worth and my not knowing is affecting the work. Trust him to make a revealing moment of closeness all about the work. Buzz kill!
I cajole about the shuttle launch, wishing I could go and meet the pilot and watch the shuttle take off. Brandon makes a mental decision, makes a call, and tells me to be ready tomorrow morning. Maybe he's not such a buzzkill after all!
Launch![edit | edit source]
- Thursday, May 5
I've got a go-bag ready when a limo arrives to pick me up. Soon we're at a private air strip with a CrossTech company jet waiting for us. Whoosh! We're off to Florida for the launch.
The rest of the day is a whirlwind of VIP treatment, hand shakes, pictures and autographs with Major Michael Saber, the pilot, and watching the actual shuttle launch. I got Michael Saber's autograph!!
We fly back to Chicago. From the bemused look on Brandon's face once we're in the air, I think I must have been talking a mile a minute and without stop. After reaching home, I put the autographed picture of Saber up on the wall, email Keith a generic run-down of the day, including telling him that SK is NOT Bandit (but without saying who SK actually is). My parents, seeing how tired I am, still want me to give them an overview of what I'm doing for the Avalon group, so I give them a generic list that SK has already drilled into me.
By this time, I'm dead tired and yawning without surcease. Bed!
Peril at the Pier (Session: July 13, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Friday, May 6
Today is All State Day. A day where many of the Chicago schools send their schools to Navy Pier for a day of cheering on their teams (but mostly football) and fun at the amusement park rides. I meet Keith at school, and give him a more full run-down on the last few days. Somehow, he already has an autographed picture of Saber, even though I just mentioned it last night.
When Donna and Julian arrive, Donna is angry with me. Mostly mock-angry, but some real angry, too. She doesn't like how much time I'm spending away from her and our friends. I capitulate and tell her I'll try to balance my school, charity, and social lives a bit better.
Friends Indeed[edit | edit source]
We take the bus with the rest of the school kids to the Pier. I can't help but notice that Keith has what looks like a FitBit. He says his mom got it for him, as she's worried about the "freshman 15" he may experience in a couple of years, and wants him to get fit and healthy now. I have my doubts. But I'm sitting with Donna, Julian is sitting with Keith in front of us, and we're planning a great day together at the park. I note that Julian is making an especially courageous effort to stop sending guilt and anger Keith's way; my mother has heard that Julian's mom has made more than one "mistake" in the bedroom arena and she may be right, as Julian is making an effort to be angry with her instead of Keith.
Since we are all Sophomores or above, we get to stay as long as we want after the All State Day events are over. Freshman have to return to the school after the school events and can't stay for the games and fun afterward. Julian and I were really bummed about that last year.
Paranoia is a Good Thing[edit | edit source]
Donna has grandiose plans for the four of us to reconnect, spend the day and evening together, and have lots of fun. She feels like we hardly have spent any time together over the last month or so, what with everyone's personal problems, my new internship at Avalon, and everything else going on.
As with nearly every large school event, the moment the buses open their doors, the chaperoning teachers and parents lose all control over the herds of wild children, and order is lost. I do hear something about a delegation of Syrian refugees being in attendance that day, as well, and that the children should keep out of their way as much as possible. We make our way toward a World War 2 exhibit, but lose Keith in the stampede inside the Pier. I can't help but note that something is sort of tingling in the back of my head; I can't tell if I'm paranoid or if Shadow Knight has infected my thinking, but I find I'm scanning the crowds and checking down every little alleyway between buildings.
My phone rings, and MERLIN is on the other line. He is showing signs of some sort of AI in my immediate area. He says it is masquerading as a FitBit application, and he sees five devices on the network node. Putting one and one together, I try Keith's number, but it goes straight to voicemail. I knew that story didn't sound kosher! What's he up to?
Meanwhile, Donna has steered the three of us to a swing dance exhibition inside the WW2 exhibit. She grabs my hand, gives me a wink, and we're on the dance floor, trying to swing it. I cheat and use a bit of TK to help, but we do surprisingly well. I don't seem to be two left feet any more. She gives me an appraising look and a smile. We do surprisingly well. She grabs Julian for the next dance, and I look around the hall at the old memorabilia, like the Allies for Freedom (AFF) posters.
Then, as is my life lately, everything happens at once. I see Danny and Brian approaching Julian and Donna on the dance floor. My phone rings... Keith. As I am about to answer it, my phone signals another call (I didn't know it could do that?!)... and it is MERLIN. I answer MERLIN first, cut him off, and switch over to Keith. It seems like it was a butt dial, as I can hear him speaking to other people in a group event, as though his phone is on speaker. It is almost as if he knows he butt dialed me. He's talking about his FitBit and I hear the name "Sanction" spoken. MERLIN cuts in with his info: he knows the five nodes are in close proximity, and Keith is one of the nodes based on his GPS location.
I take a moment and use my TK to trip Brian into Danny on the crowded dance floor. This does two things: it alerts Donna and Julian to their approach and it slows them down and makes them look stupid. Win-win. I then do the usual phone pantomime that I "have to take this call, but it's too noisy in here" to Donna, who gives me a really dirty look, and I leave the building to find Keith.
A New Breed[edit | edit source]
I find a quiet spot to change my shirt and put on my mask, then a hidey-nook for my backpack, then head toward Keith's location. I use my Shadow Knight-trained sneaking abilities (how does he do it without TK to make it so easy?) to arrive at the location. I hang back a bit and listen in, getting a feel for the group, before making myself known.
There are four others there:
- Mitchell: a small, black, male teen who seems to be acting as the leader. He is of the position that Keith does not know Sanction. He thinks they should keep working together, they don't need others, and they'll just get by.
- Sarah Tingly: a thin female with black hair, who appears to be about my age. She is saying she is learning to "do shapes" and get better at her "control."
- Warren Percy: an older male who is wearing a vest with no shirt, in an obvious attempt to show off his arms. He says he still just "emanates stuff."
- Chloe Reynolds: the only one of the newcomers I recognize. In Junior High, she was an all-star athlete in just about every sport. But when she started High School, she was so ripped and muscular that they tested her for PEDs. Her school, and others, refuse to let her compete in any sports, even though she has tested clean every single time. If I remember correctly, she is my age and goes to Lincoln High, with Donna's friends.
I make myself known to Keith, and he makes a motion for me to appear. I do my best "super-hero landing" and the group freaks out.
Chloe keeps her composure (barely). Sarah is scared by my sudden appearance and squeaks, Warren is startled and his bare arms seem to light on fire, and Mitchell is startled, but in a surprised/interested way, and starts babbling. Keith acts really cool about it, but I can tell he's loving the attention this is getting him.
Making Friends[edit | edit source]
Sarah has diarrhea of the mouth. She can't stop talking. She seems particularly worried about her "codename."
I ask why I'm there.
Mitchell steps up. He says he mentally controls technology. He can "enter" the Internet. He created the FitBit application they are using to coordinate and keep in touch. He uses the word "Technopath" (make a note to look that up). He says he was inside the Internet one night when he feels an attack. He is able to pull himself out and finds "bugs" crawling on his physical body. He quickly created a dampener and nullified the bugs. Turns out they are nanites. He has a vial of them. Using his technology, he was able to find Keith. Together, they found the others.
They are looking for... guidance? approval? I'm not sure. But I can't let this opportunity go to waste, so I test each of the others (not sure how to test Mitchell's ability). I suddenly throw some stones at Chloe. Her speed and strength are remarkable, and she is able to easily dodge, deflect, or catch everything I toss her way. Next, I attack Warren. He is able to generate some sort of flame or plasma from his arms and hands. His gouts of fire are impressive, and he can use the fire to shield himself from damage. Sarah thinks her power isn't very much, but she can control water! She's upset because she can't make it, like Warren does his fire. I give her some encouragement, help her to concentrate, and prove her wrong-- she makes a small amount of water from the air. I remind her, 70% of the planet is water, and a lot of that is simply hanging, suspended in the air around her. She seems very grateful for my understanding and mentorship.
Sarah then says their group and individual codenames:
The Misfits
- Napalm -- Warren
- Hashtag -- Mitchell
- Miss Fit -- Chloe
- Aqua -- Sarah, she dislikes it, but can't come up with anything better
- Psy-Fi -- Keith
Small Problems[edit | edit source]
- Afternoon, Friday May 6
I then surprise them by introducing a suddenly-appearing Shadow Knight into their midst. They are, once again, startled (including Chloe). Mitchell and SK talk nanites. Mitchell thinks they have been around for a while. He sees traces of government systems in them. I can tell, but the rest likely can't, that this information and the vial of nanites irritates SK somehow. However, he swallows it down and thanks Mitchell for his work. He uses each person's codename and says something nice about each. He says they have his trust, then he is gone in his usual cloud of smoke. Who is this guy and what has he done with Shadow Knight? ;-)
Suddenly, I realize I've been talking with these guys for nearly two hours! Donna is going to absolutely KILL ME! I surreptitiously get word to Keith and we take off, looking for Donna and Julian (after I grab my street clothes and change).
We find Julian, alone, and he says Donna left with Danny and Brian in the direction of the Convention Center by the water. He's miffed with us, too, and rightfully so. I feel like a heel.
Keith and I hurry that direction. We find them off to one side of the Convention Center. Both Danny and Keith are looking... bigger than usual. Like four years of steroids and daily workouts bigger. What's going on? Donna, even from a distance, is acting like she's drunk. Again. She's doing the flirty cheerleader thing and pretending to enjoy having Danny's hands on her. Danny looks like he wants nothing more than to, ah, "press his advantage" but Brian is tapping his watch and telling them they have to go. Danny then tells Donna that it is very important she stay here, he doesn't want her getting hurt.
I ask Keith to make a security guard construct and have it come around the corner toward Danny and Brian. It does the trick, causing them to leave Donna and head back toward the main Pier area, toward us. I can't help myself, I trip them with my TK again. That never gets old. Because of the perceived guard, however, they don't retaliate. We hurry to Donna. She's drunk. She hasn't done something this stupid in a long time. That nagging feeling of impending doom won't leave me, and I ask Keith to stay with Donna and keep her safe while I hurry after Danny and Brian.
- Approximately 3 pm, Friday, May 6
As I come to the end of the Convention Center, I see Julian off to one side watching a parade of folks enter a grandstand. I see The Misfits members hanging out, looking toward the grandstand area, too. I see more 'Roid Rager' types converging on the same general area that Danny and Brian are heading to. I duck out of sight, change back to my Sanction costume, and have MERLIN break into The Misfit's comm signal.
"I may need you, get a mask and get ready," I say.
American Might[edit | edit source]
I have Mitchell scan for unusual or military technology in the area. He finds a small group, converging on the same general area as Danny. There is a large guy, looks like Dolph Lundgren, in his mid-40s there. He's looking toward the grandstands, as well, but I don't like the cocky smile on his face.
Thinking fast, I ask Napalm to stretch his abilities and see if he can "see" heat signatures. He's unsure, but I calm him and convince him he can do it. With some concentration, he does it! He can see a heat signature heading toward the grandstand and getting hotter as it goes. He can tell the heat signature is artificial in nature, so I ask Hashtag to do what he does and interfere with that tech any way he can. I describe Danny and Brian to Miss Fit and ask her to stand by on them, and attack if things go sideways. I tell her not to be gentle with Danny. At all. Okay, so sometimes I'm a dick, sue me.
I tell Aqua to get close to the lake and get ready to control a lot of water.
The Dolph Lundgren-type throws off his outer jacket and reveals a costume that I swear I've seen before. MERLIN confirms it; he's Chris Stein, The American, a crazy ex-Delta forces guy who thinks he's the end-all, be-all of American man power. MERLIN says that his group is known for having/using a patch that provides something called "metagrowth hormone" to users. It's like a super-dose of steroids that gives the users near-super strength and other physical abilities.
I give the word to The Misfits to go! Warren I send to use his powers for crowd control (who doesn't want to flee a guy whose arms are on fire) but also to use his shield to help protect people, if necessary. Chloe jumps into battle with the Roid freaks with a passion. I'm very satisfied by the loud cracking sound and squeal of pain I hear from Danny's direction.
Sending encouragement and helping with my TK as much as I can, I have Aqua send a torrent of lake water at the exploding girl, who turns out to be codenamed Bombshell. We hit her so hard she nearly drowns in the initial blast, and her powers and her suit both fizzle.
Shadow Knight suddenly flies out of nowhere and attacks The American. However, he telegraphs the blow something fierce, and is caught by a wicked uppercut from the villain. Their fight is fierce.
I dive-bomb Bombshell while Aqua continues to pour it on. We stagger and drop her. SK finally tags The American by using his own fighting technique against him, and hurls him into a parking lot wall.
I thank the Misfits and tell them to scram before the cops, or any more media, arrive.
Starting to Make Connections (Session: August 11, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 10
The American, Chris Stein, is on the news again claiming to have been at the Pier to protect the Syria refugees from harm. Without any evidence to contradict him, he seems to be winning the public argument. It's hard not to notice the sneer of contempt he reveals whenever he talks about the "radical meta terrorists" he fought and who took him down.
I've had enough. I contact Mitchell and ask him to start digging into The American and see if he can find anything to release to the public showing he may be involved in the plot. He almost immediately finds information that shows the high-tech suits The American and his team were wearing were set to a non-passive mode. But that's not enough by itself, so Hashtag keeps looking.
Meanwhile, the real shuttle launch with the entire crew is coming up fast. The launch is flawless. It'll be a little while before the shuttle reaches the gateway. Shadow Knight says we can go to Pathways, Inc. and watch the shuttle through the gateway from there. Maybe Charlene will be there?
Notes on Cynthia Boothe[edit | edit source]
SK and I enter through one of his mysterious routes, which turns out to be a less-secure vent. This need of his to always be mysterious is, like, pathological. I'm sure everyone would be just as impressed if we knocked on the door and walked in. But I let him have his fun. Amanda, for her part, hardly bats an eyelash at his sudden appearance.
And I spy Charlene working at her usual desk! Act cool, act cool, act cool. I walk over and start chatting her up about her place in the launch. She's monitoring life support systems. I ask how she can do it once the shuttle moves through the gateway and virtually teleports across a vast range of space. She explains that the gateway has laser-based data transmission inside it which sends the data through the gateway to "satellites" that have already been sent through the "wormhole" effect. In this way, the data can be beamed with only a small delay between the shuttle and command central.
I idly mention the fact that I met Major Michael Saber, and show her the autographed picture (thankfully, I got it without my secret ID name on it). She's pretty excited, as she didn't get to meet him and so wanted to. Point!
Charlene talks about Pathways Inc. taking over Soldier Field for the next 10 days during the mission and allowing the public in to watch on the giant monitors at the stadium. She offers that she could get me and my friends in. I do my best, cool, I'm-a-hero-and-can't-be-there-but-I-have-friends-who-might-want-to-go bit. She looks a little crestfallen, but agrees to let my "friends" in.
She says the mission parameters have changed a bit from what the news was initially reporting. Instead of going after the missing Saturn mission astronauts, this mission is actually inward, more toward the Sun than away from it. The military and Cynthia Boothe made that change. She says that Amanda is pretty irritated by it. They had to retrofit the shuttle with heat shielding and recalibrate everything for the change. I can tell that she wants to say more, but she looks around self-consciously and becomes quiet. I suggest we meet on the balcony of Coffee Craze, by North Side High School, after hours tomorrow. She agrees. Yes!
I then wander around talking with other team members about their tasks. I gently ask probing questions about Cynthia Boothe and her company. The general consensus seems to be there are too many fingers in too many pies with Biotech Global Industries. Many of those who work here feel like how can Boothe's company be good at any one thing when they have so many industries in which they dabble? One guy in particular feels like BGI is hovering right on the brink of illegalities, but can't prove they have stepped over.
Through the Gateway[edit | edit source]
I wander back up to SK and Amanda. They are finishing a hushed conversation about nanites when I arrive, and she offers to consult with him on his findings. SK and I then move off to the side and Amanda links up withe military and BGI control rooms. On the screen showing the military, there are a few generals and similar dressed in their branch's military finest. But I note a few people wearing black suits and dark sunglasses in the room, too. Ms. Boothe is in a similar room to Amanda.
It's time. Mr. Decker, the same guy who believes BGI is borderline illegal, is in charge of the gateway. On Amanda's cue, he fires up the gateway. A laser grid beams across the surface of the gateway, and then sort of... folds away into the distance. He gives his thumbs up and all clear. The shuttle's pilot, Major Saber, comes across the loudspeakers giving mission and shuttle parameters as he maneuvers into the gateway. The shuttle enters, seems to elongate impossibly long for a split second, and then it is gone. Everyone in the room becomes hushed as claxons go off. For the next about 20 seconds there is no contact with the shuttle while it is 'ported through the gateway.
I pay close attention to Amanda and Cynthia. Cynthia looks excited... almost too excited. Amanda looks apprehensive, concerned and not happy. I point it out to SK and he nods. I make a mental note to ask Charlene about star charts and the location of the current mission.
Donna was out of school on Monday and Tuesday. She also hasn't been answering texts or calls since Friday's "episode." I'm going to head to school early on Wednesday and see if I can meet her early and talk.
SK and I are on our way back to the Outpost when we hear back from Hashtag. He has found some info on The American; he's found proof on servers owned by Stein's organization that they were monitoring The American, Bombshell, and all the MGH kids that day. Meanwhile, when Danny showed up showing no visible effects from the broken arm I saw Miss Fit give him on the Pier, I asked Keith to use his own computer acumen to look into it as quietly as he could. Keith has found texts between Stein and Danny that show Stein telling Danny to go to The Drop Zone (a local hot spot) and inject the red vial. Hashtag hacks into our comm link signal and verifies that The Drop Zone is also where Danny and others went to get their MGH fix. I can tell that SK is a bit miffed and impressed with Hashtag for finding and breaking into our comm signal yet again.
When we arrive at the lair, MERLIN has some exciting news to share. He has confirmed that the nanites are modified version of the same ones that Gary once created to power his early attempts at super-computing. Whoever manipulated them seems to know what the metagene is and where it is in the DNA sequence, as the nanites can change it somehow to enhance a meta's power, or make alterations to it. MERLIN can find traces of the old MYRIAD programming from the Legionnaire's computer of the same name.
SK goes into full research/explanation mode. Doesn't he realize I have school in the morning?
- Damian Woodright is all tech-based. So he's probably not involved or funding The American, since Stein is using MGH.
- The American hasn't used MGH before, so who is funding him and why the change in MO?
- And how does Keith's Fairy Godfather fit into all of this?
SK starts working the computers. With all the new data we have collected, he quickly finds connections he hadn't thought of before.
- He finds that Bombshell is related to the CEO of Black Castle, a mercenary force that The American worked with in the past.
- One of The American's missions was to take down The Watchdogs. But the fighting style, the way his MO changed shortly afterward, and the things Stein has been saying since the Pier incident make SK think that maybe he didn't actually take them down -- he can find no arrests from the group around that time -- and maybe Stein has taken over leadership of the group. The were always a right-wing terrorist group.
We pass everything we find to Hashtag to release as quietly and subtly to the news media as he can. By tomorrow, Stein will have a lot of questions to answer!
Secrets Exposed[edit | edit source]
- Wednesday, May 11
I head to school earlier than usual. Donna's already waiting. We head to the deserted football field and have it out. She hits me with all of the 'where have you been,' 'why haven't you been around,' 'what are you up to' questions. I try to turn it around on her with the usual 'why were you drinking,' 'you promised not to drink any more,' 'what were you doing with Danny anyway' questions. I break first, as we both knew I would. I try to make it about Charlene and the Avalon Group work I've been doing. But I can tell she's not buying it. Worse, I can tell she knows something and is driving me to a point.
I glance around, make sure no one is anywhere in site, and I lift her with my powers. She smiles and is not a bit surprised. She's suspected for a while, but was absolutely sure after the Pier, as "Sanction" happened to be wearing the same pants and shoes as "John Doe." She remembered the broken belt loop on my pants when we were dancing and some shots show the same belt broken belt loop during the fight on the pier. We chat about her troubles for a bit, and I promise to make more time for her. She's a lot more understanding now about where I've been and what I'm up to.
We talk about Danny (never again! she swears). She mentions that Diego is staying farther away from Danny and Brian, and getting his grades back up. Maybe he's not the jerk I always thought he was? I tell her that Keith knows about me, but no one else. Later, I tell Keith that Donna knows. It makes my own load a little lighter knowing I have some support at school.
The rest of the days passes without incidence.
Coffee Craze[edit | edit source]
- Night, Wednesday, May 11
After dinner at home with the 'rents, I start getting nervous. What if Charlene doesn't show? I'd be mortified!
I'm so high on endorphins, I attempt to fly the entire four blocks to Coffee Craze. It's scary and eventful, but I find that if I hug the buildings I can make it and it isn't too wobbly. I'm getting better at this! And she's there when I come swooping around and make my hero landing in front of her. Glad my mask covers my face, so she can't see how brightly I'm blushing.
She WAS nervous at the command center, and I read her right. On her smartphone, she shows me copies of star charts from the 1940s and the late 1960s (one is a picture of a hand drawn chart, the other of a microfiche). The charts both, after adjusting for the changes over approximately 28 years, seem to show a certain point between Earth and Mercury. She has no idea why they are using such old charts to navigate the shuttle to rather than going toward Saturn.
She wants to know why I wanted to meet here, of all places. I let slip maybe a little too much info about her (since she goes to my school and I know her passably well). She's a smart one, though, and clicks in that I must know her somehow. Oops! "Secret ID, secret ID, secret ID," I keep chanting to myself.
Hashtag breaks into the comm channel again (SK is NOT going to be happy about that!) -- he can tell the nanites are active right this moment outside of Chicago at an old airstrip and building.
I give my apologies to Charlene, hand her a list of names for the event tomorrow. ("John Doe? Seriously?" "Yes, seriously. You can look up his mom online. She's well-respected and has made the local news." It's a standard problem I have with that name.) I fly off to meet SK coming around in a souped-up car.
He overhead Hashtag's warning and we're heading that way now. He notes the location is where Psiborg made his last stand. I tell him about my conversation with Donna this morning, and he already has some Reflexweave pants and boots in the car. I change quickly. I have a fully made, awesome, super suit!
I tell him about the story Wild Ride told me about his fight with the then Mentalist and mention the traps along the way. SK alters his driving and the car seems to just detect and avoid those traps as we go.
I give him a rundown of things I've discussed with other people:
- Amanda's interest in his ability to use the metal. SK says it was an invention of Amanda and Gary's, but they could never control it very well. He found it, and found he could use it easily and smoothly.
- Amanda thinks my powers may be somewhat Telepathic, and that I may have more depths to what I can do that I've shown. He launches into a background on people who have been able to do what I do in the past, and that they all had a telepathic component to them. The fact that my powers are stronger when I use the TK through my body is a very odd twist, however. No one has seen that before.
- I talk about the two star charts and the location. We come up with a plan to have Charlene provide the pictures and we'll (probably through MERLIN) check the math she's done and confirm the results.
We arrive at the airstrip. There is a plane on the runway... and SK curses. "It's Reaper's," he spits.
At the Reaper's Door (Session: August 25, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Later, Wednesday, May 11
We ask Hashtag to check for heat signatures. He hacks a satellite with infrared capabilities and says he sees no signatures outside. In the warehouse, he sees a couple of faint signatures, but they don't look human.
Shadow Knight and I make a plan. SK also fits my mask with a temporary gizmo to dampen any nanites that may try to get on/in me. We split up and head to opposite sides of the warehouse.
Easy Does It[edit | edit source]
I float up to the second story of the warehouse and attempt to be Zen with my powers, per Wild Ride's suggestions. It works! I'm able, by touching the window, to move the latch to the unlocked position and open the window. Sweet.
I check the offices on this side and note they are all clear. SK is just suddenly there and tells me the other side is clear, too. We both can see there isn't anyone in the main bay area, so we decide they must be underground. SK reasons the door is probably close to the generator, so we check there. Sure enough, SK finds a door, but it is locked and can only be opened from the inside. I attempt my Zen trick with the door, and again it works. I'm really learning that keeping my TK close to me is way more powerful than using it at range.
Before we open the door and go in, SK mentions something sobering-- Reaper doesn't have any TK powers or any other way to open the door. So... either someone was already here and inside to open it for him, or he brought company that has the ability to manipulate objects at a distance. Great.
Underneath[edit | edit source]
The door leads us down a few steps to a laboratory. The place is long, narrow, and hasn't been used in quite some time from the level of dust, cobwebs, and moldy smells we experience. We do note one rather large cage that appears to have been ripped apart from the inside at some point. It has "Weapon 10" written on it.
Inside the lab, at the far side, we see a light under a door. SK decides it is probably best that I go through a vent as a surprise attack and he'll attempt to sneak through the door. Yay, vents again. What is it with this guy and vents?
I float my way through the vent system -- another thing that obviously hasn't been used in quite some time -- and come to a vent on facing the inner laboratory. It is filled with modular old-style (and I mean old) computer decks and other equipment. It is very spartan. Around a slightly tilted medical-style lab table stands Reaper and a woman dressed a bit like a psycho version of Psyche's old costume. Reaper refers to her as Synapse. She has glowing purple eyes and a glow around her hands, which are touching the robotic body on a table in the room. On the table is Psiborg, or The Mentalist before he "upgraded" himself to the point of not being very human any more.
From one of the computer banks comes a Hawking-esque computer voice asking, "Why? Why am I alive?" Reaper and Synapse (mostly Reaper) then explain that they are being paid a lot of money to get what's inside of Psiborg. He indicates that Synapse is somehow manipulating Psiborg's own systems to reconnect him to the electronics in the room, and give him the semblance of life, at least for a time.
Battle Royale[edit | edit source]
Shadow Knight makes his presence known with a pithy, wry statement and attacks Synapse, knocking her back and away from Psiborg's body, which immediately starts saying, "Error, error...". I then come flying into the room from my hidden vent location and I go straight at Reaper. He is so surprised by this that I get one hell of a good TK punch right into his mask! Man, I don't like this guy.
SK wants to go after Reaper, but I convince him I can keep the big guy busy while he takes care of Synapse. He's unsure at first, but goes along. Boy, I hope I'm right. Reaper is huge.
All throughout the combat, Reaper and Synapse talk to each other about the necessity of getting "it" out of Psiborg's body. They sound like a bickering couple about it, actually.
Synapse is able to send me flying toward SK, but he dodges me and attacks her back, keeping her away from the body. I hit the wall pretty hard, but get up and get between Reaper and SK, blocking an attack he makes from that big-ass gun he uses.
As the fight continues, Synapse seems to act more irrationally. I don't know anything about her, but I get the feeling she wasn't the most stable person prior to the combat. But something in her seems to snap. As SK keeps her away from her goal, she gets angrier and more wild in her dealings. But when SK sends a dampening field out into the room, attacking the nanites she is holding directly, she absolutely becomes unhinged. She attacks everyone in the room. SK and I fight it off, but she actually knocks Reaper down and cracks his helmet with the attack! I follow up and try to hit him with a computer bank from inside the room.
Suddenly, a blast comes from the table and hits me, hard. I stagger a bit and nearly go down. Psiborg was able to get a large attack off from his prone position on the table. Great. Just great.
SK is finally able to hit Synapse with a strong enough attack that it destroys the nanites, both inside her head (she was obviously being controlled/directed by them to some degree, similar to Keith) and those she's holding. She slumps over, unconscious. Psiborg's body slumps back. He tries to connect with one of the ports on a computer bank.
Reaper hits me with another blow. I'm having a bit of trouble concentrating on my TK shielding at this point. I think my nose is bleeding. SK swoops over and is able to use his Omnium whips to grapple Reaper. I move up and rip Reaper's armor clean off him.
Reaper gives up. He wants to walk away. He threatens us with taking control of EAGLE, should he be taken in by them. SK finally elbows him in the head so hard he knocks the broken helmet off his head and knocks him unconscious. We contact Hashtag and have him send an alert to EAGLE to come clean up this mess.
A Job Well Done[edit | edit source]
One of the computer banks whirs to life. An image of a man in silhouette and using The Agent's voice from the Matrix appears. He says, "Up until now, you've simply been a thorn in my side. Stop now, and we'll leave you alone. Stay out of our business. Do whatever you ... 'heroes' do, but stay away from us. This is your last warning." I say, "Screw you" and blast the computer to bits. I think Shadow Knight approves.
SK picks up Reaper's big gun and we head outside. SK uses the gun to blow up Reaper's plane, and then leaves the gun behind for Reaper to find. We get back to the car and head out before EAGLE arrives. Hashtag reports that the Psiborg was accessing information on nanites before losing power and disconnecting.
SK drops me off at home.
No Rest for the Weary[edit | edit source]
- Thursday, May 12
I get called to the office during school the next day. A package has arrived for me from Pathways Industries. Inside is a note from Charlene Hill and the tickets to the Gateway event at Soldier Field on Saturday. Woot! I thank the office worker, who makes a snide comment about my name (why did dad have to name me "John" with the last name "Doe"?).
I head out and find Donna, Julian, and Keith to share the good news. Donna immediately takes over the event, ordering Julian to provide us a limo, making Keith call a local sit-down restaurant for a reservation, and tell us all that we will be dressing up for the event. Everyone's happy. It's all we talk about the rest of the day and all throughout Friday.
- Saturday, May 14
On Saturday, dressed up as much as younger High School aged children get, and with my mother taking many pictures of us all before we head out to dinner, we get ready for the event. Julian has managed to finagle a limo from his mother, and we head to the Mity Nice Bar & Grill, with a nice view of Lake Michigan. The meal is great. Just as we are finishing, however, my phone rings with a special ring tone -- not tonight! I make an excuse and head to the bathroom to answer it.
"This better be big; you know how important tonight is!" I answer, knowing it is Shadow Knight. He apologizes and says the Production Crew has escaped EAGLE custody. He thinks they are looking for some quick cash, and likely to hit the Diamond District near 51st Street. He starts to make an apology that he can probably take them down himself, but I stop him. "I'll be there. Hopefully we can wrap it up quickly. I want to be at the call-in event with my friends." He agrees to pick me up outside the restaurant.
I make some apologies to my friends about the Avalon group needing some last minute pre-work they are doing with Pathways Industries for tonight's event. I swear to them I'll be there before it happens, I give them their tickets, and I head downstairs fast. Donna manages to tell me to be careful, and I know Keith understands that something is going on. It sure helps to have some of my friends in on the secret.
It's the End of the World As We Know It... And I'm Pissed[edit | edit source]
- Early evening, Saturday, May 14
I change to my full uniform and hop on Shadow Knight's motorcycle. No sidecar this time, I get a seat behind him now. In a flash, we're at the Diamond District and making our way onto a roof. Man, I'm getting really good at using my TK to move myself. Way too much practice at it lately?
We just get into position when we see all four members of the Production Crew hover into sight and head nearly straight for us. Not only did they break out, but they managed to get their gear? Someone's head will roll at EAGLE for this one. We're just about to attack when our comms go off. It's Wild Ride. Still claiming "magical" powers, he says he's had a "vision" of fire raining down on all of Chicago. Instead of laughing it off, SK turns deadly serious. He asks me to buy him time.
I'm angry. My night has been disrupted. I'm here trying to help my mentor. Wild Ride is spouting his usual nonsensical gibberish about "magic." I say, "I'm on it." My eyes flash red and I fly straight at The Director and take him down with one blow, hard, totally confusing and disrupting whatever the four of them had planned.
SK opens the comms between us even as he is patching in Amanda and keeping Wild Ride on the line. As I menace the Crew, SK and the others are talking and I take in as much as I can. Something has gone wrong with the shuttle. Someone has initiated the fail-safe recall event and the gateway has opened. Whatever is coming is going to come through that gateway and will home in straight on Chicago and Pathways Industries, which is basically in downtown.
WR tells SK that they need the passwords and access to MYRIAD. He needs to send a plea to anyone with powers to help them, or the city will be destroyed. I don't hear what happens next, but suddenly the Crew's suit consoles come online. I can see TVs and billboards nearby coming up with an "Emergency Broadcast System" type message with the old Legionnaires symbol on it. Wild Ride's face appears, and he asks for help. He pleads with metas, good and bad, anywhere in the city to come and help. Chicago is in desperate trouble and fire and debris is on its way. The city may be destroyed if everyone, and he means everyone, doesn't chip in and help save it.
Suddenly, my petty problems seem just that... petty. And I'm torn... I want to help the metas save the city, I want to race to Soldier Field and help my friends, and I want to fly to Ross Apartments and save my parents. What should I do?
The Sky is Falling (Session: September 28, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Early Evening, Saturday, May 14
I'm having one of those days again. You know the ones, where everything just seems to spiral out of your control and you can do only one of two things: step up or go to bed. Unfortunately, my only choice is to step up and hope for the best.
Flashback[edit | edit source]
- Story aside, takes place on May 3
- Becky Sommers walks into an office at the Willis Tower, knocks on a door, enters, and a man is sitting there, behind a desk. It's Shadow Knight. He mentions that the "idiot with a motorcycle" is keeping Sanction engaged, so they are free to speak. He "knows." Becky is sheepish. She explains that she was 'recruited' by the military to help secure Flare's body under the heading Project Sentinel. Becky was contacted by a general, they insisted on her help (or they would send her back to prison on trumped-up charges), and they gave her a costume and access to a crystal. She was teamed with other metas, some old and some new. They took out The American's old team, but someone else was there and took Flare's body before they could secure it. This happened in San Francisco. If she says any more, she'll be in real trouble with the military. She will not divulge who was on Project Sentinel.
- SK knows she doesn't need the crystals any more, but finds it interesting and beneficial to Becky that the military doesn't know that.
- They squabble a bit. Becky indicates he may be jealous that Sanction is with Wild Ride. He says no, but all other indications say yes.
- They hear a motorcycle and Becky opens a window. There are Wild Ride and Sanction trying to get a reading from a device. Becky and WR talk for a bit, and then Becky leans forward and touches Sanction's eyes with her power. She then leans back in through the window, closes it, and tells SK that Sanction will be okay. A spark of power floats between the fingers she used to touch Sanctions eyes...
Speed Racer[edit | edit source]
I'm standing over the prostrate body of The Director. The Production Crew is stunned. Everywhere you look, every screen is showing the old Legionnaires symbol and Wild Ride is speaking to both the heroes and the population of the city. I grab The Director and start dragging him toward SK and I tell the others they are helping and to follow me. Lightshow runs the math based on what Wild Ride has said. She agrees they must help. They follow.
I tell the others via the comms that Wild Ride must add to his announcement that everyone who isn't helping with the crisis must get underground. Get into subbasements and basements, underneath overpasses, into parking garages, etc. Some of the debris *will* crash into buildings and the ground, and they will need protection if and when it happens. I see and hear WR start passing that information on via the Legionnaire's EBS.
Meanwhile, SK switches to a different comms frequency and says, "Hashtag, I assume you're listening. Did Soldier Field's screens show the warning?"
"Yes, but most think it is part of the show."
SK then asks HT for his help. He has Hashtag switch the comms over to a very special frequency that sounds like white noise to everyone on the comms. He says, "I've been watching you. Have you seen the emergency broadcast? Are you willing to help? Meet me at the top of (the building we're currently on)."
I hear a strange sound and I see a blue glow come zipping up the street. Suddenly, there is another teen standing on the building next to us. My eyes are still seeing a blue glow trailing after him. The kid is wearing what looks to be a home-made costume (been there!) but the material is something else again... the yellows of it are constantly shifting and moving around each other. It looks like he's wearing a yellow lava lamp. He wears a pair of goggles that don't really hide his face. He looks a bit undernourished and has some dark circles under his eyes.
I say, "Neat costume. Can your's do this?" I tap the stealth mode button and mine goes from blue and yellow to shades of gray.
"Cool! No, mine is just this color," he says.
"You're looking at the reason for all that crime you found in the area of 51st Street," says Shadow Knight. The new kid blushes a bit, and also is surprised SK knows. Amanda breaks in on the comms and suggests that everyone meets up at the Pathways building, downtown. SK tells the Production Crew to get to Soldier Field and to help get everyone cleared out or underground. They take off.
The new kid, Wake, gets in SK's motorcycle and they take off and I fly alongside. I'm still not as steady as I could be, but I'm definitely getting better. Amanda gives directions to a secret parking area and elevator underground, and then we head up to the control room.
Planning for the End of the World[edit | edit source]
The control room is in chaos. Screens are showing the gateway shuddering and failing, alarms are going off and lights are flashing on just about every console. As we arrive, Amanda has two costumes next to her, one in dark and light blue with symbols and a blue energy all around him, Arclight. The other is wearing a black and yellow running outfit and is eating a power bar, FastTrack.
Wake speeds up to FastTrack and they start talking to each other, speeding up their conversation so much that it becomes a high-pitched squeal. I shout, "Stop! You're hurting my ears!" and they slow down.
Amanda begins. No one knows what has happened on the other side or what is happening to the gateway on this side. It is reacting to something, that they do know. They have lost contact with the astronauts, but their sensors are still pinging that the shuttle is there and moving through the wormhole. Looking up at the screens, she points out that there appears to be a light source or glow emanating from inside the wormhole created by the gateway -- that has never happened before and shouldn't be happening now.
As we watch, the gateway begins failing in front of our eyes. The shuttles comes through and we see the figure of a glowing man pushing it through. As he gets the shuttle clear and pushes it toward earth, the bright light behind him resolves into a massive solar flare. The Glowing Guy stops and faces the flare. We see the shuttle's jets cough and come to life, so it still has some power and someone on board must be alive to turn them on.
Amanda jumps for a console station, turns a key and hits a button, and a set of monitors show four large platforms rising up out of Lake Michigan -- at the top of the platforms looks like another, cruder gateway. One of the scientists actually yells out, "Prototype Gateway rising to position." Amanda, noting the stern looks on the military personnel's faces, mutters under her breath, "The military isn't going to like seeing this."
Meanwhile, the Glowing Guy stretches out his arms and legs. As he does so, a "web" of energy emits from his body and acts like a net just as the solar flare arrives through the gateway. He "catches" most of the energy, but the flare destroys the gateway as it emerges, and sends the majority of the metal and ceramic pieces hurling toward earth. Just before all the nearby camera feeds go dark, we see meteor-like chunks of rock also exit the gateway. Amanda says that the amount of debris and energy that came out will undoubtedly hit satellites and other object in near orbit and bring them crashing down on us, too.
First Line of Defense[edit | edit source]
Amanda explains that she retrofitted her early prototype into a ground-based station as a defense for Chicago. She thinks that the warp gate can deflect a lot of the debris into it and she can harmlessly send it back out into space on the other side of the planet. The big question is whether the Glowing Guy can stop that solar flare from destroying the atmosphere and killing everyone on the planet. So far, it looks like he is stopping it. His energy net is bending but not breaking. A distant camera that was not destroyed shows he is in a lot of pain, but he's holding. But some of the debris, especially any new debris that is added as it crashes through the satellites, will likely head straight for Chicago through the atmosphere.
She and the lead scientist turn on the prototype gateway. It sparks to life ... and then quits. A voice comes over the speakers in the room. SK recognizes it immediately... MYRIAD. The Legionnaires' former computer is everywhere and in everything. It has grown and learned. It has learned to manipulate things... and even people. It wants to watch something burn, and watch how humanity reacts to that.
SK asks Amanda if she "still has it." She seems to understand this, and says it is fueled and ready to go, behind the elevator we came up. SK tells Wake to follow FastTrack and do what he says on the streets, keeping people safe. He and I head to the elevators.
Do Your Job[edit | edit source]
Amanda has a quinjet. Well, okay, it actually only seats two, but same thing! I feel like the Fantastic 4 heading off on a mission... but I'm also scared as hell. As we take off, I mention to Shado Knight that a) MYRIAD claims to be in everything, b) it claims it can control just about everything, and c) we just got into a plane. He says that Gary never put MYRIAD in any of his devices, so the plane is safe. MERLIN is safe. Pretty much everything SK-approved is safe. Whew!
We head toward the platforms as fast as the plane will take us.
Ground[edit | edit source]
Looting is already starting. Wake and FastTrack are zipping around the city, and already see civilians grouping together. One such mob sparks and they grab anything at hand to smash windows and loot stores. Wake uses the strange, blue energy that follows behind him to "suck" things along after him, just like his name implies. He moves trucks to block store windows, is able to get some people knocked back and around without any real damage. As he moves, he stops and takes weapons and things out of peoples' hands and deconstructs them. FastTrack is impressed, as he has to use more traditional methods of stopping people.
Air[edit | edit source]
As we near the platforms, our elevated position allows us to be the first to see the glow in the night sky. The debris is nearly here! We hover the plane near one platform and SK gets out and enters the code. He provides it to me, and I fly to the next platform. It is much higher than I've ever been, and the winds are brutal as they knock me around, but I make it and enter the code. SK is able to get MYRIAD on the defensive; not out of the system, but not able to directly affect our plans. He jumps in the plane and heads toward the next tower while I fly to the last one.
MYRIAD manages to get the system defenses online and a bolt of electricity shoots out, trying to stun or knock us out. SK is able to leap aside and dispatch the probe that shot at him, and then enter the code to enable the platform. I am not as lucky. I move right into the blast and it knocks me down. I scramble to keep purchase on the platform... have to remember that all my powers are based on my mental clarity and focus, being surprised is NOT GOOD. I catch fast, focus, and use my TK to "lance" out and destroy the probe. I then ease myself up onto the platform and enter the code just as SK arrives in the plane.
The platform starts to hum into action.
Ground[edit | edit source]
FastTrack is happy. Wake can tell just by looking at him that he enjoys being of service and loves helping people. The continue speeding around the area, stopping looting and helping people to get underground. As they speed along, Wake suddenly realizes that he just passed a large black guy with a Ford F-150 lifted over his head. He has "Thug" tatooed on his abdomen. He turns around and speeds back. He arrives just in time to stop the guy from ramming the truck into a store front. Instead, the dude tries to ram the truck onto Wake! Wake quickly sidesteps and tells the guy to LOOK UP. The idiot finally notices the glow of the debris coming down, and the first few pieces breaking through the atmosphere and heading toward Chicago.
Wake pleads with him to help others. His strength can be used to save people and this city. He shapes up, and heads over to start assisting some people. Wake speeds off after FastTrack.
Air[edit | edit source]
I jump into the plane and SK steers us up and toward the debris. We can see the platform starting to suck in the debris field as it falls, warping it into the field in the middle and sending it to where only Amanda knows... hopefully someplace in space. It is like a giant hoover and it is looking like the heroes may not be needed so much after all. Some fliers have arrived and are helping to destroy the debris that didn't get sucked into the platform. I see Wild Ride on his motorcycle. I spot a woman who seems to be using ... electricity? to vaporize some chunks. There are others, but so few. I tell SK I'm going to get out and help them but, before I can, MYRIAD overloads the platforms' systems and causes an EMP burst. Our plane is fine, as it is shielded, but we can see a large section of the city's lights turn off.
Worse, we can see a number of jets that weren't able to reroute fast enough start falling from the sky!
Arclight appears, waves his hands, and is able to teleport? three planes to safety below. As he turns to the last, however, he falls a good thousand feet and the blue glow of energy around him dims considerably. It's nice to know he's not completely useless, but that still leaves an entire British Airlines jumbo jet for us to do something with.
Ground[edit | edit source]
FastTrack is eating a large snack. He is surprised that Wake is not hungry; apparently, Wake produces energy that grants him his great speed, it is not a metabolic process as it is with FastTrack. FT seems a little surprised, a touch jealous, and a bit envious.
They spy some debris getting dangerously close to the skyscrapers that make up much of downtown Chicago. They pick different buildings and use their speed to run right up the side of them. FastTrack picks up items along the way and throws them at supersonic speed at debris items, destroying them. Other times, he simply catches up to the item and deflects it or takes it apart into smaller components that won't be as destructive when it hits the ground.
Wake has a different tactic, however. He creates a vortex of his blue energy at the top of a building and sucks some of the debris into it. Once he has "caught" a number of debris items in his wake, he speeds down the building and out of the city to farm areas. He then stops running, and his wake field drops, releasing the debris to land harmlessly in the field. He then speeds back into the city.
On one such trip, he notices the number of heroes all over the city helping out. He spies an archer destroying debris with specialized arrows. He spies a super-strong guy throwing stuff at the debris, destroying it. There are a number of heroes around, and they are doing what they can in their various areas of the city.
Air[edit | edit source]
Shadow Knight claims the small plane we are in has systems in place that will allow us to get under the plane and become its engine, allow us to land it. However, our plane is so small and the jet is so large, it will be tricky. We maneuver into place and start to make the connection, but something happens-- the plane hits an air pocket or the jet rolls -- and the jet starts crushing our plane. I leap into action and use my TK to create a cushion between the jet and the plane. OH MY GOD is it heavy! I've never spread my TK over something so big, so heavy, so important! But it is working; SK is getting the jet stabilized and starting to steer it toward the city and a runway.
And then we both see it. The shuttle has crashed through the atmosphere. It made it through without being destroyed outright, but it is on fire, pieces are coming off, and the astronauts inside are going to die.
I'm scared, and I tell SK so. He's scared too. I tell him to get everyone who can help up here to help me with this plane, and I tell him to go catch the shuttle. We HAVE TO save them. He doesn't want to. He mentions that I haven't EVER tried to do what I'm about to do. I pretend like I believe it and I tell him I think I can hold it for a little while. He gives me a look; I pretend I'm determined, even as I'm already straining under the weight with the support of the plane under me. He gets on the comms and says something... I don't hear it because he uses a different channel and I can't click mine over, as I'm a little busy right now.
God, I hope my family and friends are okay.
He eases the plane down and away from, and I feel the full weight of a jumbo jet for the first time. My powers, usually invisible except for the glow in my eyes, start sparking and glowing their familiar golden color.
I'm not one for cursing, but HOLY SHIT THIS IS HEAVY!
Everything At Once[edit | edit source]
- Wake can see by the glow of my power the plane is sort of falling from the sky. He moves to get under it, hoping his wake effect can do the same thing for it as it did for the much small debris. He speeds past FastTrack, who is helping a busload of people out of the stalled bus and into an underground garage.
- MYRIAD is able to interrupt our comms to state it is crashing an old Star Wars satellite with a nuclear payload onto Chicago, in case anyone is interested.
- Glowing Guy is suddenly there. He is in front of and pushing against the satellite. He says to someone, who relays it to everyone else, that the solar flare is taken care of. But he is weak, and isn't able to stop the satellite from falling. I hear SK request Wild Ride over the comms.
- My TK stretches through the plane to keep its structural integrity. I suddenly know there are exactly 432 souls on board. I can't seem to stop the damn plane from falling, but I try to direct its fall by using my strength to keep the plane up and my flight to direct where it should go. I have no other better option until some fliers who can help arrive, so I start directing it toward Lake Michigan, hoping that will be a softer landing. But it is so far.
- SK gets his plane into position and is able to perform the maneuver successfully on the much smaller shuttle. It is under control, at least for now.
- I watch as Glowing Guy loses control of the satellite and it goes falling passed me straight at the heart of the city. But, since he was ready for the plane, Wake is there. He starts his blue vortex of energy and is just able to catch the satellite and slow it enough that his energy has it under control. He then, once again, speeds out of the city and deposits the payload in a farmer's field. He comes across the comms asking someone to please contact the authorities and gives the location. I smile; one less thing to worry about.
- SK is struggling, because the shuttle is continuing to break up.
- I'm trying to maneuver this gigantic plane when I suddenly see words appear before me. They tell me I'm doing great and to follow the arrows and that help is coming. With the craziness of the day, I do a mental shrug and start following the arrows. They appear to be directing me toward Soldier Field. This plane is getting heavier and heavier to me. I'm keeping the structure in shape, however. I can "hear" a lot of praying and cursing above me. I follow the images I'm seeing and set the plane down dead center in the stadium. Somewhere in the distance above me, there is an explosion, but I can't see what it is. Hopefully, someone else is taking care of it. Whomever is helping me has put some sort of material on the field, that cushions the landing of the plane and allows me a moment to get out from under it before it crushes me. I feel like passing out... I'm so tired.
- I look up, and I see the remains of Shadow Knight's plane comes in. It has just enough room on the field to land by the plane. Attached to the plane is the remains of the shuttle with the astronauts inside... but no sign of SK himself.
- Shouts and points. SK is coming in on a damaged parachute and lands awkwardly. He's limping as he disengages from the chute. He waves off the EMTs. I hear him via the comms ask Hashtag to kill all the cameras and recording devices in the area. My head is spinning.
- The EMTs help the astronauts into ambulances and they take off. People who were below the field coming streaming out and over toward us. Charlene, Donna, Julian, and Keith are there, and they are all okay! Wake suddenly appears.
- Something happens and suddenly Major Saber is next to SK. He was Glowing Guy. (Someone later tells me that Prism put a hologram of the Major in the shuttle remains for the EMTs to find, and one of the EMTs was a meta, who "helped" that hologram into an ambulance. SK, taking secret IDs seriously, apparently planned ahead for this so that the Major could reveal himself, or not, as he wanted to).
- The Major looks about as tired as I feel. At least I had some time to learn and gain confidence in my powers; he got powers and immediately had to use them to save the world. All I did was save one plane full of people. Which, by the way, I see are starting to use the inflatable ramps to exit the plane. Looks like they are all in good shape.
- Amanda arrives and is reviewing everything that happened. She thanks everyone. Her team starts tearing apart the shuttle remains, looking for the black box and other equipment. She suddenly asks, "Where's FastTrack?"
Denouement[edit | edit source]
- An alley near the stalled bus. In the darkness of night, you can just see a large human form standing over a smaller form. The smaller form is wearing a black and yellow running suit. The neck of the person is twisted in a horrible direction, and blood trickles out of the mouth. Its eyes are open and staring blankly. The large figure pauses a moment longer, and then walks further into the darkness of the alleyway.
Chapter 2: One Becomes Two[edit | edit source]
The hero and his mentor find more metahumans are becoming activated. They bring some into the fold and begin training them.
It's So Hard... (Session: November 10, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 17
This is the first funeral for someone I know that I've attended.
Updated Information[edit | edit source]
Since "The Chicago Event," the news media has gone wild over the new hero they have dubbed "Triumph." He has only been sighted once since Chicago, helping a military precision flight team from crashing, and he hasn't given any interviews.
Shadow Knight has been absent since the Chicago Event, but said he'd be at the funeral and actually picks me up in his limousine.
While most of the media's attention is on Triumph, there are occasional news stories about the rest of the crew, and especially about me "single-handedly" catching that plane and setting it down in the stadium. Around Chicago, I actually trump Triumph on the news cycle at times, due to being a "home-grown hero." I'm happy and proud to have saved that plane full of people, but I'm a bit embarrassed by the attention; a lot of other heroes did a lot of work to save people, too.
The Funeral[edit | edit source]
It's sunny at the gravesite. There are many military, civilian, and heroic people here. The media is off to one side, in a designated area. Shadow Knight even points out to me a few dignitaries from various governments who made the trip. It seems that Fasttrack was pretty well beloved.
The speeches go on for hours, and even the Vice President says a few words as well as reading a prepared statement from the President. Damn. They all seem to have a similar theme: whether as the superhero Fasttrack or as Mark Wallace, the man moved people, did the right thing, and was a good person to everyone he came in contact with. I can only hope to follow his example; which, of course, will mean doing something about my temper. I guess mom is right... again.
After the main ceremony, 21-gun salute, and everything, a few of us hang around while the media, dignitaries, military, and others slowly wander off. Although the official ceremony started at 10 am local time, the shadows are stretching pretty long and the sun is low in the sky as the final few of us gather together, led by Amanda. A few of the heroes, especially the older ones, keep snatching glances at Brandon (SK), Tim (Thomas; aka Wake), and me. We are too young and stick out a bit. But, since Amanda isn't saying anything, they aren't. Jesse Ryder catches my eye and gives me a maudlin smile and a nod. I guess he's figured that out.
Paying Homage[edit | edit source]
Amanda says all the right things. Arclight stands there like a douche; he acts totally unemotional, with his cape swirling around even though there is no wind today. He acts like if he had done something the results would be the same. The only thing that keeps me from speaking up is the sour look on Brandon's face whenever he looks at Arclight. I think he's thinking the same things I am. Amanda wraps up her speech talking about legacy, and the torch being passed to a new generation of heroes. She gives us a wink, and that lightens my mood. Of course, I wonder how they all know it's me... I DO wear a full-face mask, after all. I guess they are heroes, and super-sleuths, for a reason.
And older guy steps forward. He says he's not much more than a leg-breaker, and he wants to help by breaking some, but he needs someone to tell him which legs to break. Tim steps forward and says he was likely the last person to see Fasttrack alive. I whisper to him, "Dude, you're forgetting rule #1!" He says he wants to help. Everyone, except Douchelight, nods. Most of those remaining slowly head off. Douchelight just sorts of floats away on the breeze no one else is feeling.
Soon, it is just Brandon, Tim, Amanda, Jesse, and Becky left. Becky is crying hard. Amanda wants us to move forward with the investigation, but she cannot help us directly. Jesse has to get back to Los Angeles. From what she says and how hard she's taking the funeral, we surmise that Becky is the villain that Fasttrack helped to reform her ways. We tell Amanda we're on it, and head back to the Stronghold.
Clues[edit | edit source]
Brandon introduces Tim to the Castle. At first he's a bit underwhelmed, as the ground level is purposefully innocuous. But, as the elevator descends to the base-proper underneath, his level of excitement grows.
We head over to the lab area and SK brings up a 3D rendering of the alley with Fasttrack's body in it, plus all of the evidence he's gathered. We start asking questions. What we know so far is:
- FT died from a broken neck
- No evidence of speed effects in the alley (so FT wasn't moving fast; did he know his assailant? was he surprised?)
- No other trauma on the body (so, no signs of a fight or anything)
- The edges of the wound are unique and specific in that they show signs of something vibrating at high speeds
Wake gets a little leery at the evidence, as it seems to be pointing toward him, as another speedster. But SK immediately relieves that by stating that he is, basically, a living proton accelerator who manifests that as speed. He leaves traces of a specific type of zero-point energy behind, whenever he uses his powers. There were no signs of that energy in that alley or on FT's body.
Tim and I have a similar thought at about the same time, but he asks it before I do. "Who last called Fasttrack before he died?"
Ha! Score one for the newbies. Tim may not recognize it, and SK covers it quickly, but I can tell he hadn't thought of that. He mumbles something about having checked the outgoing calls from FT's phone, but "hadn't yet checked the incoming call log." Yeah, right.
Tim thumbs through it and sees the last phone call received was from "Tommy." SK surmises that is likely Mark's son, Tom Wallace. Who, now that he is thinking about it, wasn't at the funeral. We contact Amanda and she confirms that she called Tommy, but she couldn't reach him. She also confirms the number Tim has on FT's cell phone is Tom Wallace's. SK does a quick back trace on the number and sees that it is currently on, in use, and in Chicago.
Deadly Duo[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 17, Evening
We triangulate the cell phone's location and head out. It is in an area in the northwestern side of Chicago. Wake later reveals that he saw a woman "Hulk-out" in this area and take down some thugs. Interesting.
The location turns out to be a warehouse being renovated for new tenants. It is four stories tall and a billboard proudly states it is the future site of a satellite company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Advanced Biotech. Great. After what they managed to do to Amanda's portal and deep space mission, I can only imagine what they may have to do with this mess.
SK heads off to the left side of the building. Wake and I head to the right side. Wake seems to be chaffing a bit, but I can only fly so fast. Speed isn't my thing.
As we near the building, two projectiles suddenly fly out of a window at us. They look like large ball bearings. I have no time to duck, swerve, or dive, so I pump up my TK shields and prepare to get hit. Wake is able to use his speed to dodge his. The things explode, but I don't take much damage (and Wake avoids any damage by avoiding the explosion altogether). I head in through the window and tackle what turns out to be a woman in some sort of tactical costume covered in weapons.
Wake "follows me in" by going through another window on this floor entirely, and has to make his way over to the fight. It turns out, however, that our powers can complement each other nicely. I can take the beating, he can avoid it. I have the strength, he has the speed. Although she's a tough cookie, we manage to slam her down with a "Wake punch" followed by a TK slam from me.
Just as we're finishing up, SK enters with a second unconscious figure. This one is wearing a huge cloak and his costume is in grays and blacks. He says this was the south perimeter guard. He mentions that their DNA is troubling....
To Say Goodbye (Session: December 17, 2016)[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 17, Evening, Continued
Shadow Knight thinks he knows why these two people are together. He brings up his wrist computer (is that new?) and takes a quick DNA sample of both combatants (now, I'm *sure* he couldn't do that before). The male is "Dusk," a pal of The American's from back in the day. The female is... a familial match to Reaper. A daughter, perhaps? A much younger sister?
Playing Possum[edit | edit source]
Suddenly, Dusk and Killshot, as her nom de guerre turns out to be, spring into action... they were playing possum!
SK curses a bit more strongly than I have yet heard as Dusk's cloak catches him and pulls him into it. Being so much faster than I am (I wonder sometimes how he sees the world-- is he always waiting for us to catch up to him, or is everything slow only when he uses his speed?), Wake springs back, runs around the walls, and tries to punch Dusk... but passes right through him! I launch myself at Killshot, grab her, and throw her at Dusk. However, just like Reaper, she is fast enough to roll with the attack and she manages to avoid hitting Dusk.
As she does that, I'm in the perfect position to see an attack from Dusk coming at Wake which, I'm surprised to see, he isn't dodging or avoiding in any way. I shout a warning but realize I have a sudden headache and neither Dusk nor Killshot seem to be reacting to my warning, yet Wake is. He also momentarily grabs his head. Did I just use telepathy? Amanda, Jesse, and SK have all said that it is rare for a TK person not to have TP and vice versa. Whoa.
Wake is able to dodge most of the attack... it turns out that the energy beam was two dimensional. I was on a side that could see it, but Wake was straight on to the attack and couldn't see it.
Tactics![edit | edit source]
I take a really hard hit from one of Killshot's grenades. My TK armor holds up, but barely, and it feels even worse than when I got hit by the laser from the possessed Flare. Ouch! That... pisses me off!
Wake realizes that he is having little effect on Dusk trying to attack him physically, so he suddenly starts running in circles around the cloaked figure. That blue light looks like something from Tron, and Dusk is lifted partially off the ground and is struggling. The 'wake effect' is tearing his mostly intangible body apart, making Dusk have to focus on keeping himself together.
Sensing an opportunity, I violently grab Killshot, breaking her armor, and throw her into the wake effect. Between the damage I do on the grab and throw and Wake's wake effect, Killshot's armor starts to rip apart where I broke it. I'm seeing a LOT of skin under there. Is she... is she *naked* under there?!
Wake can't do much more than keep Dusk busy and go for the occasional super-speed punch. And I'm pissed. I look around and find a large, metal container behind me. I lift it up and throw it at both Dusk and Killshot, trying to time it right to not hit Wake. Success! The blow hits them both, doing good damage, and Wake moves in for a slam as well.
Back from Beyond[edit | edit source]
Suddenly, a gloved hand appears on the edges of Dusk's cloak. Then another. Then the entire body of Shadow Knight comes flipping out of the cloak, uses the grip on the cloak's edges to somersault, and then slams Dusk to the ground. Knowing that he is barely keeping his coherence together, thanks to the damage and the wake effect, I shout to SK, "Blow him!" to get SK to dissipate him fully. Instead, SK procures two long whip-like things from his Osmium gauntlets and flays Dusk, knocking him unconscious and restraining him.
With Dusk down, I zip in and grab Killshot from behind. It's really awkward, because most of her armor has come apart and is scattered all over the room, so she is almost entirely naked. And not bad looking. I hold on tight as she struggles against me (which feels really... good!), and determine it is best if I close my eyes. And try not to grab anything too soft and inviting.
Wake, not as embarrassed as I am, still finds a tarp and brings it over so we can put it around her. SK produces another set of restraints for her, and we latch them on her forearms. As we do, she says in a very matter-of-fact, I'm-not-almost-naked, you-haven't-won-yet tone of voice, "We're blown."
If I Could Save Time in a Bottle[edit | edit source]
Wake is still amped up from the fight and his motor is set to super speed. That's why, later, he told us that he reacted the way he did. He says he saw a flash of light come up through the floorboards and windows of the room we were in, which is up on the third floor. He moves both of us, and our captured prisoners, out of the way of the explosion that occurs before SK or I even know what's going on.
Below us, in the middle of the main floor of the warehouse, we see two people. One is an arrogant looking young guy (well, older than us... maybe SK's age?), wearing sunglasses, boots, a black tee shirt with an atomic symbol on it. He is just reining in the explosion that damaged most of the building and which he expelled from his eyes, which still glow. Next to him is a really large, muscular guy who is wearing an outfit just like FastTrack's, but the opposite color scheme.
The arrogant guy says, "You take on one Syndicate, you take us all on." He turns to the big guy. "You killed your dad, you got your powers -- it's time to step up to the big leagues, Whiplash."
I move forward and grab both SK's and Wake's hands. We've just finished one bad fight, and everyone has cuts, bruises, and is breathing hard. I concentrate for a moment, and stimulate all three of us to heal. While I do that, SK verifies his hunch that the arrogant guy is Megaton, the son of DefCon, aka Major Richards. We can also see that the new guy is Tommy, FastTrack's son, even if what Megaton said didn't clue us in.
I Don't Like Me When I'm Angry![edit | edit source]
I suggest Wake take on Megaton, and he's off in a blue flash. Shadow Knight and I will take on Tommy... I mean "Whiplash."
Wake is having some trouble. Megaton seems to be able to absorb the wake effect energy, so Wake is having to change tactics, using more super punches and dodging Megaton's blasts and blows. However, Megaton's blast power fizzles when it nears Wake. Something odd going on here.
I attack Whiplash and land a staggering blow to him. As I wheel back around for his counter punch, I notice a lab with a bunch of "Star Trek" type stuff on it. One device in particular looks like something that might be used to inject energy or something into a person, giving them super powers. Hmm. Then, all thoughts are swiftly punched out of my head as Whiplash hits me with his counter punch. It is some sort of dual or multiple punch and, while my TK armor shields me from the bulk of it, it HURTS. My eyes go red.
I swing and miss, and Whiplash taunts me more. SK is able to interrupt the speedster, but sees my eyes go red and knows that something bad is about to happen. He jumps up onto a support column when he sees me jump into the air and slam my fist down on the concrete floor. I break it into dozens of large pieces, sending a mini-quake through the room which Wake and Megaton both have to dodge. I slam Whiplash to the ground, breaking his nose and front teeth on the concrete. SK swoops in and finishes the speedster off.
Wake moves in for a hyper punch on Megaton. Megaton actually takes a step back, feels something on his face, and reaches up to find a bloody nose. Wake says, "Sorry, can't hang around, you're about to have a bad day!" and ducks while zooming off in a flash of blue. What Wake blocked Megaton from seeing was me grabbing a steel girder and swinging it at him. I hit him flush in the head and shoulders and he is staggered and takes a few steps. He shakes his head, like clearing cobwebs, and then jumps out of the building, screaming, "This ain't over!" as he goes. My anger gets the best of me, like it hasn't already, and I rip the girder in half at this taunt. I'm scary when I lose control.
Prism Sentence[edit | edit source]
As he leaves, Becky appears in all her Prism glory, forms a knife out of light, and lands on the now-conscious Tommy. She looks like she could kill as she whispers "Murderer!" to his scarred face.
Wake speeds over to me and asks, if I heard everything said at super-speed correctly, 1. If I was all right, 2. If my eyes change color often, 3. Who is the new woman who is threatening our captured foe, and 4. if he should go after the jumper, or at least track him. There might have been a dozen more questions, but those are what I managed to get through my battle haze. It actually helps calm me down and focus, and my eyes fade from red to orange and back to a golden yellow.
I tell him I'm okay... now. I tell him not to bother with Megaton for now. And then I say, "Heh... you made him see his blood, I made him taste it" and we high five. I try to play off how scared I am of myself when I lose it like that. I should talk to SK about that... when we're alone.
Best Served Cold (Session: February 22, 2017)[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday, May 17, Evening, Continued
Prism is leaning over a semi-conscious Tommy and pressing her light-blade against his throat.
"Prism, stop!" I yell and step closer.
"No closer," she says, and we all see a scratch and some blood.
"I know you were close with FastTrack, but we need Tommy alive. Look, I look up to you. You're better than this! Don't let your power take you and make you a monster. This isn't you." My steady stream of words slowly gets through, and she eases back. "He's part of the Syndicate, and we need him to question him to find out more. We need to find out why he did what he did."
Shadow Knight moves closer to her and whispers something off-comms. She tenses, and then says, "Fine!" She throws him down and stalks a few feet away.
Wake does a quick recon of the area but sees no signs of Megaton. We grab Dusk and Killshot and bring all the captured villains together for questioning. I heal them just enough to bring them to consciousness. I'm still pretty amped up after my, ahem, outburst earlier, so Wake actually takes the lead with the questions. He acts like he's used to questioning people of low moral character.
Questions[edit | edit source]
Wake starts slowly and acts totally calm. "Was it worth it?" he asks of Tommy.
"Yes," he answers.
"I hated him. I disagreed with almost everything he stood for in general. We knew that Dying might be a byproduct of the process, and I was okay with that. FastTrack's death was an accident. But he didn't deserve the power, anyway. All those houses he built? Pshaw," spit Tommy.
Wake responds with threatening him, and the others, with long prison sentences.
"We'll be back. We'll become the new Harbingers. We'll take what we want."
Wake asks about how they did it.
"The damn metagene didn't pass to me. But we thought I might have the genetic predisposition to take them. And we were right!"
Dusk curses, "Shut up, you fool."
Wake moves on to Dusk, but he's hard. He's older and has been a criminal longer; he won't talk. So Wake moves to Killshot. She admits that her dad is Reaper and that he was smart enough to dabble with her genetics. He practically couldn't resist doing it, she says. She says, looking at SK, "Reaper wasn't going to miss an opportunity to mess with his offspring's genes." SK shifts his stance; I can tell he's angered at that comment after what he's shared with me about his past and what his father did to him.
I step in and ask, "What about Megaton? Where'd he go? Back to an old base? Where is it... some dank sewer on the other side of town?"
There's a sudden flurry of movement. Dusk has regained enough control that he is attempting to get his cloak under the other two so they can teleport away. But Wake and Prism, in near unison, flash into action; Wake zips forward and his energy field disrupts Dusk's intangibility effects and causes him intense pain. Prism flashes her power on full blast, making a mini-sun in the room, and driving away all the shadows. Dusk solidifies and can't use his powers. I drag him away from the other two and over to Becky. Prism starts talking... sensually to him. I'm a little frightened by her right now, which helps snap me further back to myself.
SK steps forward and uses his scary voice. "Enough! You're down, you're beaten, and we got you. Stop!"
EAGLE Landing[edit | edit source]
EAGLE arrives. We see helicopters and see a bunch of people in various amounts of armor and using various sizes of weapons start to flood the area. What concerns us the most, however, is the fully-armored EAGLE operatives that land in a loose circle around everyone and tell us all that we're under arrest. Ruh-roh!
The pretty black lady from my Jackhammer escapade repels down. She tells the "Armor-ines" ("Armored" plus "Marines," get it? *sigh, Seriously?) to stand down and moves to me, whom she's met before, and asks for rundown after first introducing herself as "Director Gina Valentine."
I sum up the last few hours, the discovery that Tommy likely was involved in his father's death, the trail that led here, the two fights, and Tommy's confession. Tommy immediately tries to contend that he didn't confess, but Shadow Knight (who, strangely, stayed when the cops arrived) plays back the interrogation and confession and emails it to her work account. She's a smart cookie: she immediately catches up to speed that there is a legacy connection between these villains and past heroes and villains.
I can't help but look at the armor of the three Armorines. Something about it looks familiar... then it pops in: some of the armor looks like gear the Product Crew uses! And EAGLE took them in about a month ago. SK catches my eye and nods; I think he sees it too. He probably knows the make and manufacture of all of it.
Director Valentine lets Prism, Wake, SK, and me go. Her minions "tag" Dusk so he can't use his powers, and then take the three villains to a waiting ship for transport.
And More Questions[edit | edit source]
Prism and I fly out of the building together. We talk about our rage issues and using our powers. She really fears her power, as when she uses them she tends to get out of control. I tell her about my anger issues with Megaton and how much damage I did when I got angry. While our issues are similar, the trigger is different. She loses control because of her powers. Something about them seems to subvert her normal nature and bring out a much angrier, more violent, more disruptive personality. Whereas I just seem to have an anger issue. What 16-year-old kid doesn't? I give her what advice I've learned so far, in my brief career. I don't know if she's patronizing me or not, but she thanks me and heads toward her home on 51st Street. I head toward the base.
Shadow Knight, Wake, and I meet up at the base go over what we've seen, heard, and experienced.
First, SK already has a scan of the "tag" device that EAGLE used on Dusk. Some sort of anchoring device that doesn't allow him to go anywhere using his powers. In addition, he recognized a lot more of the Armorines' armor pieces than I did. He thinks that a new golden boy in the tech circles, Christopher Gordon, is smart enough to reverse engineer this gear and put it to work. He has a business and does jobs for the government, so this seems up his alley. SK's best guess is that this is just a job for Gordon; he's known to by sympathetic to heroes and metas and isn't considered a bad buy or even dubious. But he is rather pro-government, so he may have just done it on spec or contract.
SK shifts gear and mentions that he has finally figured out who those guys were that jumped me in the alley when he and I first met. They are part of "Spawn," a super-science, advanced tech organization. He has found two CCTV feeds that show men dressed just like those who jumped me attacking a woman and a man. The feed concerning the woman cuts out before the men get her in the van. The man's feed shows them securing the guy and dragging him into the van and speeding off. He says both of those were in Chicago, making at least three attacks of this nature in only a couple of months. There may be more.
What we conclude is that there is a spike in metahumans, originating in Chicago. I then comment on all the tech-using villains and tech-based crimes we have been running across. It seems disproportional that there is this much super-secret, super-advanced technology suddenly flourishing and everyone is using it to become criminals!
Other questions that we all are concerned about: How are people getting their powers? What is causing this meta-spike? How did 'The Syndicate' transfer powers from FastTrack to Tommy? How are these Spawn tech guys discovering who has powers, tracking them, and capturing them?
SK finally shakes his head. "We have too many questions and not enough answers. I've got days of work to do, and you both have school tomorrow. Time to go."
Downtime[edit | edit source]
- Wednesday, May 18
A few free days for me and Tim.
It's a Date?[edit | edit source]
I get together with Donna and tell her that I want to both thank Charlene for the tickets to the shuttle event at the stadium, but also ask her out. I need her help to not look like a total newbie doing this.
With Donna's help, I call her. We talk about The Chicago Event. She is very excited about what Sanction did, which is exciting, weird, and a little depressing for me. I mean, how can I compete with my superheroic persona? I steer her to more mundane things, like school, her Science tournament, and ... maybe a get-together at Coffee Craze to talk further? Maybe on Friday after school? And she says yes!
Getting Real[edit | edit source]
- Between Shadow Knight and Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas goes to school. SK suddenly arrives and pulls him aside to have "a talk." SK is concerned because Wake's costume has the same insignia on it as the spawn agents that he has been tracking. SK asks Tim if they created him or if he was abducted by them.
Tim responds that he had been looking for his parents, who he assumes were low-level agents of Spawn, and found them at a warehouse on the outskirts of town. When he got there, people were panicking and he heard shots fired. He woke up the next day, exactly where he had been in the warehouse. His parents were gone, their captors were gone, and he had powers. He crafted his costume later.
SK takes that in and then tells Tim that he is now enrolled in North Side High School via an Avalon Group sponsorship. SK is concerned for Tim because people who gain their powers through accidents have, historically, sometimes just as suddenly lost those powers. If Tim is at North Side High, John Doe can look after Tim a bit. Tim can also get a better education so there is something to fall back on should his powers fail.
SK also mentions that there is now a stipend available to Tim for rent, food, etc. He doesn't want Wake to give EAGLE any reasons to take him in.
"What does Sanction know about you?" asks SK.
Tim hasn't told Sanction about Spawn but has mentioned that his parents are missing. Tim has been wary of mentioning it before finding out how "good" SK and Sanction are. He mentions how he's from a bad part of town and is used to people stabbing others in the back and being generally out for themselves. He wasn't sure that SK or Sanction would do the same. SK then fills in Tim about MYRIAD and recent events with that evil AI. He says it is because they need trust.
Next Day[edit | edit source]
- Friday, May 20
I see Tim Thomas at registration toward the end of the day, and I stop and chat with him a bit. I'm excited he's coming to North Side for the remainder of the school year. Having people who know my secret makes it easier to get out of class and go help people. I have to cut the chat short, though, as I have that date with Charlene at Coffee Craze.
I head over to where Donna is waiting and she fixes me up for my date. She gives me a list of last-minute topics to discuss.
Arriving exactly on time, I see that Charlene is already there. I make sure to compliment her first thing and make it genuine. We buy our coffee, chat, and talk about her work at Gateway. I mention my need for help with chemistry, which leads into a conversation about my mom, the somewhat famous biochemist who happens to be adjudicating Charlene's science club contest this weekend (honestly, I didn't know!).
We seem to be hitting it off, the conversation has eased into an easy banter back and forth, and any initial hesitancy and awkwardness seems to have eased away when the explosion happens. From the sound and sights, it appears to be between the coffee shop and the high school. I make sure Charlene is okay and then start thinking of a way to excuse myself that won't hurt the relationship.
MYRIAD Back?[edit | edit source]
Tim has finished enrolling in North Side and received his class schedule for the final six weeks when he hears the explosion. As the school is over and there are few people around, he is quickly able to find a quiet nook in which to change his outfit and he speeds toward the scene. As he arrives, he sees a woman in a crazy, disjointed outfit having what he accurately describes as a "freak out." She has energy coming out of her body. It looks to him like she is having the super-powered equivalent of an epileptic seizure, not that she is purposefully attacking people.
Taking stock of the situation, Wake can see that the Armor-ines are already responding to the situation. One is approaching the woman and talking to her in an obvious attempt to calm her down. When that has no effect, another of the Armor-ines uses the "white noise" sonic attack they have and the woman collapses. As she does, Wake can see a strange gray cloud or mist float off of the crazy woman's costume and toward the three Armor-ines. As it touches them, their armors go nuts. Suddenly, each armor spits out the agent inside and the three pieces of Armor-ine armor morphs, merges, and melds into a more menacing construct that looks vaguely like the last Shadow Knight.
A loudspeaker announces, "Myrmidon armor online. I'm in complete control."
New Digs (Session: March 29, 2017)[edit | edit source]
Charlene and I head outside. See the smoke and panic down the street.
Wake Investigates[edit | edit source]
Wake is in the midst of it; the armors fly off; puts out the fire first; goes to Synapse on the ground, who is putting out TK shields but is still holding head; sends via comms what's going down to SK; can't get to woman through the chaotic TK blasts; Wake talks to her, reassures her; she tries to calm down, is appreciative of Wake's calming influence;
- NOTE: each of the Armor-ines is separate (3) NOT one large construct; all look vaguely like SK2
Charlene and I set off trying to "get around" whatever is happening at the sight of the action, but I subtly steer her so I can see what's going on.
Wake checks on the human people who were spit out of their armor. Moves one of the people out of the way of being squished by a car coming up the street. The humans start to wake up; heads hurt; John, Chad, Kari; "Meat Popsicle" then says "Wake"; tells them only that their suits spit them out and took off; Synapse adds some additional data to the EAGLE people (that she was used, Myrmidon, MYRIAD puppet master, tells them something came out of her and took over their suits)
Kari finds her flask;
Aftermath[edit | edit source]
We arrive and don't see anything going on; we hear the conversations going on; I try to catch Wake's eye and do; he sees me and Charlene; she is still holding my hand; we walk forward; Charlene thinks she might be able to help; we chat for a minute and then I lead her away after Wake asks if he can escort us.
The EAGLE people are getting back into themselves and taking charge; they want to take Synapse; Wake wants to go with them, but they say no.
Airship shows up to take the people and Synapse away.
We head to the school and Charlene picks up her car. She knows we live in the Ross Apartments. Want another date, outside of the chem help. We exchange digits. She drives me home. We continue to talk; she's interested in the Avalon Group; I'm buying lunch on Monday.
My phone goes off.
Skip two weeks[edit | edit source]
- June 3rd Friday
It's the end of the year. Exams in all of our classes are causing every student to stress, let alone those of us with multiple identities and responsibilities. In the Teen Titans comics they never seem to show how much time Robin and his gang have to spend at school, studying, or maintaining their non-powered lives. It's 'exhausting.' However, the year is almost over; we'll get some 10 weeks of school-free crime-busting to look forward to. Why do I get the feeling that Shadow Knight may have as much, or even 'more', training, exams, and testing in store for us?
The best part is that I'm spending a lot of time with Charlene. We hang, we study chemistry, and my grade in that class has gone up from a C- to a solid B. Mom is very happy, and loves talking with Charlene whenever she comes around the house. Dad, too, is thrilled to meet Charlene. She seems to like my parents, too. I have yet to meet her parents -- not sure what they do, exactly, but they spend a lot of time away from town. However, she has an older sister (Ashley) who lives at home and goes to Wheaton College and looks after Charlene. Ashley's just as wicked-smart as Charlene. She seems to like me, too.
I spend a lot of time with SK and Wake training. Well, actually, not 'a lot' of time -- but precise, three-hour training segments. Each day it is something different. Monday's are team training always with Wake and me working together on our timing, maneuvers, and various situations that SK thinks may come up. Tuesday's are forensics and investigation techniques. Wednesday's are straight up workouts; strength, speed, flexibility, endurance training. A lot of hand-eye coordination stuff. Thursday's are for the history of metas, old cases, and similar. Friday's and one longer day on the weekend are for working on teamwork with the Misfits.
And, somewhere along the way, Charlene and I shared our first, awkward kiss! Oh my 'gawd'! I've overheard some of the old kids at school talk about kissing, but no one mentioned how AWESOME it is! And awkward, embarrassing, and soft. I'm glad Charlene closed her eyes, or she would have noticed that we actually levitated a few inches!
Crashpad[edit | edit source]
One day, Shadow Knight texts both Tim and me to meet him at a specific address instead of at the Stronghold. The message says to bring our costumes but not to wear them. Supposed to be there at 4 pm, so we have time to decompress after school, grab what we need, and still get there. As we're just hanging out with Donna, Julian, and Keith, we say our goodbyes for the day, grab what we need, and head to the location. We both note that the address is relatively close to, but north of, our school. I notice the address is also relatively close to where I live.
As we are heading out and walking toward the address, we are joined by several other people. I know them as Sanction, but not as John Doe. However, I assume that Shadow Knight has been busy, as they introduce themselves to us: Mitchell, Warren, Sarah, and Chloe. We chat a bit, and they are somewhat respectful of my secret ID, although some of the things they say indicate that they definitely know who I am. I introduce Tim, we continue chatting, and walk toward the address.
Keith joins us as we walk. He smiles and nods, knowing everyone at this point. Tim's no dummy, and figures out the not-so-subtle codework we're all using and blurts out, "You're all metas, aren't you?" That completely out of the bag and playing with mice at this point, I reintroduce everyone to Tim using their nom de guerre's, including Tim as Wake to everyone else.
We reach the address and find a one-story building that is still under construction. We would go inside, but there is an elaborate electronic lock on the door. Through the window, we can see that it looks a bit like a standard youth center: there are TVs, video games, PCs, couches, a gym area, a loft with a dining area and kitchen, and rooms off to one side. Some sort of code goes off, the door lock turns green, and we open the door and enter.
SK is standing off to one side. He explains that this is our new base of operations for the Misfits, Wake, and me to hang out in, train, and decompress after missions. He provides us with the codes and access to MERLIN, then shows us that the base continues below in the basement. Mitchell, aka Hashtag, is already mentally accessing all of the advanced technology that is built into the building and blurting out things like, "There's a special gym for our powers below!" and "There are secret entrances all over the place!" etc. We basically tune him out after a few and just explore it on our own.
SK further says that we can give a different code to friends and family members and use it just as the youth center it looks like. That special code locks out all of the special features of the base so no one can get access to the basement features, MERLIN, or anything on the PCs related to our meta activities. He will monitor the base from the Stronghold, but trusts us to take care of this one on our own. We spend more time exploring the base, and then SK suggests a training session in the special gym in the basement.
A Little Light Training[edit | edit source]
We decide to head down to the basement, put on our costumes, and do some training drills in the specialized gym. This room has Omnium features that will resist the damage we can do and is self-repairing to a point.
"Danger Room" in basement
Aqua vs Sanction Wake vs Napalm Chloe vs SK Mitchell vs Keith
After training is finished, SK brings us all together as a group. He is liking what he is seeing from each of us separately and as a group. Even though a few of us have only recently received our powers, everyone is learning nuances to, and new ways to use, those powers. This new base is ours now. While all of us are still allowed to visit the Stronghold, he would prefer for everyone to use this base as their primary meeting area. He'll call us when we need to head to his location.
While he talks, it is obvious from her reactions that Chloe has something of a crush on SK. She seems to hang on every word and her cheeks and neck are a little flushed. I think SK knows, as he is purposely not looking her way very often. He also makes his goodbyes fairly quickly and leaves. I bet 'that' is the primary reason he doesn't want us using the Stronghold except when called.
Controlled Chaos (Session: April 12, 2017)[edit | edit source]
Note: Shadow Knight alerts us (Tim and me) separately from the group that he has a task he needs to run just outside of the city.
- June 3rd - Friday (cont.)
Learning the Ropes[edit | edit source]
As none of us have anything special planned for this evening, we decide to hang out at the Crashpad, explore some more, and get acquainted with the building and its features. Hashtag goes back to interfacing with MERLIN and exploring all the toys; someone needs to know it backward and forward, so more power to him. MERLIN will keep him from getting too far out of hand.
I pull Chloe aside and talk with her. I tell her that I think she needs to "rebrand" herself away from the "Miss Fit" moniker and to something better, more befitting her new place with the Misfits. I tell her that I think she should start taking on more of a leadership role with this group. She surprises me by agreeing. She then even thanks me for the vote of confidence. Who is this, and what has she done with the usually angsty, angry Chloe? She says she has some ideas for a new costume and a new name. When we find the 3D costume maker, everyone becomes even more excited.
Although we just sparred one-on-one, I suggest we continue the fun and do some more sparring/testing of our abilities. And I have a great idea. Since few here have worked with or sparred against Wake, I set him up as the "training dummy" on one side of the gym and have everyone line up and try to hit him with their powers.
First up, Warren. He sends forth globs, streams, and bursts of his fire/plasma. On single-target shots, Wake is easily able to avoid the fire. However, when Warren produces some sort of area of effect with his plasma, Wake is hard-pressed to avoid it.
Next, Sarah. She uses her bag of water and forms whips, spikes, and balls of water which she sends after Wake. While she has mental control over the water, Wake's speed is just to great for her to anticipate and hit him. She gets frustrated and sends a fan of water at him, dousing him and causing him to slip and fall on his butt. Everyone has a laugh, including Wake, and I tell Sarah that's actually a good use of her powers when confronted by this type of threat.
Next up is Keith. Now, this isn't completely fair to Tim, who doesn't know what Keith can do, but we have to keep the cocky speedster humble somehow. Keith lines up against Tim and then "whammies" him with a psychic attack. None of us knowing what kind of life Tim has lived so far, as he always pushes off questions about himself, his family, his past, and laughs everything off, Wake is stunned immobile. He starts acting like someone is attacking him, and the fear on his face is readily visible to everyone. This has gone too far too fast, so I yell, "Stop!"
Everyone just kind of stops and turns and stares at me.
Tim opens up a bit and says that he was seeing his parents, as SPAWN agents, attacking him. As none of us are clear on what SPAWN is, he explains they are a group of people bent on domination and subjugation. They aren't nice people. However, his parents needed money so they hired on as agents to help with some various things. They were in the building when it blew up and he gained his powers. He's been looking for them ever since.
Wake and Keith shake hands and Keith apologizes. Wake says something pithy about the nature of Keith's powers. And then everyone turns back to me.
"What?" I ask.
"You know that you told us all to stop... in our 'heads'," says Keith.
"I... what now?"
"I told you that you were very easy to link with telepathically. Well, I think you may have more telepathic ability than you know," he says.
"A lot of people have been telling me that Telekinesis often goes hand-in-hand with Telepathy. They have been surprised I haven't shown any ability in that area. I guess they were right," I say.
Wake has recovered from his psychic trauma and is ready to continue. Chloe is up next. While Wake is faster, her reflexes are incredible. She is able to catch Wake and slam him down hard and fast. I step in and touch her, lifting her off the ground in one of my TK bubbles. I give her a quick spin -- not enough to make her sick but enough to disorient her for a moment -- and then put her back down on the ground. I turn it into a teaching moment and we all discuss various ways we could possibly use our powers to overcome each other.
It's getting late, so Sarah says she has to get home.
A Night Out[edit | edit source]
We call the rest of our gang, Donna, Julian, Charlene, and we all meet at Papa Guaducci's Pizza. Chloe says she'll catch up to us in a bit. On the way there, Tim shows me a text message with an urgent message on it and says, "I'll join up with you later if I can." He looks around and then speeds off.
Papa Guaducci's is the best pizza place around. Various introductions are made, various flavored sodas are drunk, and much pizza is consumed. Chloe arrives about a half-hour later and Sarah manages to come by after about an hour and a half. More intros are made, more sodas drunk, and more pizza is eaten.
Meanwhile - Wake meets with Synk, Nemesis, and Pulsar. But he wraps it up quickly and comes by at 10 pm to the pizza place, smelling like a campfire. I raise an eyebrow but he just says, "It's nothing."
At about midnight, first Tim and me, and then the Misfits all get an urgent text message. We all make excuses to Charlene, Donna, and Julian (Keith has already left), and head out, while those three get a lift from Charlene back to their homes.
Outside, and out of earshot of civilians, we bring up the alert. It is MERLIN. "What's up?" I ask.
"I have just detected a strong MYRIAD - MYRMIDON signal nearby. It needs to be checked out."
"Suit up!" I say.
Super Teen Titans Go![edit | edit source]
We all leap into a nearby alley and change clothes. Sarah is mortified, as she has to strip to her undies in order to put on her's, as she wasn't expecting any trouble tonight. The rest of us have at least some of the suit on underneath our regular clothes, and, once she's dressed and appropriate, I make it another teaching moment for Sarah.
Everyone stares for a moment at Chloe. Her outfit is now a cross between an MMA fighter's outfit and Elektra from the Daredevil TV show. She says, "Call me Hardcore now. And call us The All-Stars -- we're leaving Miss Fit and the Misfits behind."
"Er, okay," I say.
I suggest that Wake take Hashtag back to the Crashpad and he can monitor things from there-- his powers are not best suited to possible combat. Wake will catch up to us shortly. Hardcore then leaps to the top of the building and starts parkouring her way over the buildings in the right direction.
I grab Aqua and Napalm's hands and fly after her yelling, "Try not to break anything!" Sarah yelps audibly and I can see that Warren is not thrilled with suddenly swooping 300 yards into the air.
Ahead, I see Chloe stopping on the top of a building. I think she sees something, so I swoop down and release Aqua and Napalm. Wake suddenly appears beside us. Hardcore points.
In the street below, there are a dozen Myrmidon armor-suited people attacking Shadow Knight, who is carrying a satchel. They seem to be trying to bring him to bay and grab the satchel. From our vantage point, we can see three recon snipers on different buildings, three barricade tanks on the street, and six point brawlers attacking SK
Fight![edit | edit source]
I go into instant field general mode (all that training seems to be paying off): "Hardcore, you go after those barricade tanks on the street. Aqua, we'll set you on a building top nearby and use your water attack from a distance. Wake, you get on that street and attack who you can. Napalm, I'll put you on the street as well, and you can blast away. I'll go in and see if I can't help SK directly. All-Stars Go!" I grab Aqua and Napalm again, setting Aqua down on a nearer building top and Napalm on the street before swooping myself toward SK.
Hardcore leaps to the next building and then off that building into a tank, doing so much damage with her initial blow that the user inside is knocked out of the combat. Wake speeds to the ground and asks SK to land so we can better help him. He doesn't like that plan but concedes and lands near Wake. As the armored thugs continue after him, Wake is able to speed-slam one of the point guys, seriously damaging his armor. Wake shouts out that the satchel is vital-- we 'must' protect it.
As I swoop toward the conflict raging around SK, I knock open a fire hydrant to release a massive amount of armor. I hear a "thank you!" shouted from behind me and Aqua goes to work attack one armored point guy. I ask Hashtag, who is now on comms, to take out any and all electronics that can be used to record or convey what's going on, which he does. I attack another point guy and get him off SK.
Napalm fires a plast of plasma at the same guy Aqua attacked. His fire hits, and the combo of fire and the steam from her previous attack, does some damage to the guy.
Sk swoops to the ground, attacking one of the point guys on the way, and explodes the guy's armor off of him.
Hardcore leaps from her downed barricade to another but gets hit with some acid on the way. She shrugs it off with her new costume and slams him back and away. Wake gives one of his zero-point energy punches, and Aqua attacks a sniper on the roof opposite hers. Napalm uses his fire attacks to attack any that are already damaged but still attacking.
The fight continues for a few more minutes. We variously team up with each other and attack separately, but it is all effective. In the end, one of the snipers, one of the barricades, and two of the point guys sprout wings from their armor (or jets in their feet) and get away. The rest are either unconscious or their armor is damaged to the point where they can't move or attack.
Haunted Past (Session: April 27, 2017)[edit | edit source]
Prelude 1[edit | edit source]
- 17 years ago, Chicago, Inside the secret base of Catalyst
Catalyst is arm-in-arm with Domino, who is holding a small child (girl). Prism, in one of her crazy phases, is there. Her power is running rampant and is not contained. Glitch is there.
Domino says, "We don't have much time!"
Glitch says, "I don't have what I need to do it, yet! I'm almost ready!"
Suddenly, the roof collapses. A large body drops through the hole in the roof. It is gray, with flecks of darker skin. It has a tail.
"He's here!"
Gorgon, for that is who it is, is screaming about wanting to change. He's getting dumber and dumber and wants to be fixed. He lunges at Domino and the child she carries. Domino defends herself. Roots wrap around him, impeding and slightly slowing him down, but not stopping the large, strong Gorgon. He seems intent on taking the child and forcing those present to fix him.
Catalyst attacks, but gets hit by Gorgon and knocked away. Domino and Glitch head into a panic room to escape Gorgon but he simply follows them inside. It turns out that the panic room is really a trap for Gorgon, designed as a cryo-pod to put Gorgon to sleep/freeze him until they can fix him, and the two women try to sneak out the other side. Gorgon is able to grab Domino and slams her against the wall. She protects her child as best she can but is killed by his brute force attack. Glitch grabs the injured, crying baby and gets out of the trap just as the doors slam shut and a cryogenic liquid is pumped into the room. Gorgon punches and throws stuff around but the cryo gas quickly works on him and freezes him in place.
Catalyst, taking the baby from Glitch, is very sad and sorry that Domino did not make it. A single tear escapes his eye. Then he says, "We were never here. Salt the earth." As they leave, explosions seal Gorgon's cryo chamber deep underground as Catalyst, Prism, and Glitch take off in a jet.
Prelude 2[edit | edit source]
- Tuesday May 17th
Sanction loses his composure and slams his power/fists into the ground in a large building owned by Cynthia Boothe's company and holding some Syndicate members. The attack is so powerful that he breaks most of the cement floor and even cracks the hard-packed earth below the concrete. The damage from that attack guns deep and … something stirs.
Today, Post-Fight[edit | edit source]
- June 3rd - Friday, LATE, Cont.
We gather around Shadow Knight after the Myrmidons leave. We need EAGLE to come arrest and detain the captured Myrmidon soldiers and equipment.
Someone asks the obvious question -- what's in the box?
"This is the only known repository for metahuman blood samples. Reaper and these Myrmidons tried to steal it. Wake's other team helped to find it first and get it away from them. MYRIAD wants the blood samples for some reason," answers SK. He was trying to keep it, and the metas from whom the blood was drawn, safe.
Everyone has a ton of questions and pretty much all start talking at once. SK interrupts, "We can't worry about everything right now. It's too big. We need to focus on what we know, what we can learn, and come up with a game plan. However, EAGLE is arriving... and I think I hear police sirens, so it's time for you guys," he nods at the All-Stars, "to high-tail it out of here. We'll keep you in the loop with what we discover."
As they turn to leave, SK has one last comment, "You guys are powerful. And are learning to fight as a team. This is all great news. However, you need to be smarter from here on out. Protect your secret ID; be cautious before jumping into a fray. You shouldn't have helped me -- you could have been captured or killed!"
I jump in, "Hold on a minute! We saved your butt, Shadow Knight! Without us, you would likely have been captured, killed, and the blood samples would be on their way to MYRIAD as we speak. You were overwhelmed, they had the drop on you, and you know it. Be thankful we came when we did! Apologize to them, now!"
There is that pause. You know the one, where everyone holds their breath to see if someone is going to explode? Well, everyone did that as SK turned to look at me. The pause was long -- I swear it felt close to a minute, but it was probably closer to 10 seconds -- and then SK turned back to the All-Stars and said, "He's right. You were great and you probably saved me a whole lot of grief. Thanks. Now, get home quickly."
Chloe attempts to hang back, to say something to SK, acts pretty 'lovey-dovey' (hey, am I that way around Charlene??) but he rebuffs her, acts like she isn't there, and otherwise ignores her. She soon gets the hint and heads off right before the police and EAGLE arrive. We give the law a brief overview of the situation -- leaving out the importance of the blood samples SK is carrying -- before Wake, SK, and I head to the Stronghold.
More Clues[edit | edit source]
At the Stronghold
- June 4th, Saturday, about 12.30am
Shadow Knight opens the cooler. Inside are more than a dozen vials of blood. Each is labeled. I catch a glimpse of a couple of names:
- Project Sentinel
- Dark Force
- Prism
- Night-Beast
As few of these names are known to either Tim or me, we ask. SK says that many of the samples and projects referenced are people who were working with the government some 10-20 years ago. For various reasons, their blood was taken and kept. MYRIAD wanted it for some reason.
"Now, for the hard question," SK says, "do we keep the blood and try to keep it safe or do we destroy it now? I'm on the fence. Having it opens up a wealth of possibilities and research. But MYRIAD and others may constantly try to get it. Destroying it ruins those research chances but makes sure anything found inside the blood or DNA is safe."
Tim and I confer a bit and are both in favor of destroying it. SK agrees, reluctantly, and puts it into the incinerator while we watch.
Suddenly, MERLIN chimes in. It has completed the algorithm SK had it run. It displays a map of the world with pinpricks of light all over it, some areas with more and brighter lights, others with few or no lights. The lights around Chicago are especially numerous and bright. The US East Coast has quite a few, the US West Coast not as many, some of the larger cities in Europe and the East (China, Japan, etc.) have fewer still, and South America, Africa, Russia, and Australia have fewer still.
"Is that a map of metahumans around the world?" I ask.
"Yes," SK answers. "Using what we know, any known powered individuals, and factoring if for reasonable news accounts that suggest a meta may have been involved, this is a map of the known super-powered individuals around the world. The problem is the distribution."
"Yeah, why is Chicago ground zero?" I ask.
"That's the question, John," says SK.
The Week in Review[edit | edit source]
The rest of the weekend is uneventful. I hang out with the 'rents for a bit, hang with Charlene and her sister, and meet up with Donna and Julian for a bit. Wake takes off and continues... whatever he does when he's off on his own. He doesn't really open up about that. Might have something to do with his parents. I should ask him about that.
On Sunday morning, 'Meet the Press' has a piece about our good friend Major Saber on it -- or, should I say, "Triumph" as he has named himself. We see him meeting with the UN in costume. He speaks before the assembly saying that he is here to help all countries although he will make his home in the USA. Good for him. If the Major is still a Major in the US, I wonder how that will affect his ability to help others around the world?
During the rest of the week, I find time to check in with the All-Stars at the Crashpad. We do some training and I keep encouraging them to work together. Chloe is taking on the mantle of leadership slowly and awkwardly. I give her some of the same books that Shadow Knight gave to me to read. She looks at me funny, but I guarantee her that some of it will be worthwhile.
Charlene and I go out on Tuesday night to cheap seat night at the local theater.
And on Wednesday night Tim and I get together for some one-on-one training, honing our partnership and our own special maneuvers.
Gorgon, Redux[edit | edit source]
- June 10th, Friday
The city has been working hard to repair and restore damage caused during the Chicago Incident. A work crew is working on a building which happens to be a former Syndicate base and currently owned by Cynthia Boothe. The crew can't help but note that the floor is destroyed from what looks like a small impact of some sort. (Flashback to Sanction slamming his fists against the floor and destroying it while trying to take down some bad guys.) Suddenly, the crew feels a rumble and the ground shakes. Suddenly, a monstrous gray fist punches its way out of the floor in the same area where the impact happened. The crew scatters.
It's lunchtime. The gang is hanging out, eating, talking school and weekend activities. Suddenly, a small tremor occurs. Then a larger one. Looking around the cafeteria, everyone is a bit freaked out. I quickly hit the MERLIN app on my phone and it points to a location as the epicenter -- NW side of Chicago, downtown. The place seems very familiar to me. I show it to Tim and he nods-- he recognizes it, too.
Another tremor hits and an announcement comes over the school loudspeaker that all students are to head outside to either the football field or the loading/unloading area in front of the school. The gang gathers its stuff up and starts to head toward the front of the school, which is closer. Giving surreptitious nods to those in the know, Tim and I drop back slowly from the group, get lost in the crowd, and then do a quick change into our uniforms in an empty classroom. As soon as the coast is clear, we head out toward the epicenter.
We arrive at the building and are immediately met by Shadow Knight. As we start to discuss what is happening, we see Gorgon climbing out of the hole in the middle of the ground -- a hole I created a few weeks ago! Oh no!
"How are we going to handle this? That's a pretty major bad guy there. He's pretty far out of our league!" says Wake.
"But we're the only ones here. If there's one thing I have learned working with SK it's that sometimes you have to fight outside your weight limit and hope for the best," I respond. His mask covers his face, but I get the feeling SK is smiling.
"We need to take him down fast before he has a chance to build up a head of steam and get his bearings. Wake, you go in first and slam him as hard as you can. Try to keep him off-balance. Sanction, you follow right after and hit as hard as you can in the gut -- try to knock the wind out of. Plus, you're probably the only one that stands a chance of surviving a direct blow from him if this doesn't work. I'll follow slightly after you and try to net him with my Omnium, which will be able to expand and contract without, hopefully, breaking. Ready? Go!" says Shadow Knight.
The fight is fierce. Wake's zero-point attack and speed punches are able to keep Gorgon off-balance. I basically stand there, giving him a target, and try to go toe-to-toe with him. I get a couple of good blows in but take more than I'm giving. He manages to crawl his way out of the hole and take us on standing. Instead of netting him, as was the plan, SK suddenly dives into the hole left behind and yells, "Buy me a minute!"
Wake's powers are well-suited to fighting this kind of monster. He is fast enough to avoid the blows and get his own shots in. He's not doing a lot of damage but he is keeping Gorgon annoyed and distracted. Unfortunately, he takes all that ire out on me! I'm able to deflect, avoid, and soak a few of the blows but Gorgon manages to get one really good blow in and the world goes red.
I vaguely hear Tim yell out, "Shadow Knight -- Code Red! I repeat, Code Red!" before he gets out of my way and I slam into Gorgon as hard as I can. I hit him so hard that I knock Gorgon back down through the hole and into the "panic room" below. SK is there, with his shirt off, and he has commanded the Omnium to spread all over the panic room. As Gorgon lands, stunned, SK leaves via the one door he left open with me following. He seals it shut and then moves the Omnium over that opening, too. Now the panic room is reinforced with a modern technology metal that has more give and will act like a net holding the room closed against Gorgon's attacks... we hope.
Now that the threat is contained, I calm down and the catch my breath. SK says, "We need to talk." I nod. Something isn't right with me. I seem to get so angry so very suddenly. It has helped to put down some pretty nasty villains but it doesn't seem right.
MERLIN calls EAGLE and we hang around long enough to give a debrief to them and watch them haul the panic room away to 'somewhere safe' -- yeah, right, that's Gorgon you're talking about!
- Wake gets an extra plot point
Slammer! (Session: June 14, 2017)[edit | edit source]
A line of inmates is being walked through a prison by EAGLE operatives in high-tech gear (but not armor). As they pass, many of the new inmates are cat-called by existing inmates in cells. Each of the existing inmates exhibits a different metahuman power. There is one exuding a small amount of radiation, Euphoria is in a tank-cell, Jackhammer, Thug, and other metas that SK, Sanction, and Wake have taken down, plus many others.
A guard hands standard issue toiletries to Wake and then Sanction and says, "I always knew you would wind up this way."
12 hours earlier[edit | edit source]
SK has been gone for a while. Now he's back after doing his investigations about everything they've seen.
SK stays in touch after Gorgon events.
- Saturday, June 11th
Conference call comes through from SK. John is at his apartment, Tim is at his house. SK says, EAGLE has reached out, they want to meet. Where to meet. Suggest the abandoned airport. Meet in 2 hours.
Arrive at the airport; SK is in a new jet, looks very similar to the old SK jet, just modern.
Do a quick recon over the airfield. See nothing.
Wake sets off a few of the mines.
SK says he destroyed the blood samples. MYRIAD is targeting Chicago. Found through Avalon Foundation that a few metas are being tracked, but none are being affected by MYRIAD in any way (overtly). It's is just Chicago. Even NY doesn't have the notice of MYRIAD.
EAGLE arrives. Director Valentine is there with cop Jimmy Donovan in plain clothes. Valentine thanks us for showing up, help with Gorgon and others, she needs to share some stuff. Syndicate were squatting in that facility. MYRIAD infiltrated the building, the old equipment, and extracting data. They don't know why.
I pipe up about the powers vs technology issues we've been running into, she understands. Doesn't know what MYRIAD was after. They have investigated the HQ under that building, but still don't know what's going on. Catalyst is dead, Domino is dead, the Child may be dead (terrorist attack). Prism was batshit and not techy, so Valentine doesn't think she can help. Doctor Fortune is the only person left -- he hasn't been forthcoming.
I say, you want us to get the info
Valentine doesn't think SK can be used. She has Donovan to help us infiltrate their secure facility with a minimum of people. Dr. Fortune is interested in speedsters. I'll be back-up. We have to agree, though. Donovan will coordinate with the CPD.
- I step aside with SK and am concerned with my Secret ID
- SK wants us to wear FACE technology.
- SK will provide prototype tech to fix the glitches if they allow us to wear the tech and they do nothing to remove it.
- Valentine agrees.
How long? In and out. They are hoping that he's dying to brag, now that the base has been discovered-- he just want talk to law.
Hard Time[edit | edit source]
- Sunday, June 12th
We go with SK. He puts on FACE tech. It's more like an electronic disguise than a rubber mask. He puts it on us. Changes our fingerprints.
We transfer to the EAGLE jet, Jimmy walks us through the process. We won't actually be formally processed. Say "Shadow Knight" they get us the hell out of there.
We enter the cells (see above); we're in the same cell. We're expected in the yard when everyone else goes. We are right by Fortune -- hallway on one side, he's on the other.
Fortune introduces himself by talking about the speedsters. He finds the fascinating. He finds he has nowhere better to be. We chat, bring up Catalyst and finding something. Doors swing open, Fortune wants to stay in his cell. We are fitted with a bracelet; allows some powers, but will shut you down via nervous system (variable by powerset).
- I blocked it using my TK so it isn't actually touching me or attached to my nervous system (plot point)
I'm now "Decoy" -- Deke Dekerson
We chat briefly about the intro -- hope it went well.
2 guys in the yard -- twins, almost twins, exothermic Looking for a "Red" (guy who can get things) -- we find him easily. Head over for lay of the land. We talk with him. What's up with the Doublemint Twins over there? Stars and Bars, South will rise again. Too genetically correct. Project Rebel?
Twins are targeting Thug. I wander over toward Thug. Red knows I used TP on him?! Wake follows me.
They are picking on Thug. Wake picks on them right back. I leap in and knock one down; Wake taunts the other twin.
They are racist assholes.
Wake keeps taunting the one, has made him bleed. Thug tells my guy to stay down, too.
Guards come in.
And Knowing is Half the Battle[edit | edit source]
We see -- Dr. Fortune is watching everything from a window inside.
We're lead back inside. They give us some leeway because the Twins have been doing that to everybody. Fortune comes to our cell. He's interesting in Wake's energy power. Tells him to look up WW2 Comet. AFF (allies for freedom). Protected by a barrier that was left behind him when he ran. Was killed in the NM incident. Trinity. He claims it wasn't the atom bomb.
Dr. Fortune claims to have to hide his genius. He stops using the accent for a moment and says how tired he was of doing it. He's a guy from Brooklyn. Wake gets him talking about the base. Gorgon-Johnny. Starts talking about the hard drives. Catalyst had been retired, he had a kid, she was great. 2nd time mentioning taking over the world. (we don't remember that ever happening) Catalyst was changing form; wanted to make the world better. Catalyst felt we hadn't evolved enough to have metas at birth. Thalidomide fiasco wouldn't have been so bad. Catalyst-Marcus Sinclair. Pre-natal consultant. Working with 100s of targeted women. He altered the chance of a meta being born. Exception not the rule that a healthy meta was born. He isolated the genetic code of the meta gene to stay healthy in utero. Have you wondered why so many metas in Chicago?
Donovan comes in with a transfer for us. And we get out. I send a TP message to Thug to stay straight and keep on keeping on.
Things Start Getting Scary (Session: June 28, 2017)[edit | edit source]
So, we're out of prison.
- Monday, June 13th
Surprised by guy in yard who sensed my TP read.
- He may be a good guy to know; might want to use him as a source.
- Frank Cicolli was "Red"
- We should bring this up with SK
Cut to[edit | edit source]
Blue-black surface; mechanical arms building… something
EAGLE Debrief[edit | edit source]
Meet EAGLE at the airstrip for debrief.
- Share with them the issues that Fortune said (isolating the genetic code)
- Tell Donovan that Fortune is faking it with the accent and stuff
- Donovan is pleased with our results.
- Gina takes notes and is businesslike
Real Debrief[edit | edit source]
Take the jet to the main base with SK
- Use a new water entrance on the way
- Present the Dr. Fortune info Plus the Thalidomide and Trinity info
- Tim/Wake says that SPAWN had a list that he helped destroyed; his parents worked for them; SPAWN figured out who was going to become a metahuman; genetic markers; damn guys who tried to kidnap me!; Tim's parents were drug addicts who took any job they could;
- I want to know about SPAWN
- SPAWN is in disarray; abandoned base near the airstrip; still active; global; not "large"; new-ish;
- MYRIAD controls metas but lets them go; but, like Keith he leaves traces behind and possibly influences them
- What would MYRIAD need with a body? Is he building a body?
- What is the point? He's been everywhere and done everything -- next step?
- How many other cities will be craters?
- If he's in one body-- do we have to wait until the body is built to stop him? He's everywhere to AI.
- How is AI built? Virus or OS?
- Get Hashtag involved.
Head to Crashpad to chat with Hashtag
- Tim remembers the list before it was deleted; his name and everyone except me is on the list.
- Was me an opportunistic catch since I wasn't on the list? They were sloppy with me.
- We want Hashtag to surf and try to find the "source code" of MYRIAD
Cut scene[edit | edit source]
Machinery working on an arm
Finding MYRIAD[edit | edit source]
Hashtag takes some time to hack/surf for it; so the rest of us do some light training, camaraderie; play some games. SK shows up Amanda gives me full points on the idea of "Farraday caging" Chicago. She thinks it can be done.
Hashtag comes up for air. He has the location.
- Looks like the Legionnaires had an unused base; he thinks he can narrow down where it is; he has tracked the signal from a ground base west of Chicago; He has it -- colorado; SK figures it out at the same time. Hidden base in the Rockies.
- We take some devices from Hashtag so he can plugin, if needed. Decide the rest aren't needed
A Brief Encounter (Session: November 30, 2017)[edit | edit source]
At Crashpad with SK, Wake, Hashtag – just discovered the place is in the Rockies near Colorado.
Note: the Misfits changed their name based on the 40s exhibit at the fair when they first got together.
The all-stars want to go, but SK says no
Wake gets a call – needs to go help other people (he leaves)
Note – waiting for grades but otherwise done with school
Note – edit chloe's age -- 18/17 graduating this year
SK and Sanction jump in Knight 4000 jet – from under the lake --- heading to Colorado
Call and tell everyone that I have to go Avalon Grouping away from town. Phone blowing up with all friends wanting to do stuff—have to tell the ones who know the secret what's happening, others just that I'm going on an Avalon group thing.
I get a twinge/vibe from someone – but nothing specific so I dismiss it
We prep to leave via jet and take off.
Charlotte may figure it out – SK thinks I should tell her. • She may just be smart enough to figure it out on her own as she's a science geek • Don't want her to think I'm cheating • Surprised at SK's response – a lot to think about.
Still in IL – Lights starts coming on the dash – night flight
SK is doing something and the plane is going down – VTOL is broken in some fashion. May need my help to land safely. I set the plane down in the perfect spot for taking off later.
Sabotage! Someone hurt the plane. Must have happened as we took off or flew – radar didn't detect it.
Get a sense that we're not alone. Tell SK – he uses his mask to sense something and throws me aside just in time to avoid the glowing shuriken hit the plane where we just were.
"Show yourself"
Camo – predator effect stops, and we see a man in a costume (black 80s spiderman, white circle in center of chest, over-done white eyes
"Who?" Me
He came about between the old guard and new -- "Oh, a wannabe" SK says NS was once a hero, "What do you want?"
NS – reason to believe that something important to do with MYRIAD has surfaced
NS was in the crashpad – he's a real "ninja"
Psycho-nonorganic kinetic abilities – mixed with high-tech weaponry
NS – We did great work in Chicago (the Incident), we need to question him (aka SK).
"who is we?" -- another guy floats down from above
Red csotume black motifs (outlines, etcs) -- sort of bird motif
Who is this? SK – That's Detroit's new protector, Crimson Hawk.
What should we do – they ARE heroes?
I break the shuriken and toss it back -- "make them be polite or ask them to be polite?" (me)
NS - "you show up wherever MYRIAD is, gov't has notes on you in India/west africa, we are not sure you're even a hero?"
SK – probably under orders from someone – these two aren't thinkers
SK – explains that he's been following MYRIAD all over before he even met me.
I step forward – you can ask, but here NS – we're the collectors, not the askers
We attack Me vs NS SK vs CH
We slam them pretty hard.
Give them a chance to surrender.
Work for people who don't like EAGLES methodology – he doesn't want to fight any more they leave I head CH to consciensness
CH – everyone in Detroit breaks bad; he was told by a gov't person to do this (attack us) • Gov't guy didn't give a name • Might be something rotten in EAGLE • Give them the info about EAGLE getting tech fast – will appease their contact
Session: January 10, 2018[edit | edit source]
I raise Action from d6 to d8
Wake is off helping the Chicago Knights. SK and I are fixing the plane and heading off to Colorado.
North of Denver in the Rockies. We'll meet up at the coordinates.
Hashtag's presence is requested at Gateway Technologies – he's thrilled.
- Wake needs a better GPS – uses Hashtag's – he has an app for that
We're almost to Colorado when our ship is being hailed. Amanda comes up on the viewer. She knows where we are going from Hashtag. She's worried about us going to a Legionnaires HQ. Could be a trap.
We need the power off.
- It should be
- Hashtag is having trouble figuring out if the power is on
- Places that we find MYRIAD are places that Tesla did experiments.
- Look for heat or EM signatures in the area and find a Tesla "free energy" tower?
- Amanda uses her own technology and finds something – she's registering heat on the wi-fi towers that SK1 installed in the area.
- She'll call Wildride and have him show up.
Let's head toward the tower and take it out first. Hashtag redirects us to that spot.
It's on a plateau.
See it is a live tower. SK blows it up. Look for cables. Downward slant into the mountain.
Hashtag is picking up traces of something in the atmosphere. Micro satellites? Stopped power to them and stopped the power going inside the mountain.
Portal opens up. Motorbike rides through. Wildride comes through.
Flare's body – was put here by wildride
A door opens and something comes out – and surprises Wake
Metallic voice --- "You've cut us off from the source of our power, but we are powerful on our own. You came to destroy MYRIAD, and you succeeded. We are no longer MYRIAD, we are many, we are powerful. We are LEGION."
Battle plan:[edit | edit source]
Wake from the sides SK from behind WR to distract Me right in front – if I can handle it
Round 1 - Fight![edit | edit source]
WR makes hard metal foot restraints SK helps Wake and then sneaks behind Legion I heal Wake and then move in front of him Wake moves in for a super punch and hits
Legion breaks free
Round 2 - Fight![edit | edit source]
Sk – hits him with katanas WR – holds... I hit him—and do nothing. At all. Nada. Wake runs a circle and does another slam attack -- successfully
Legion is about to eyebeam me
- But wildride transmutes the beams! But it doesn't work! He hits me – and it hurts!! It's hot! It ricochets and hits Wake!! He takes damage!
Round 3 - Fight![edit | edit source]
SK – katana hits but clangs off WR – puts a magical wall around Legion Me – I wakeboard in using Wake's power and do some damage. Wake speeds me out.
Legion breaks free from the shield wall; shifts a power to skywarp
Round 4 - Fight![edit | edit source]
SK – grapples with omnium (spiderwebbing) WR -- tries to blind him Me – hits him with a large amount of iron/steel structure Wake – tries to take something important off of him
Legion – warps things – attacks everyone – but SK's webbing protects us after a momentary; he shifts to fasttrack powers
Round 5 - Fight![edit | edit source]
Sk – makes the omnium spiky and contracts it around Legion WR – hold Me – hold Wake – delays action; use wake field to veer him off course into the mountain
Legion – speeds off – but Wake's field draws him off course
WR – changes the steel I have into some other type of metal and makes it a lance/spear for me Me – hit him with said spear
Minions start pouring out of the mountain – heading off in different directions
Round 6 - Fight![edit | edit source]
SK – attack with acid attack -- (damage over time – d4 next round) WR – slamms the mountain into Legion ME – try to hit with spear—misses Wake – goes for a slam attack – hits and hits HARD
Legion – tries to use two legionairre powers at once; "fast strike" hits both Wake and ME with my own spear; he flies us up
Round 7 - Fight![edit | edit source]
SK – lines up and punches with a punching dagger shape WR – tries to shape the spear around Legion ME – heal me and wake Wake – tries to hyper punch him
Legion -- "sky-monics" -- hits us all, throws us into the mountain, and warp-gates out of there.
As fight winds down[edit | edit source]
ME – throws a piece of mountain and hits Legion just as he goes through the gate.
Hear rush of wind --- Triumph comes up with some friends
"You're late" -- me
ME – heals everyone a small amount
Session: 2/15/2018[edit | edit source]
Triumph appears with a group of heroes
- Woman – Muslim, Rumala (storm)
- Male – oriental, moves with precision, Xiang Yi (martial arts, spirit)
- Male – black, powerful guy (Bastian) size changing
- Woman – white, lots of tattoos, Massuka (Russian) (manipulate energy through tattoos)
- Arclight – looking like a douche
WR has total contempt for Arclight
Triumph steps forward. Tried to get here as fast as they could.
Everyone is interested in the Legionairre's HQ
Triumph – biggest gun doesn't mean biggest bad in the room
This group is formed under UN charters, we'll have UN backing
- We fill them in on what MYRIAD has upgraded FLare's body to LEGION. We've got to get there fast to shut it down.
- It wants to upgrade with metahuman tissue blood etc
We tell them we need to track the Skywarp signature; Mussaka thinks she knows a guy; seems to have stopped using Skywarp power and switch to super speed; she's surprised that MYRIAD is everywhere
Amanda calls me – Faraday cage isn't working due to MYRIAD being everywhere
- Catch Amanda up, including about her power
Wake knows of a group (SPAWN) that has their own tech that may not be infiltrated by MYRIAD; so paranoid they built everything SPAWN; get the adults' attention and make them listen; Wake tells them.
- They haven't heard of SPAWN, so he fills them in
- Scientific Protection Against Widespread Normalcy
- Not afraid of pushing any boundary—heroes of their own story (think they are the good guys)
Plan made:
- UN Crew – goes after LEGION
- We go after SPAWN HQ and tech
- Send WR to Amanda and Chicago to help out there
Session: 3/5/2018[edit | edit source]
"alliance" - UN group
We get in plane and head off. Sanction heals everybody on way.
We head out; SK on cycle, me flying, wake speeding.
In Illinois but not Chicago for the base. Forest and farmland.
Wake notices powerline hums, fence is up and working, etc.
- They didn't abandon the base
- Too important to leave entirely
- Been 1.5 months for repairs (about May)
MERLYN scans the building and presents a 3d image.
Wake takes the lead.
- He was created here; destroyed the building on birth
WE come up with plan
- wake will cut power
- James Madison – CEO wants to meet with leadership about "joining"
- I'll hit the docking bay area as soon as power goes.
- SK – hit from inside, cause chaos in general
- Sanction – hit and makes hole in loading bay
- Wake – cuts power and speeds around joining Sanction
Power is cut – Wake gets a bit of shock doing it I charge the shipping door and break thru in one SK – rips off his costume and shows … his costume
I see 12' armored carriers moving equipment around. I knock one on its butt. Big human exoskeleton with a robotic cat running it. With glowing red eyes. Wake knocks his around.
Glowing energy between the hands – not actually touching things
I try to rip off a leg, but fail miserably Wake punches right through the glass and has a hissing cat.
- me:"I'm not weirded out by the fact these are being driven by cats. With laser fricken eyes!"
- wake:"At least they aren't real cats this time!"
- me"Wait.. what?"
Cat attempts to crush me, but I dodge it. Cat attempts to eye beam Wake, by attempting to dodge, wake goes too far and is away from the device.
I smash through and rip the cat out of mine. Wake super speeds and rips his cat out too.
The cats try to attack us, even though we're holding them Mine hits me with eye beam and I drop it; wake dodges his attack
I slam the Atlas body onto my cat, crushing it Wake wakeboards it into the wall – staggered
The atlas bodies attack us – I absorb the hit (take no damage), wake gets hit and takes some damage
Some guys appear by the stacks – one is tech'd up, the other is floating and glowing
I slam at mine, destroying the Atlas armor but missing the cat Wake throws the cat at the tech dude, destroys cat but misses dude
Soldier/tech'd up guy attacks Sanction, Floating guy attacks Wake
Floating guy hits with mental attack on wake – hits Tech guy shoots gun at me – I absorb with armor
I pick up the cat and throw it at tech guy—hitting, destroying the cat and damaging the tech guy's suit, lights start blinking on shoulders
Floating guy and tech guy attack wake – one hits, and hurts wake badly, other standoff
I throw a truck at both of them – I hit both combatants with the truck
Floating guy hits me—hard. Causes feedback loop in my TK
I hit him back—and take out his shielding and then knock him unconscious
I'll lift the truck and Wake will wakeboard us to speed – head for Chicago
Session: 4/25/2018[edit | edit source]
- With Sanction holding the truck, Wake pulling him along in his wakefield, and Shadow Knight making arrangements and clearing a path, the team reaches Chicago as night falls.
- As they enter the city and are rushing toward Amanda's tower, they are stopped by a line of people with glowing eyes.
- Wake makes a quick decision and turns into an alley, causing Sanction and the truck to bounce on the sides a bit.
- They quickly decide to split up -- Wake and SK will try to keep the humans busy while Sanction will fly the truck to Amanda's (and Wild Ride will come for air support).
- The humans turn out to be controlled metas -- Wake gets a bit singed by some eye beams -- and a few of the metas break off and fly toward WR and Sanction to stop them.
- Wake and SK are able to handle the bulk of the metas on the ground -- SK's omnium devices are able to short-circuit the controlling effects of Legion and Wake is able to use his field to corral a bunch of them.
- Sanction and WR are able to shake off the flyers and high-tail it to Amanda's.
- Amanda and her team, with SK's help, go to work immediately on the "Farraday Cage" for Chicago using the hardware provided in the semi-truck.
- A breaking news report is received: The Legion is seen defeating The Alliance, and beating the tar out of Triumph (and the rest of the team).
- It seems that Arclight fatally misjudged The Legion and tried to trap him, but it didn't work. The Legion quickly escaped the trap and took Arclight out. The rest of the team was off-balance from that point forward and even Triumph's might couldn't overcome The Legion's ability to use all his powers together.
- The Legion heads to the west (going to Chicago maybe?).
- Amanda's team finishes their job quickly and efficiently.
- Sanction and Charlene share a moment-- Sanction is hurt because he "sent" The Alliance after Legion to stop or slow him down. He feels responsible for their failure and injuries.
- Charlene, and then SK, both console him -- they knew what they were doing and would have tried to stop Legion regardless. It helps, a little.
- Sanction and Wake try a power stunt by combining Wake's speed with Sanction's flight to get a burst of super-speed (or frictionless) flight. It works, but is bumpy. They are ready to help put up the Farraday cage.
- Sanction comes up with a plan and requests a bunch of heroes. SK suggests they fight Legion (who is definitely heading to Chicago with a load of Myrmidons) at a site of their choosing and they all pick Wrigley Field. Sanction asks for some setup of the field, and SK heads off to make it happen.
- Wake and Sanction put their power stunt into action and set up the devices on the platforms around Chicago. They are just finishing when attacked by more metas trying to stop them.
- Legion is closing in.
Metas requested for the final fight:[edit | edit source]
- Sanction
- Wake
- Shadow Knight
- Wild Ride
- Thug <-- ask SK to give him an Omnium device to use to attack
- Euphoria <-- can't, she broke out of prison <-- she is one of the metas attacking Wake/Sanction
- Amanda/Sky Warp
- All Stars
- Hashtag
- Napalm
- Aqua <-- ask for Wrigley to have a hose or sprinklers working for a major source of water
- Psi-Fi
- Hardcore
- Wake suggests Pulsar, Sanction agrees
General plan overview:[edit | edit source]
- As soon as Legion and Myrmidons pass into Chicago, beyond the Farraday cage, enable the Farraday cage and, hopefully, his control over all Myrmidons and metas will end or at least be restricted.
- if we can time it so the Myrmidons are on the outside and Legion is on the inside, all the better!
- if he retains control over his Myrmidons and the metas, then the main goals of the fight continue, but everyone has to keep watch for everything else. the protectors (see below) will be a lot busier.
- we will focus on taking out the metas and myrmidons first -- cut off his support first and then focus all fire on him second
- it's risky, and he may take out a few while we do that, but we need as many people left to focus on Legion as possible
- this could be where WR and SkyWarp shine-- maybe they can power stunt his powers such that he turns one Myrmidon into a lead weight and Sky Warp warps the power effect through her ability so it hits as many myrmidons at once as possible? Things like this.
- Lure him to Wrigley
- Use tough/strong people to run interference and act as shield to others (Hardcore, Thug, Sanction)
- Have Psy-Fy use light constructs to make it seem like there is a larger force of more heroes there (general confusion, more shields -- needs to stretch and create full effects of them fighting, using powers, etc.)
- as last resort, Psy-Fy and Sanction team up and try to combine their telepathic abilities to get inside Legion's head and mess him up that way
- Wake is to use copper cables to try to wrap up Legion; use Pulsar to magnetize and fry him
- Wake's secondary job is to cancel Legion's speed by keeping up with him/telling others what he's doing/shouting warnings/etc.
- Aqua will use water to encase Legion in giant bubble/use powers to shield others/make the field difficult for Legion; Pulsar can try using powers on water bubble, and try frying his electronics
- Sky Warp's main/only job is to cancel out the teleporting powers Legion gained from her
- Hashtag's job is to try to get inside Legion's programming and mess it up in some fashion
- All other heroes are just to attack as they see openings, protect the named heroes from attacks, and generally cause mayhem for Legion when possible
- for example, napalm isn't specifically mentioned. he should probably stick close to aqua, protect her, and fire blasts at legion whenever possible.
- Wild Ride can use his magic as he sees fit, knowing the ultimate goal. For example, if the water+electricty power stunt fails, he could turn the water to ice and encase Legion for as long as it takes the robot to escape. Etc.
- What Sanction wouldn't give for a holocaust cloak... er meta with shrinking powers!
Session: 5/9/2018[edit | edit source]
Legion and his Myrmidons are entering the city limits. Farraday cage is setup and ready.
Fight Prelude[edit | edit source]
Wake and Sanction are engaged by 4 metas -- one is Euphoria, one is Payback, plus two others.
Sanction asks MERLIN to do a white-noise to help with Euphoria's attacks.
Sanction protecting farraday cage's remote, so Wake is running interference.
Legion is able to pull through 2 LT Myrmidons with him, Sanction gets the rest on the other side of the Cage. The rest of the Myrmidon squad falls down.
MERLIN pipes in the white noise and gives Wake some protection from Euphoria.
Wake attacks Euphoria with running slam, cracks her armor.
Sanction makes a Lance strike to a Myrmidon, make a really bad quip, and head toward Soldier Field. Sanction then tells everyone to get ready. Misses badly but heads at full flight speed toward the field.
Hashtag makes Karate Kid reference, SK informs him the kick was illegal, and lights up the old SK's beacon. Legion sees that and heads straight for it -- but attacks Sanction on the way.
Wake tries to attack Euphoria again but misses due to Payback -- keeps running toward Soldier field.
One meta has fire on hands/feet, the other turns to steel
The fire meta is able to lift everyone and they go after Wake. They catch up. Wake takes off and tries to maneuver them into a building or something to slow them down. (PRONE)
Myrmidons -- ahead of me but stop, then grab their heads, and then dust comes out and they drop to the ground. SK/Hashtag/MERLIN used new tech to destroy the myrmidons.
Sanction -- comm check for who is there, are they ready?
- Thug -- decked out in suit
- Trying to be good-- call him Pride now.
- All stars -- good, Psy-Fy has some hard-light constructs, but they are not strong
- Waiting on Wild Ride, Sky Warp, and Pulsar.
Fight[edit | edit source]
Legion arrives. Destroys SK's beacon. "Time for a new day, a new age, my age."
Aqua attacks first -- hits with a water bubble around him -- a ton of water (huge critical hit)
Wake goes to plug into the wall but sees Pulsar coming in with a cat in a carrier.
Pulsar gives Sanction the cat and tells him to take it the Hashtag.
Pulsar hits Legion in the water bubble with an electric blast -- does some damage.
4 metas arrive from before
Jimmy Donovan calls in on frequency -- comms -- day pass -- Jack Hammer jumps into the fray
4 metas
- Euphoria
- Payback
- Sheathe
1 Legion
Fight Details[edit | edit source]
Numbers are "rounds" of the combat. First are the individual battles vs Legion and his metas. Then comes the combined fight between everyone and Legion.
Legion vs Aqua/Pulsar[edit | edit source]
- Aqua surrounds him in a water bubble. He can't do anything. Pulsar blasts him.
- Aqua maintains the bubble. Pulsar blasts again, but less damage.
- Aqua tries to maintain bubble but he portals out a fist and hits her in the head; she loses the bubble and nearly goes down; pulsar attacks without the bubble --- but Legion is able to defend against it
- Pulsar defends badly, gets hit
Sanction vs WMD (plus Jack Hammer)[edit | edit source]
- Sanction slams him with a concrete block, knocking his power sheathe off
- Sanction survives a blast of fire, but misses on his attack
- Sanction hits him hard; gets hit back, but shrugs most of it off
- Sanction knocks WMD; Jack Hammer can move on
Jack Hammer vs Sheathe[edit | edit source]
- JH hits him hard; stuns him; sheathe is knocked into the turf; hits him again and restrains him -- does a bunch of damage
- JH knocks her unconscious
- JH moves to help on WMD -- does a lot of damage to him
Psy-Fy vs Payback (plus SK/HC/Pride)[edit | edit source]
- PF attacks trying to confuse and disorient P; is successful, he's countering fake powers
- He continues to confound her, but she catches on.
- Pride attacks -- but Payback counters it; SK/HC attack -- both are countered
- All but SK attack; she can't counter everyone, and she takes a few blows; SK then uses teacher voice on her; she charges him, and he hits her hard.
SK and Hardcore vs Euphoria[edit | edit source]
- SK does okay, but HC is knocked off balance
- SK and HC shake her off and knock her unconscious; turn to Payback
Wake as wild card[edit | edit source]
- Slams Euphoria, does some damage
- Tries to slam her again, but she's able to whammy wake
- Wake gets Aqua to safety
- Wake wraps tries to wrap him in copper wire -- gets him off balance but doesn't wrap him in copper -- he uses Fasttrack's powers and negates him (NEGATIVES TO ATTACK/DAMAGE NEXT ROUND) (PLOT POINT)
For Round 5, everyone but SK on Legion[edit | edit source]
- Comm -- Wild Ride says to be ready when asked if Sky Warp is coming
- Legion first -- he goes after Wake and/or Sanction trying to get the remote
- Wake takes a solid hit, Sanction takes a solid hit
- Sanction hits him with a wrecking ball but Legion isn't hurt at all (PLOT POINT)
- Wake will wrap in copper again
- Pride will also try with a weapon he is
- Legion is restrained
- Get Pulsar to shock via wire; he takes a little damage, but not much
- Napalm blasts -- does some damage
- HC -- misses
- JH -- hits hard
- PF -- tries to hit with mental power, but low success -- a grotesque armored SK shows up, but Legion shrugs it off.
Round 5 -- SK vs Payback[edit | edit source]
- Keep antagonizing PB into attacking him rather than defending; figures out that she's much, much weaker on the offensive than on the defensive, where she can see attacks coming and counter them
Round 6[edit | edit source]
- Legion hits 4 people hard using portals
- Pulsar tries to hit again through wires, isn't successful
- Legion portals the blast at Wake, but he outruns them
- Sanction helps Psy-Fy to do a better construct of OSK and gets through and does some damage. (PLOT POINT)
- Napalm, HC, JH, Pride all attack at once but he's able to counter each attack
- Wake - speeds in with a large vehicle in tow to hit him with (PLOT POINT)
- Hits him but Legion sees it coming, pushes him a little
- SK - attacks
Round 7[edit | edit source]
- Legion super speed attacks all principles
- Opens portals and super-speeds blasts through it
- Jack avoids it
- Everyone else is about to hit, but Sky Warp turns the warps on Legion
- And he takes a ton of damage
- She'll keep him from using portals from here on out
- Wild Ride comes in and transforms the motorcycle to lightning and hits the copper wires; Legion is no longer restrained but takes some damage
- Hashtag sees the power source -- it's in the back and on the "wrong side".
- Sanction tries to punch at the power source
- Goes through a hole in the armor
- Gets a hold of it-- feels crystaline
- Wake puts wake field above Legion so that Jack Hammer will fall at speed into him
- Jack hammer does some good damage
- SK assists me and we combine our attacks and rip the power source out
- Legion goes down
Fight Conclusion[edit | edit source]
Sk and Sky Warp starts to take Legion pieces apart and decontaminate the nanites, use virus to destroy rest of world's nanites, take down farraday cage
Congrats all around -- Jack Hammer goes back to prison (with some beer)
Charlene figures it out -- runs out and kisses Sanction without taking off his mask (spider-man style kiss)
After kiss, go to heal Aqua and praise the hell out of her.
Session: 06/12/2019[edit | edit source]
In cannon—SK has been gone for 4 weeks (mid-June to mid-July); he comes back and asks for our help with a prisoner transport. Megaton, Dusk, Whiplash, and Killshot. We help, but they escape.
Start, Mid-July, 2018[edit | edit source]
Many weird light displays in the sky "Great Lake Lights" -- whitish purple; caused by the various events recently.
Patrolling – crime is down.
Spending time with Charlotte; she meets my parents; she suddenly understands where I come from; they like her, she likes them; Charlotte and mom have the science connection
Mom gets a work text – Not again! I've got to go. Two more OD's coming in. One caused an accident. Trent Morris – goes to my school; was a summer school type of kid.
More drugs around the school. Bath salts, crystal meth, etc. She's figuring out what the "stuff" is as a biochemist.
I show Charlotte around – MERLIN comes online. MERLIN is tracking new designer drugs. Warehouse near the high school. Very addictive, similar to the drug Speedball created—very high high and a quick burnoff.
She leaves and I "go to work"
MERLIN – has added compensators to my suit for the electrostatic issues of the Great Lake Lights.
Head out
The GLL is really bright – moving. Looks like heat lightning.
Something very like lightning bolt nearly hits me and the GLL all ceases. Head to street level – no strike damage – but hearing static pops off to the side. Head toward the sounds – a ball of purple and white light is making the sounds as it hits things.
Will try to approach with caution and peace but contain it in a force bubble
I catch it – turns into a dude; young guy; caucasian; tattered superhero/spandex costume. Black, "greased back" hair. Looks slightly familiar – boots are really thick – looks like Jumping JAck who died in 1949.
The guy is NOT adjusting to 2018! The energy surrounds him and forms a costume.
I'll take him to SK's lair.
I fly him to SK – costume doesn't feel right; malleable, almost alive
Talk about the forties with him and try to ease him into the changes
Crap—there's a fire at the warehouse (a mack truck outside) while I'm flying him, so we stop
He sticks to the side of the truck – seems to be Spider-man'ing it
Woman in emo and leather garb – seems to be sonic attack Dischord Partner—bruiser guy 6"4" -- Dynamax
I intimidate everyone; normals flee and the other two feel the effects (great roll) Danny/Jacks is inadvertently really good with his new powers, keeps the chick busy
After a few rounds of back and forth, SK shows up and intervenes
SK controls him when he turns to Osmium; Jumping Jack wraps him up; I knock him out.
I knock out Dischord
We overcome; Dischord (once conscious) makes some comments about The Apex. I make a comment about EAGLE.
Session: 8/14/2019[edit | edit source]
Start at the drug house -- SK calls Wake, traditional drug gangs vs meta drug gangs
Sanction found a time traveler
EAGLE has landed -- is taking Dischord and Dynamax away Jimmy Donovan has changed to EAGLE uniform, is working with Valentine
Who is/are The Apex -- leader of the meta-drug lords? Consolidated the power vacuum in Chicago. They will have EAGLE's full attention soon at this rate. Apex can hire metas easily (even tho it isn't easy)
Drugs are here because of rich kids (families) in this area.
They may be into other things, beyond drugs, if they already have a name. We might want to check with Production Crew, Danny Firelli, the prisoners we met at the prison -- might be good people to check with.
Need to take Jumping Jack somewhere "special" -- Look to SK. Take Jack in direction of an outpost (not the main lair)
Will test him and try to figure out what's going on
[Change Danny to Donnie for Jumping Jack]
Donnie -- surprised by the number of computers; is shocked by many 2019 issues
SK - finds the skin cells haven't changed; Donnie has a thin coating of kinetic force
May unlock Sanctions meta genes fully
The energy sleeve helped to keep him alive; no harm to any cell or the structure as a whole; he's exactly as he would have been in 1949
SK lets Donnie stay in the outpost; gives him CCs and instructions for incursions into 2019
We'll check on him regularly
Session: Oct 26, 2019[edit | edit source]
Donnie - set up in a sub-Outpost somewhere. We'll check in occasionally.
Friday Go after Apex first.
- Production Crew?
- 4 of them
- Easier to find
- Not as smart
- Doctor Fortune?
- Too smart
- In prison (easy to find)
- Will quid pro quo us; dole it out in bits and pieces
Let's go after Prod Crew.
- Call Jimmy Donovan - EAGLE
- PC in the wind. Very good tech. They were small-time but their tech got really good really fast.
- He suggests - Lightshow (Samantha Tyler) pulling the PC into Illinois -- family; foster family; Johnsons (addy) Peoria.
- Dr. Fortune -- Jimmy's not sure it's a good angle
- I think he's tapped in
- He'll look into it
Plan to go in as Hero (me) and civilian (SK).
- Saturday - SK goes as civilian first.
- Were forthcoming
- Samantha from broken home; brother still with the Johnsons
- They've seen her recently; they saw her on a movie crew
- We decide to draw her out by having SK do a TV news segment with Sanction appearing.
- I glad hand and pay attention to the children, SK deals with adults and the reporter.
- Goes well; switches to live news report
We meet up.
I'll fly back slowly and prepare for attack.
Beam of light comes firing up at me. The beam then has a message "Down Here"
Vehicle on side of the road -- near warehouse district
It's Samantha -- no costume visible, could be under costume
"Not here for conflict"
Neither is she.
Apex - Samantha's never met him/her; new name for the PC; maybe taking advantage of the situation we caused by arresting so many criminals; Apex got the PC out of prison; not for a job, was going to double-cross them -- wanted their tech cache; their tech went into a cache, not to EAGLE; Apex wanted tech, not them; Apex is a criminal, the Director is concerned that Apex may be a Mastermind type (10 steps ahead); Director thinks Apex need their suits for a heist or something
She shows me an illusion of a woman in both clothes and super costume -- looks late 20s - ish; might have been hero in NYC -- "Payback", went bad; she's Apex's kind of criminal; she may be "the Lt"; criminal consolidation is some sort of means to an end; the PC tech is one part of the scheme, similar signature tech to others; he/they drugs are to fund things; maybe he wanted to study the suits?; interested in the teenage to young adult youth with powers; Payback HQ may be warehouse district in south Chicago (provides to addy); near where Euphoria et al were making drugs before
SK and I head straight there -- Friday night seems like a good time to potentially find Payback working a score or something
Have MERLIN do a search on Payback:
- Danielle Brody
- Reality star type, best friends with Jesse Ryder back in the day
- She was part of an underground for supers during the "bad times"
- Possible mental illness to going bad; Cynthia (wings girl) was killed in front of Danielle's eyes
- Jesse may have been around for all of this (check with him)
- A lot of footage of her taking on Wildride (no surprise)
- Says don't underestimate her
- He says she's narcissistic -- very dangerous; not surprised she may be part of Apex
- She's a manipulator; parts of teams that she shouldn't be
- Lot's of background noise -- sounds like a fight
- She may be in good with Dark Force -- gov't ops group, The American, his unit, super powered, she knows many of them
- Flare's dead?
- Has an expert of Dark Force with him, she's wormed her way into everything
- She has a Nemesis to every thing you can launch at her
- (He's on a new group Cavaliers fighting a sea monster)
What's the plan?
- Plan to bring in Psy-Fy to help
- He's free
- Lay out a plan where he's going to either read and counter her mind and/or create illusions for her to counter
Head to her HQ
- SK takes out any guards first
- We decide to go with Illusions
- Create Pride, Prism, Wake -- SK goes to roof and sneaks in, Sanction breaks down door
- Psy-fy feels a mentalist scan the room; might be the girl
- Payback - goth girl
- Chaos is - super hero clothes
- Gaslight - mentalist? Regular clothes, sort of a uniform
- I shout out "orders"
- Chaos has issues with "prism" and SK takes him down
- Gaslight creates a dali-esque landscape
- Payback takes out Psy-fy's constructs
- I shake off immobilize and stun Payback
She yells for Apex -- and a door slams open -- a huge figure in a tailored suit emerges -- It's a gorilla suit, lots of mutations
Flashback[edit | edit source]
Ape - X was the creature that escaped from the underground room when we fought a long time ago